Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What are some "weaknesses" to answer in a job interview that are really not bad qualities?

During an interview when they ask your weaknesses, you are supposed to answer something that really isn't a weakness. Stuff like I work too much until the job is done. What are other good answers?

Expert Job Interview Advice From Someone Doing the Hiring

Recommended Answer:
Expecting too much of yourself

The Job Interview - Basic Strategies and Tactics

  • Wanting to get a job done quickly, and in turn rushing instead of striving for accuracy.

Job Interview Questions: How should I reply to an email of a telephone job interview?

I have a received an email in repkly to my job application asking me if i would be availbale for a telephone interview on day x.
The lady said :

I hope this note finds you well. Do you think it is possible to schedule an interview on Day x at x am?

Please confirm availability and phone number. Kindly scan your diplomas.

Best regards.How would I reply in a professionl way?

Thank you!

Job Interview Tips That Deliver

Recommended Answer:
First of all, be sure to properly scan the diplomas she asked for and to attach them!

I would respond briefly, promptly, and politely, like this:


Thank you for your response. Day x at x am would be perfect for me.

You can reach me at: (insert phone number here). Attached, please find my diplomas.

I am eager to discuss the ways that I can contribute to your company and look forward to talking with you on Day x.


Good luck!!

How to Answer Interview Questions - The Number One Job Interview Tip

    Job Interview Questions: How many people send a thank you letter after a job interview?

    I had an interview for my first "real job" outside of college and forgot the dang thank you letter. However, do a lot of people forget that part? What percentage of people actually send a thank you letter after an interview?

    Job Interview Skills - How to Deal With Unusual, Irrelevant Or Stupid Questions at Interviews

    Recommended Answer:
    I've interviewed many people for teaching positions, and I in all honesty, the decision of who we are going to hire is made well before the thank you card arrives. One person sent an email immediately after the interview, and in all honesty, it was overkill. I don't know what type of job you're interviewing for, and it is a nice thing to do, but doesn't help with our district.

    3 Steps to a Great Job Interview

    • Depends on what kind of job you applied for. If you applied at McDonald's to be the cashier then don't fret no one is sitting around waiting for a thank you card. However, if you applied to be a retail store manager or a project manager at a corporation a thank you email or card is definitely proper etiquette. While it may not be a deal breaker for you to land the job, it certainly creates a perception about you. I have never forgotten to send a thank you email after job interviews.

      I have interviewed and staffed more than 100 positions in my lifetime. For entry level jobs, the thank you letter did not have any impact on my decision. However, for managerial positions - I did not hire the ones who did not send the thank you follow up. I took this as an indicator that the individuals do not follow up. (Which is a problem for nearly 80% of managers out there - lack of follow up especially when it comes to performance management)

    • forget about the percentage of people who send it forget about asking whether to send it or MUST go ahead and send it...I got a job few week ago in the feds all this because I sent a thank you letter to the person who interviewed me. As a recent grad with no experience the only thing I got is portraying myself as someone who really cares about the job even if I was not the most experienced [i was told so]...go for will payoff and makes you unique.

    Job Interview Questions: How long does it take for a manager to call you for a job interview?

    I applied for toysrus on friday and now is thursday. The job is for a assembler. Is there a way i could know if they accepted the application or not or is it the fact that they dont call me for an interview the way I'll know or not?? How long would it take if it' possible to know?

    Job Interview Rehearsal - The Benefits of Mock Interviews

    Recommended Answer:
    I would call them it shows your interested in the job.

    Best Way to Handle the Questions in Every Job Interview - Before, During and After the Interview

      Job Interview Questions: So got job interview but im going on holiday for 3 weeks should i tell them ?

      so i have a job interview and I have booked a holiday but its for 3 weeks should I keep this quite ? also im going to see take that on a day that I might have to work ?

      help !!!!!

      any advice its no open yet or anything so might not even be open when I go on holliday but then it might be whats everyones suggestions ?

      Questions To Ask In A Job Interview - 5 Simple Questions To Make Yourself Shine

      Recommended Answer:
      They will ask about a start date & just tell them that a date after your holiday. Do not mention the reason that you will only available to start will be that your on vacation. You might loose out on the job if you are not available. You might have to decide what is more important to you, vacation or the job.

      Interview Questions And Answers - Worst And Good Job Interview Answers

        Job Interview Questions: Why during a job interview would i be asked to pop packaging bubbles?

        keep in mind this was a panel interview for a famous construction company. the job was for an engineering position. was this some psychological game? i was asked to do this right at the end of the interview, right before i was asked if i had any questions for the interviewers. any thoughts?

        Prepare For Your Job Interview

        Recommended Answer:
        My guess is that they're trying to determine what kind of problem solver you are. If you pop the bubble one by one, they will probably think that you're careful and meticulous. If you twist it up and pop a bunch at a time, they'll probably think you work quickly, but you may not be very careful.

        I don't particularly think that this would necessarily be a valid way of assessing an applicant, but if I were to guess why they did this, that would be a likely explanation.

        Job Interview and Preparation Coach

        • I would guess that a psychologist has convinced someone in upper management of the company that how a person pops bubbles demonstrates some trait about their personality. Often how it works is some shrink will get in good with a top executive and sell them a bill of goods on their wacky theories. Or maybe some top executive about it somewhere. So, yes it is a psychological game and I hate it when hiring companies do that. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are a bad company to work least I hope not.

        • Psychological GAME, no. It was a psychological TEST. In ANY job interview, it is normal to have questions designed to help the interviewer(s) understand HOW you THINK. this would be especially relevant for an engineering job.

          Did you pop the bubbles in rows?
          Did you ball up the bubbles and squeeze?
          Did you randomly pop bubbles?

          All of these give clues to your STYLE of thought that are not easily found though direct questions.

        • Yeah...did you ask them why they wanted you to pop the bubbles ?

        Job Interview Questions: What are common job interview questions?

        I'm getting ready to go in for an interview for a regular retail store. The first time I tried I did not get the job and I know it was due to the way I answered the questions. I want to be prepared next time.

        Job Interview Guide - Some Tips to Ace Your Job Interview

        Recommended Answer:
        Look at and select "Interview Tips."

        The Most Common Job Interview Blunders

        • Two great websites with all sorts of questions are listed below.

        Job Interview Questions: What should I wear to a Pizza Hut job interview?

        I do freelance Graphic Design work so I'm used to just meeting clients for interviews dressed very casually or over the phone. Well times are hard right now so I need to take a job with a regular predictable income. I got a call from a Pizza Hut asking me to come in for an interview tomorrow and honestly have no clue how I should dress for this type of interview. Does anyone know?

        Assorted Job Interview Techniques

        Recommended Answer:
        Just dress somewhat nice, a nice shirt with nice pants. It's important to make a good impression, no matter where you interview at. Don't wear t shirts, sweatpants, hoodies,etc.

        Passing a TEFL-ESL-TESOL Job Interview and Landing That Dream Job Abroad

        • Shirt, red tie, khaki pants, so you look like you want a job looks count in the work place, I wouldn't want to hire a bum looking guy.

        • hey see
          for this.
          you'll see the links specificly about this on the left and the right side so you dont have to go and search everywhere
          searched and visited personally.

        • I was interviewed for a job at a KFC/Taco Bell and dressed casual and got the job. As long as your clothes aren't ripped or stained I really don't think it matters that much. Just dress neat/tidy

        • hey good luck.
          wear a pair of slacks with a dress shirt and tie
          NO GYM SHOES. casual or dress shoes will do
          always dress to impress

        Job Interview Questions: Is receiving a business card at the second job interview a good sign?

        I interviewed at a company for a new job, I made it to the second interview and was given his business card. Is this a good sign i made a good impression?

        Job Interviews - Will Practice Help?

        Recommended Answer:

        Secret Career Document - The Nine Magic Job Interview Hints (Get Hired Fast)!

        • It may or may not be. The right step to take now is to follow up on your second interview. Write a thank you note. Depending on the time frame you were given follow up in a few days with a call about the status of your application. Above all keep looking - it is always advisable to keep your options open. Find out more about how to successfully follow up after your interview at the site below.

        Job Interview Questions: People show up for a job interview, stuck in a room and must start killing one another?

        in the end, a woman wins because she's willing to let everybody else die. turns out the interview is real and she gets the job--they continue to monitor experiements like the one she just went through.

        Job Interviews - 101 Common Mistakes to Avoid

        Recommended Answer:
        the killing room

        Job Interview Questions and Answers Are All That Stands Between You and Success

        • I saw that. Hated it.

        Tuesday, November 29, 2011

        Job Interview Questions: What is the best advice for a job interview?

        I have an upcoming interview for a local retail store and I was wondering what advice you guys had that could help me out a little. I'm a 20 year old college student just trying to get this part-time job. Thanks!

        Preparing For a Job Interview - Minimize Job Interview Stress

        Recommended Answer:
        Dress for success. Do not wear sexy. Wear well groomed and clean. Matching shoes and purse. (if you are female) Look at what those working there are wearing. Dress somewhat accordingly but if they are wearing jeans, that is a bit too casual for an interview. Wear a nice pair of slacks. Female Stay away form flashy jewelry and dangling earrings. Minimal is best on jewelry. Make sure your footwear is up to date, not scuffed or over worn. Be sure your purse is clean inside and neat.
        Male or female, what ever you do if you have tatoos cover them and do not wear piercings in your lips,nose or brow or more than one in your earlobes. Make sure your breath is fresh, but don't chew gum.Your nails should be clean and cut at a reasonable length. A female whould wear a very light non-emphasized polish. Don't wear more than one ring per hand! Easy does it on makeup, but wear some.
        Explain that while you don't have an experienced work background, you are especially skilled in working with people, (and with fashion if its a clothing store) and as a college student your grades show that you are a quick study and intelligent as well as punctual and reliable.
        Emphaize you enjoy the public, take orders well and follow directives as well as like being a team player. If you have other skills that are applicable to the job for which you are applying, emphasize those. Example: Being familiar with a cash register, credit card machine, sales and paper work.
        Having played on a sports team (showing the team mentality). Show a sense of humor without sounding like you do nothing but joke or have a nervous laugh and chatter. One light area of wit will do during an interview. Be honest and flexible concerning work schedules. If they want you to work during a class that you can't alter, you need to say so, but if they want you to work on Friday night and it interferes with your social life, its better to alter the social life. Shake hands at the introduction and in closure and thank the person for the interview. Follow up with a quick thank you note to your interviewer for taking time in her/his busy schedule for you and state you look forward to further communication. This is a way of keeping you first and foremost in their memory and showing them that you are a proper and appreciative person.

        Have in mind what are your weak points and strong points because usually you will be asked. Try to make those as average as possible. If your weak point is uncontrolled children screaming in the store then let your strong point be an ability to distract children from misbehavior. But be prepared to state how you do that. Never get away from basic honesty. That way you don't get caught unprepared.The best to you....I wish you success

        How to Succeed at Your Job Interview

        • As the old saying goes "first impressions last" make a good first impression
          *dress in neat, respectful clothing (preferably long pants with a collared shirt and closed in shoes)
          *make sure you are well groomed (clean hands and nails, tidy hair, aftershave/deodorant but not overboard)
          *act confident but not cocky
          *shake hands upon greeting
          *be prepared (e.g. any supporting documentation you require; have it ready)
          *memorise some positive words to describe yourself and your work ethic so when you are asked a question you have some words ready to go to build a sentence around (e.g. hard working, motivated, dedicated etc...whatever words describe you)
          *be aware of your posture in the interview (e.g. don't slouch or sit too casually/laid back)
          *be honest...

        • -Look the interviewer in the eyes
          -Answer with straight to the point answers
          -Remain confident
          -Dress professional (at least slacks and a button up shirt)
          -Research the company/store so you know it
          -Have questions prepared should they ask you
          -Be ready to answer the typical interview questions

        • TIPS:
          1. Be honest
          2. Be confident
          3. Show what you got.

        Job Interview Questions: What are some typical job interview questions at BMW Manufacturing ?

        The job is an entry level engineering and operations management position. First is a phone interview with a panel of hiring managers. Then an on-site interview. The interview is supposed to be technical and behavioral, anybody know what they look for at BMW factory in SC?

        Your Next Job Interview - Are You Prepared?

        Recommended Answer:
        Why do you want to work at BMW?
        What do you know about structural design of BMW product?

        How to Follow Up After a Job Interview: Recommendations on What to Say After an Interview

          Job Interview Questions: What should I wear for my hostess job interview?

          I have interview today at 5 at a place casual restaurant and grill. I dont know whats appropriate to wear. I was thinking some white pants with a black top. Its my first job and Im lost... I could really use your help.

          A Guide to Preparing For Your Job Interview

          Recommended Answer:
          Many peeps get stuck when they are aiming to decide what to wear at an interview. Myself I'm from the old school, I contend that formal wear is never inappropriate; you can get some instruction from the site in the box below, they also have plenty of help on job searching.

          Got Through First Job Interview? Now Win the Second Job Interview

          • Try wearing black dress pants with a nice formal top.…

            or you could wear a plain, cute dress. :…

          Job Interview Questions: What will a group job interview be like?

          I applied for a job and got invited to a group interview. I would just like to know what to expect.

          Job Interviewing Tips - Success Through a Thank-You-Letter

          Recommended Answer:
          Usually a group interview involves a number of interviewers - potential managers or supervisors, human resources,and a group of candidates all together in one room. The format can range from the basic - a presentation to the candidates about the company and position - to more complex group exercises and tasks. You can find out all about group interviews at the site below.

          7 Tips To Prepare For A Job Interview

            Job Interview Questions: What is the best answer to this job interview question? Can you name something negative about yourself?

            I don't want to go with the usual "I'm too much of a perfectionist" or "I take on too much responsibility" or "I work too hard". I feel these are cliche responses that they will see right through. I also don't want to say something bad about myself that makes them not want to give me the job.

            I have an interview for a possible promotion and I know they always ask this question, no matter how pointless it seems to me.

            HOW to Answer Job Interview Questions

            Recommended Answer:
            "I smoke too much crack and sometimes it interferes with my work"
            "I frequently want to bop people on the head who ask me stupid questions"
            "I have trouble sharing responsibility since I want to be sure it's done correctly"
            I suggest going with the 3rd one...

            Job Interviews - Get the Job you Deserve - 10 Mistakes You Should Not Make

            • The best way to answer this question is to pick a skill, software, or training relevant to the job that you dont know and explain that you haven't had to opportunity to learn A and than follow up with an action plan on how you want to acquire that.

              This shows that you are capable of recognizing your weaknesses but you have the direction and drive to get the solutions you need

            • I would tell them that it's a very hard question which would require some soul searching, but you would expect it to be trivial whatever it might be. I would add that no one is perfect but that you always aspire to that end.

              A kind answer to an otherwise stupid question

            Job Interview Questions: What is appropriate causal dress for a job interview?

            I have a 2nd interview on Wed for a job. During the first interview I wore a dress shirt, dress pants, and a tie. When I was called to come back for a 2nd interview, the lady said that I could come casual. What would be appropriate casual dress for an interview? A dress shirt and jeans? A dress shirt and khakis? Or should I just continue with the dress shirt, dress pants, and tie?

            Some Questions Astute Interviewers May Ask During the Job Interview Process

            Recommended Answer:
            I would also recommend going with tan pants and a nice shirt. It can be a dress shirt or a solid colored polo style shirt. While they did say that casual was okay for the second job interview, it is still usually a good idea to not wear jeans. Good luck!

            Job Interview Skills - How To Answer Job Interview Questions

            • When going to an interview its better to be over dressed than too casual. You want to show your possible future employer that u want the job and while the lady did say to dress casual, don't take it too far and wear jeans. Jeans are a big no-no.
              I suggest you wear dress pants with maybe a long sleeve button down shirt or even a nice polo. Khakis could work too. Also make sure your finger nails are nice and clean and that are your clothing is not wrinkled, You wouldnt believe how picky some employers can be!
              I Hope this helped, Good luck!!

            • She may have told you to dress casually because the dress code for the job is "business casual" and she wants to see what you think is appropriate to wear to work. Khakis and an oxford shirt or nice polo shirt would probably be appropriate. Don't show up for the second interview in jeans unless the job is yard work.

            • You don't necessarily have to wear a dress shirt; any nice, long-sleeved collared shirt should be fine, as long as its in a subdued color/pattern. Khakis would be perfect.

              Jeans are a "no".

            • Absolutely go more casual. But don't wear jeans. Khakis and a nice casual shirt like a polo. Wear a belt and make sure everything is clean and not wrinkled.

            • Don't continue with what you have been doing. Go with slacks/khakis and a dress shirt. Maybe pair it with a sweater over, if you have one. Don't wear a tie.

            • I think it is better over dressed than casual,not jeans,Khakis should be ok.good luck!

            Job Interview Questions: How long should I wait after a job interview before I call them and ask about the job?

            It has been a week since the interview and I know I did not get the job. A few people have told me that it is MY responsibility to call them but I think it is indecent to string people along like this-I am sure they informed the person who got hired so why not do the right thing and call the others? Anyway, how long should I wait before I pathetically call and ask about the job?

            Will What You Wear for a Job Interview Help You Pass the 2 Minute Test?

            Recommended Answer:
            you should be able to call on a 'follow up' to see if a decision has been made for the

            job you applied for...........within 5/7 business days....should be able to do this twice

            without its being a problem....after that I wouldnt do it/they can contact you/they have your


            and you're right, but seldom is that done anymore/you are not given that courtesy; they have found

            that certain people cant handle the info given in the call and will under stress, go crackers......and

            they dont want to be the cause of it,directly.

            Guide to a Successful Job Interview

            • maybe you should get some self respect and stop saying things like " how long should I wait before I pathetically call and ask about the job"

            • Wait a few more days, then call and ask if they have come to a desision yet. Don't demand anything though

            Job Interview Questions: How to dress for a real estate job interview?

            I'm just about finished with classes and I'm trying to get over the jitters of post-license job hunting. I'll be receiving my salesperson license (I hope, lol), and for the interview I figure to wear a dress shirt and pants, but should I go more formal with a tie and jacket as well? Also, what kind of questions should I ask?

            The Comic Tragedy of Job Interviews

            Recommended Answer:
            You wear a Suit. I have never seen a realtor not dressed professionally.

            Job Interview Advice: What Is The Best Time Slot for a Job Interview?

              Job Interview Questions: What are common questions ask in a job interview?

              This will be my first interview ever.Im only 19 so i have no idea what questions will be ask because i never had a paying job. Well i have a interview coming up for Six Flags Magic Mountain. I want to be ready.

              Need A Free Job Interview Tip? Six of The Best Right Here

              Recommended Answer:
              Hi, Majority of the folks has already taught you about common questions during the interview. To add for your learning this site contains the most common mistakes people do during a job interview
              I hope it will help you since it has helped me too. I got refered to this before here in yahoo answers also.


              Job Interview Questions - How to Answer Popular Job Interview Questions

              • To get hired at Six Flags, they will want to see that you will be good with people, so you need to demonstrate that you have good customer service skills. I would try to prepare examples of past experiences where you served the public. If you have no experience, then come up with the way you interact with friends, family, neighbors. The person at the top mentions all the right questions that typically will be asked of you. Remember though, the person interviewing you will ask 10 or 20 people the same questions. Don't answer like everyone else.

                Always try to use examples. For example; "What are your strengths?" Instead of saying; "I'm a hard worker, I'm good with people and I'm ontime." You would say something like; "I'm a dedicated worker with great customer service skills, for example, in my last job I had to handle many different requests from customers. I was able to multitask and service all the customers with great feedback. I also never missed a day of work and was recognized as one his top employees.

                This is just an example, but you always want to have a few "stories" that you can pull out of your pocket when asked about these simple questions. Set yourself apart from the rest, leave an impression on them.


                This site has a lot of common interview questions and gives examples on how to answer them or how to approach the answer.

                I skimmed through it and it seemed there were many that i've heard in past interviews ...

                Think about your strengths & especially weaknesses ... I can say I have probably had this question in some form in every job interview i've been to

                good luck getting the job

                Please "dress to impress" even if it's a casual job!
                It doesn't mean you have to wear a business suite or anything .. but NO jeans.
                Put on dress pants and a cute top, or khakis would be a good choice for that type of job.
                Sorry - didn't see if you were male/female ... but if female no cleavage hanging out .. either way don't wear much perfume/cologne, hair done nice, all that good stuff ..

                and please silence your cell phone - no vibrate ..or even better, leave it in the car!

              • why do you want to work here? what are your strengths? what are your weaknesses? why should we hire you? do you have any questions? (you should prepare some questions, they like to see that you are interested). Also, research the company a lot before you go so you can name specific things you like about it. you can find more interview questions by googling

              Job Interview Questions: How long after a job interview do they let you know if you were selected?

              The interview went fine but I wasn't wearing a suit so I don't expect to get the job. But they did ask me how much I want to be paid and when will I be available to start. But then they said they will need to interview other people before they make there decision. It's been 3 days..Do I still have a chance?

              5 Steps to a Great Job Interview

              Recommended Answer:
              Once they make a decision - then they must do all of the background checks, etc. If you haven't heard from them in 2-weeks - call.

              Top 10 Job Interview Strategies That Guarantee Success in Your Interviews

              • Usually, if they mention there are other candidates they need to interview, it's their nice way of telling you to piss off.
                Not always, but usually.
                Companies don't call applicants to tell them they were not hired. If you don't hear anything by the end of next week, consider it a wash.

              • I think average time is 15 days.

                Ans Master(Job/Career Department)

              • Doubt it man...or woman, lol....job interviews are the worst and human resources people cn go **** themselves.

              Monday, November 28, 2011

              Job Interview Questions: I couldnt make my job interview, what should i do?

              I had a job interview last tuesday but i had an accident and ended up in hospital so i had to ring and cancel hoping to rearange it, he said he would ring back in a few days but he never did.
              do i ring them up and ask if my interview can be rearranged? or do they obviously not want me.
              ive never had a job before so im not sure what to do.

              Job Interview Basics - How to Sell Yourself

              Recommended Answer:
              call and ask

              Tough Job Interview Questions And Great Answers!

                Job Interview Questions: Help to prepare for job interview please?

                i have a job interview tomorrow at a dog kennel usually i would dress up for an interview but i dont think its necesary for this kind of job, i would be taking care of the dogs and possibly not so clean work so what should i wear and what are other tips for this interview, and it is at ten in the morning if that makes a difference, thanksssss!

                Job Interviews - What You Don't Do Can HELP You!

                Recommended Answer:
                I would still dress professionally, maybe not a business suit but semi-casual.

                Do you know much about the kennel? Have a good idea of their mission and goals. Prepare some questions so you can ask them when given the opportunity. Prepare to write a handwritten thank you note. Answer their questions without bombarding them and using up a lot of time. Smile, be polite.

                Job Interviewing Skills: Increase Job Offers With Effective Communication!

                  Job Interview Questions: If an employer at a job interview specifically tells you not to dress up for your interview, should you anyway?

                  I have an interview Friday with an employment agency for a position they are recruiting for for another company. In our email exchange the recruiter said not to dress up because they will be casual that day. Is this a test to see if I will/won't dress up? I don't want to offend the recruiter but usually I wear suits for interviews (and I currently do have a job as a professional). Any advice?

                  The Cafe, a Cup of Coffee and a Job Interview - A Dangerous Brew

                  Recommended Answer:
                  Do not dress up. Go in business casual. If you dress up you will stick out like a sore thumb and the interviewer will know instantly you don't listen well....

                  How to Set Up Job Interviews Without a Resume!

                  • I would do business casual. Everybody has a different idea of what "casual" means, and based on something saying "don't dress up," I would say that usually means "don't wear a suit." Wearing something like khaki pants and a polo shirt or button up shirt should fall within the guidelines, since many people dress like that normally, so it's sort of a baseline for "business casual." You want to appear neatly dressed, but not like you are trying to make the people around you look bad. I wouldn't wear jeans, because that is usually too casual for anything other than a job like retail.

                  • A test, to see if you can follow instructions, is a real possibility. Leave your jacket in the car and apologize at the introduction, because you were instructed not to wear a suit. If this segues into an immediate second interview, you can ask about recovering the jacket. You don't want to continue making excuses as you advance to the ultimate decision maker.

                  • Follow what they say. Doing so will show them that you can follow directions. It is not a test. If I were you, I'd wear jeans (iron them so it looks crisp) and a nice shirt. That way you look good and comfortable. Don't wear a tshirt.

                  Job Interview Questions: What is the generally accepted time for a job interview after application?

                  How long does it generally take for employers to contact applicants to schedule an interview in person or over the phone? I put in for a job and I know that I'm in the top applicants for the position (in talking with the hiring manager/friend). It hasn't been filled and no interviews have been scheduled. The close date on application was mid July.

                  The Proper Instruments For Passing the Job Interview

                  Recommended Answer:
                  It's usually about 3 weeks (21 days) and if it's after that, if they haven't spoken to you, don't be hopeful.

                  5 Top Tips For Handling Telephone Job Interviews

                  • Enough time has gone by that a followup is in order. Just call and ask if the position is still open and if it is ask if you will be scheduled for an interview.

                  • Never wait for the employer to contact you. Show some initiative and follow up by contacting them.

                  Job Interview Questions: How can I get ready for a job interview?

                  I have to fill out a job application tomorrow. And need to get ready for the interview. I been to interviews
                  before. But never landed the job. This job I am getting interviewed for is at a Family christian book store. I really want this job.

                  The Top Ten Mistakes Made in Job Interviews and How to Avoid Them

                  Recommended Answer:
                  wear very light makeup. Dress simple. Let's say genes with a plain top that does not reveal body. Go to the book store and see how those working there are dressed.

                  How to Survive a Heart-Pounding Job Interview

                  • Just be prepared to answer questions, like why do you want to work here, why should I hire you, what are your qualifications. A christian bookstore, thats easy, just be friendly.

                  • I've been to many interviews along with many rejections. I suggest just be confident with yourself and don't forget to eye contact (which shows your confidence). It takes so much effort and preparation to even get through the interview. (Now I know after so many rejections and disappointments).

                    I went to a website called, where they give you sets of interview questions as a clip and you can practice.

                    Know your strengths and skills you can provide and how you used it before in your previous work experiences.

                    But the key factor is CONFIDENCE and EYE CONTACT. Show them you are a people-person.

                  Job Interview Questions: What to wear for phase one of job interview/preliminary testing?

                  I am a woman. I have an interview tomorrow for a sales manager role at a large company. The first phase of the interview process is testing (a computer program, math problems, etc). I am not sure how to dress for the preliminary testing phase. I will wear a suit to the actual interview but should I also wear a suit for this step or is a dress shirt and dress pants appropriate? I REALLY want this job and I don't want to blow it. Thanks.

                  Answers to Job Interview Questions - How to Deal With Tough Interview Questions

                  Recommended Answer:
                  I would wear something like what I would wear to an actual interview. You never know who's watching or taking notes on your behavior or appearance.

                  Job Interviewing Skills: Making The Small Differences Count!

                    Job Interview Questions: Question about a job interview in another state?

                    So I moved from NY To FL months back and I'm interested in moving back to NY and going on my own (I'm 23) so I have a job interview for Enterprise Rent A car up in NY as a management trainee... the thing is the interview is in NY I have already done two interviews on the phone so this has to be in person.

                    Do you think they will pay for airfare or is there no chance at all?

                    Job Interviews - More Tips and Secrets to Help You Change Careers

                    Recommended Answer:
                    No, they will not pay for travel expenses.

                    What To Do During A Job Interview

                      Job Interview Questions: Is it ok to ask to re-arrange a job interview?

                      Its not a direct job interview, its more of an appointment were i have to go and speak to a company about which type of job i want to be put into...

                      they made an appointment with me tommorow morning at 9:30 but today i have came down with a bug/flu (toilet... feeling sick... shaking... pain) so on, would it be a bad idea to phone them and tell them how i feel and if it is possible to re arrange it for another day?

                      Tips on Acing the Job Interview - 4 Important Things to Consider Before the Interview

                      Recommended Answer:
                      no it's not bad, but you might lessen chances of getting hired

                      5 Job Interview Answers to Avoid

                        Job Interview Questions: What to wear on a starbucks job interview?

                        what to wear on a starbucks job interview
                        im 16 my its my first ever job interview
                        send me links of what should i wear

                        10 Tips For A Successful Physical Therapy Job Interview

                        Recommended Answer:
                        I thought you couldn't work at Starbucks until you were 18? Anyway, slacks and a nice dress shirt will do.

                        Myths About The HR Professional As The Candidate In The Job Interview

                          Job Interview Questions: Job interview...............?

                          So i'm excited that fredmeyer called me today lol. Anyway they told me to go in tomorrow with my id and ssc. Is this an interview? I'm so nervous. Please give advice on interviews.

                          How To Ace Your Next Job Interview - What They Don't Tell You

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Congrats, you have an interview.
                          the SS and ID are if they offer you a position, after the interview.
                          First dont be nervous.
                          Secondly make sure you have some very good questions to ask them.
                          such as:
                          "What do you think are the best traits for a Fred Meyer associate to have to be successful?"
                          "I am really excited about having a chance to work for a leading retailer, as I think retail would make an excellent career for me with my abilities (outgoing, get along with people, hard worker, strong math and social skills, good planning ability, creative). What opportunities are there for people in my potential position?

                          How To Give Good Job Interview Answers

                          • I would be prepared for an interview, and it sounds like they are ready to put you on the payroll if they asked you to being your Social Security Card. If so, be prepared to discuss and decide if you want the job offer, and also map schedule hours you prefer to work just in case they want you to start right away. If you are in school be sure to give yourself enough time between school and work to grab a quick bite to eat and get there on time. It is my experience that good grades pay off more in the long run than part time jobs, so ensure you give yourself enough time to get your homework done and a good nights sleep on the evenings you work. Congratulations in advance and good luck. The PracticaL Mentor.

                          • They care a lot about appearance, make sure you are wearing clean clothes, clean hair, etc. Hygiene can be a big deciding factor in hiring/not hiring someone. Smile and make eye contact, be humble and dependable, and you'll do great.
                            And good luck to you :)

                          Sunday, November 27, 2011

                          Job Interview Questions: Job interview in the same office building as the company you currently work for?

                          Over the past few weeks, I've tried looking for a new job and today I scheduled an interview with a company looking for an admin assistant. Only problem is the company is located in the same building as the company I currently work for albeit on a different floor. I plan on attending this interview but how do I managed to pull this off with my boss finding out?

                          How to Set Up Job Interviews Without a Resume!

                          Recommended Answer:
                          If you're worried about being found out, why not call the person you are interviewing with and explain the situation? You can just let them know that you'd like your job search to be confidential and that if it's at all possible, you'd prefer to meet outside of the building. You'd be amazed at how many interviews are conducted in Starbucks and other similar locations these days! I'm sure the prospective employer will respect your reasonable request and if they don't then perhaps they're not the employer for you. Good luck!!

                          Behavioral and Situational Job Interviews

                            Job Interview Questions: What questions are asked in a job interview at a local movie theatre?

                            I applied for a job at my local movie theatre. If they schedule an interview with me it will be my very first. So I'm extremely nervous and need some tips and answers. I really want to know what questions are asked and what is said in the interviews specifically at a movie theatre. I don't mind at all if your answer is extremely long - as long as it's talking about your personal experience. But any information is greatly appreciated!

                            Use Good Scents for Your Job Interview

                            Recommended Answer:
                            Entry level position so questions will be pretty basic-
                            -Tell me about yourself
                            -Why do you want to work here
                            -They will ask about previous experience with cash handling, customer service, people interaction.
                            -Any volunteer experience?

                            Job Interview Success: 6 Tips to Get You the Job You Want

                              Job Interview Questions: What are you asked at a job interview and how do you answer the questions?

                              I am a teenager, I am 17 and a half. I am applying for my first job and have applied at fast food restaurants so far. I have applied at Taco Bell and McDonalds and will be applying at Papa Murphys and maybe Dominos, Wendys and Zantigo. I do not know what they ask at the interview and what is the best way to answer the most common interview questions. Please help!
                              Thanks so much!

                              Job Interview Anxiety

                              Recommended Answer:
                              Pretty much what skills you have, and theyll ask to tell them a bit about yourself, what you would like to be doing 5 years from now.
                              If you know anything about the company, if you can work under pressure, your strenghts and weakness.
                              Just be honest, and not nervous

                              Job Interview Dress Code - Dressing for Success

                                Job Interview Questions: What do you wear to a job interview at a clothing store?

                                So I have an interview for a job at a clothing store tomorrow. And I wonder do I come dressed up? Do I wear my regular clothes (like jeans and a shirt)? Any tips? Thank you!

                                What To Do During A Job Interview

                                Recommended Answer:
                                wear green...i heard that that was a good color to wear

                                Job Interview Tips You Can Use to Ace the Interview and Land the Job

                                • always dress business like, never ever go to an interview dressed casual

                                • I would wear some clothes from that store to show your intrest in them.

                                Job Interview Questions: What should I wear to a job interview at a local bookstore?

                                I'm a 19 year old community college student and I am scheduled for an interview this Saturday. As excited as I am, this is the first job I actually got a call back from. Apart from bringing my resume and myself, I don't know what to wear. Any tips?

                                Job Interviews - Do You Really Want the Job?

                                Recommended Answer:
                                Haha, well I personally am the type to dress up for job interviews and other things just for the sake of dressing up (really neatly done hair, blouse and skirt, nude hose, black heels), and I'm 17. But I'm guessing, you don't want to wear all that. =)

                                Meh, wear a nice shirt, a skirt, and possibly flats or low heels if you want to. I'm sure you'll get the job anyways.

                                End Your Job Interview Gracefully - Here's How

                                • Wear a neat, pretty, dress or skirt and blouse -- or good trousers and a blouse -- and a nice, simple, jacket/blazer. Low heels or plain flats would be fine with either outfit.

                                  You may not have to dress that way if you get the job, but for an interview, you should dress in a manner that respects the event.

                                • Hey, I've been running from one job interview to another for at least a year.
                                  It has been one of the most frustrating episodes of my life. No one was willing to hire me.
                                  I was so close to giving up when a friend of mine told me about this great job interview system.
                                  The tips that I got from the EBook were priceless. I now hold a steady position in a good company just because of his advice. I will give you the same advice that he gave me…
                                  Read this article and you will get all the answers that you are looking for.
                                  Good Luck!


                                • thats good you are at the right age to look for a job. try the library near there I think they said they need someone young enough to help other kids. but if you dont get the job then try this website here copy and paste so that way I wont leave you empty handed. its a free site that will get you a little extra cash and its safe so if the library don't work out try the web site so you can make a little money for yourself good luck

                                • This site will be very helpful to your question it's about corporate attire.

                                Job Interview Questions: What to expect at a T-Mobile job interview?

                                Hello. I have a job interview on Monday, February 8th at the Chula Vista corporate office of T-mobile with the Store Manager and he said possibly a second interview with the General Manager as well. I was just wondering what questions they ask and suggested answers to their questions? Thank You.

                                How to Answer Job Interview Questions - How to Impress Your Potential Employer

                                Recommended Answer:
                                Well when I interviewed with them the store manager asked me the basic interview questions that most employers ask such as, whay are you a good candidate for the position, what kind of sales/customer service experience do you have? Why did you apply for this position? Tell me about a time when you had to sell such and such to a customer? What did you like/dislike about your last position things like that. They role played with me in way, they asked me to describe several times when I had a tough customer or when I was faced with a difficult task things like that. Then he asked me if I had any questions for him and FYI, employers love it when you ask them questions about their companies, and advancement opportunities within the company like promotions and things like that. So make sure to think of as many questions as you can once you get to that part because that is a way of showing the employer that you are really interested in learning about the company, not just making a paycheck (even if thats all you want you just don't tell them that lol)

                                Job Interview Essentials

                                  Job Interview Questions: What do I say during my cvs job interview?

                                  I have a job interview for CVS as a sales associate. What are things I should say and ask??? what should I wear? I have had a past job in sales(forever21)

                                  Why Should I Hire You? Job Interview Question and Answers

                                  Recommended Answer:
                                  I worked for CVS as a sales associate and shift supervisor. In the interview stress dependability (showing up to work on time). Also stress making the customer #1. Customer service is stressed at CVS. Also emphasize being a team player- helping other workers and looking for stuff that needs doing, like cleaning up the back room, dumping outside trash cans and fronting and facing shelves. Good Luck!

                                  Job Interview Know How - 7 Quick Steps to Ace Your Face to Face and Get a Job Offer in 30 Days

                                  • Just say what they want to hear, and dress professional.

                                  Job Interview Questions: Do Express stores only do group interviews? Job interview advice?

                                  I have a job interview at Express tomorrow and I'm very nervous. While talking to one of the employees at the store she mentioned her interview was a group interview. Do all Express stores do them by default?
                                  Also any advice on group interviews/ regular interviews would be appreciated!

                                  How To Give Good Job Interview Answers

                                  Recommended Answer:
                                  Do all Express stores do them by default?
                                  You have to ask the interviewer or manager if all Express stores do them by default.

                                  For group interviews, be polite and enthusiastic. No need to boast or put others down. Nonetheless, be aggressive in answering questions that will arise and input courteous comments here and there.
                                  Be prepared by practicing in the mirror and in front of your friends/families. Make sure you know what to say by answering sample questions. Be attentive and ask clever questions to the interviewer.
                                  Be tactful and stay positive. These advices also pertain to regular interviews. Make sure to make a good impression by being professional :)

                                  GL! ~

                                  Job Interview Tips to Help You Wow Your Interviewers and Land the Job

                                  • I hate group interviews. They do this to save money and time, which I find revolting.
                                    If the company has enough money to run a multimillion dollar outfit, they certainly have time to spend with each applicant, seperately.

                                    Not all stores will do this, unless it is company policy. A lot of stores will do this usually this time of year, when starting to hire for the holiday season....only because they need a lot of people at one time.

                                    The last group interview I had was at Bath and Body Works. The manager read questions from a form and asked us all the same question.
                                    Im pretty used to what kind of answers they want, so I give the "standard" answers.

                                    All you can do is smile during the whole thing and give answers you think a big corporation would want to hear.

                                    Basically, just keep in mind, they want to know you will be there everyday, all day, work any hours, and be available on holidays.

                                    Hope that helps.

                                  Job Interview Questions: What should I (Male) wear to my job interview for a place called Main Event (LaserTag/Bowling/Arcade/Bar)?

                                  Im 16 and have an interview for this place called Main Event, you can look it up on google. This is my first job interview and Im a guy, what should I wear without looking over the top?

                                  Knowing Some Job Interview Tips and Questions

                                  Recommended Answer:
                                  Khakis or similar pants and a polo. Tuck your shirt in & wear a belt.

                                  5 Telecommuting Job Interview Tips

                                  • You should always dress one step above what you'd wear to work, so if you'll wear jeans and tee shirt to work, wear khakis and a polo shirt. If you'll wear khakis and a polo shirt to work, wear a shirt and tie to the interview.

                                  • Dress casual, but nice, clean and fitting properly. Don't wear anything that's baggy and looks like 2 of you could fit in it. Nice jeans or slack and a shirt with a collar. doesn't have to be a dress shirt - just not a t-shirt.

                                  Job Interview Questions: Did I make a fatal goof in job interview?

                                  Well, I feel like a total doofus :(
                                  Feel free to agree with me.
                                  I went for a job interview for Dunkin Donuts. When asked "what is your weakest point" I wasn't ready for that. Should say something like, "I'm a perfectionist" etc, that sounds okay. Instead I said, well math isn't my strong point. Face palm. I wish wish wish I had not said that. Strong point, I said reliability and flexibility, happy to work extra hours on short notice.

                                  Job Interview Dress Code - Dressing for Success

                                  Recommended Answer:
                                  I think that you have beat yourself up enough :) good job. you should have said that I just cant stop eating donuts.

                                  How to Amaze With an Impressive Answer to Job Interview Questions

                                  • I wouldnt worry. They might not put you in charge of the cash register now....but maybe they will just watch you to see how you do before trusting you with it.

                                  • Wrong. "Perfectionist" is the worst thing you could say. "Bad at math" isn't great but it's a lot better.

                                  Saturday, November 26, 2011

                                  Job Interview Questions: How do you explain at job interview that you were fired for negative reasons?

                                  I terminated from my previous job do to unflattering reasons. If asked about my reason for leaving my old job at an interview how should I explain this my interview is tomorrow.

                                  Job Interview Tips You Can Use to Ace the Interview and Land the Job

                                  Recommended Answer:
                                  Never refer to a major problem with management or say undesirable things about your supervisors, co-workers or the organization. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity, or a chance to do something better.

                                  The No 1 Most Popular Job Interview Question - "Tell Me All About Yourself"

                                  • You do not have to give the exact reason for why you were terminated.
                                    Legally your ex-employer cannot say anything negative about you. What you can do is try to turn the negative into something neutral or positive.

                                    For example, if you were fired for stealing/lying. You can leave that you and say that you were looking for better opportunities and your old job wasn't giving you a chance to grow and learn.

                                    Also, if you're looking to make extra income, check out this site:

                                  Job Interview Questions: How do I answer situational job interview questions if I've never had a job?

                                  I have an interview at Target Friday morning. I think I'll be able to answer most questions well, except situational ones, because I've never had a job. Help!

                                  How to Ace Your Job Interview

                                  Recommended Answer:
                         has free tutorials on how to prepare for interviews:… It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice what you've learned/actually apply what you've learned. It discusses what you should wear to an interview and what questions you can anticipate being asked.

                                  If you need additional help for things like writing a resume or job searching, there are tutorials for that as well:

                                  Hope it helps and Good Luck!

                                  Job Interview Questions That You Can Ask

                                    Job Interview Questions: What to wear to a job interview at a fast food restaurant?

                                    So I've been job-searching and in case I get an interview, what should I wear? My dad says just clean clothes (t shirt and blue jeans) would be just fine, but I thought it'd be a LITTLE more formal than that.

                                    Job Interview Questions and Answers

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    No jeans, No t-shirt

                                    wear slacks and a button down shirt with a collar, and shoes

                                    Discover Job Interview Preparation Tips That Will Make Your Upcoming Interview a Breeze!

                                    • Dress nicely. Slacks and a cute blouse (woman) or a nice, pressed polo for a boy. Fast food is casual in and of itself, so it would not be inappropriate attire. You could wear jeans, but they would need to be pressed, not "worn" and paired with a nicer polo. No matter the job, its important to look nice, not slovenly - anything otherwise would indicate you are not serious about the interview/position and your own appearance.

                                      I agree with the other poster about formal attire - only ANYwhere else... fine dining, etc. Fast food probably does not expect a suit and tie or dress with pantyhose.

                                      The advice that has always been given to me was "think about the company/establishment and dress at least one degree more formal than the workers wear"... if you go into IT and everyone is wearing polos, show up in a button-down... if they are wearing button-downs, so up in a tie... ties - then wear a suit.

                                    • Over dress for a fast food job makes you look desperate for the job. I say wear a button up shirt with black or dark blue jeans. I did this and got hired when I was a teenager. I moved up to mangement later on too and got to interview people and we always used to laugh at the ones that would overly dress. One time someone came in a tux and didnt get hired but not because of the tux, they were too picky about scheduling and wanted off certain days and the store manager only wanted people that would be available aanytime/any day.

                                    • Keep it casual but not sloppy or slutty. For guys, wear a nice t-shirt or casual button-up, with khakis and some nice shoes. If they're not running shoes it would help, but as long as they're in good condition and not to bright or 'loud' they should be fine. For girls, wear a longer, conservative skirt or nice pants, they don't have to be dress pants but it couldn't hurt. A nice blouse in a not too bright colour or a nice looking t-shirt is also acceptable.

                                    • always wear nice slacks and button down shirts (tie is a plus) no matter what the job is. i've interviewed with nice clothes and always got hired. i've seen other interviewees who wore the same clothes your dad mentioned and i've never seen them get the job in my experience.

                                    • Just take a look at what the restaurant manager is wearing in that chain of restaurants. Go to the interview wearing the next more formal attire. It's better to be *a bit* overdressed than underdressed.

                                      Edit. Added emphasis around the "a bit"

                                    • For best job interview tips and guidance visit

                                    • Dont get to dressed up, they will think you are desperate

                                    Job Interview Questions: Really want a job but dont want to do the job interview?

                                    I've never had a job before so i cant say for sure that i have confidence that i can do the job and that is why i feel all nervous at the job interview and im not doing a very good job at hiding it. how do i get over this problem?

                                    Tips For a Successful Job Interview and Land on Your Ideal Job

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    Pray before you go in. Remember to always smile and keep eye contact. You will do fine. Don't forget to study the company.
                                    Good luck!!

                                    A Job-Hunter's Guide to Handling Any Job Interview Question and to Answer Naturally & Professionally

                                    • Well, they do say practice in front of the mirror and everything ..
                                      But that might take time. So I guess you should list out all your plus points and concentrate on it, giving yourself a mini boost that would improve your morale.

                                      Anyway, if you are going to take a job that you're not confident in, I'm pretty sure sooner or later you'd lose interest in it. Why not get something you might enjoy more? Sure, it might be tough, but sometimes you won't curse and swear as much when compared to an office job where you can't be bothered with all the workplace politics and a horrible manager.

                                    Job Interview Questions: How long after the job interview did you receive an offer?

                                    I know the average wait is 1-2 weeks, and that I should follow up within that time frame, re: Google.

                                    However, I'm curious about your personal experiences. I've received two job offers myself, and both arrived the same day as the interview, within 1-3 hours. Because of this personal experience, my fragile optimism for this particular job is dropping exponentially as time passes. And also, the interview ended with the dreaded "we'll be in touch."


                                    Be Prepared For Job Interview Success

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    We've done hiring and the decision we would give could be between 1 days and 3 weeks - depending on circumstances. We would have to do the usual reference checks and also discuss internally amongst other team members.

                                    Sometimes other internal factors would come into play - projects would go on hold, people would leave, or move, and plans would have to be evaluated. 1-2 weeks is definitely the norm, but for us, it has gone longer.

                                    Unfortunately, only they know. You can always follow up with a phone call or email.

                                    Tips to Boost Your Job Interview Confidence

                                    • I try not to read too much into my job interviews. Some that I was certian I got, I didn't. Some I wrote off as soon as I left, I got call backs from. I also have been offered jobs during the interview, and once I did't get a call back until a month later, after the initial succesful applicant bombed on the job.

                                    • I've had same-day offers and 3 month waits. It depends on the job.

                                      If it's been more than a week without a word, contact them. Also, did you remember to send a follow-up thank you letter after your interview?

                                    Job Interview Questions: What should I wear to my job interview?

                                    I have a job interview today for a new burger place that is opening up in the mall. I want to look nice, but I don't want to overdress- i mean, it is just a burger place.

                                    What would you wear?

                                    p.s. I am a 17 year old female

                                    The Top 10 Things You Must Do During a Job Interview

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    Since it's just a burger place and nothing over the top. I would wear a really nice looking shirt, blouse or something that's a bit more dressy than usual. Then for bottoms you could just go for something simple, a skirt, a pair of jeans (I wouldn't go for cut up ones) or even dress pants (but not necessary) For shoes I would wear a pair of flats or just anything that goes with the outfit you choose. If you choose to do something that is really undressy do something with your hair, makeup and jewelry so you look more presentable.

                                    2 Simple Steps to Crushing Your Competition During Your Job Interview

                                    • There really isn't any overdressing for a job interview - you want to present yourself at your absolute best, no matter what the job is. I would recommend a nice button-up shirt and dress pants with clean, non-sneaker shoes, but of course it depends on what you have. Business casual is probably the way to go for most interviews.

                                      Show in your dress that you take the interview seriously, even if it is 'just a burger place', and you are saying that you intend to take the job seriously as well.

                                    • When I was younger and worked for retail or fast food I would dress casual, but nice on my interviews. wear nuetral colors, if you have visibal tattoos try to cover them, no sneakers/tennis shoes, little accessories.

                                      Here is a helpful website with more info:


                                      Here is an example outfit:

                                      Good Luck!

                                    • Look at what the uniform might look like. Its usually black pants and a company polo. Wear Khaki color pants and a colored polo with shoes that match the outfit. A button up shirt would be too dressy for a burger joint.

                                    • just something that makes you look put together. Black pants are a must. Less jewelery. Light make-up. this looks professional.

                                    • wear nice jeans - no holes or rips in them - and a nice shirt - not a t-shirt. fix your hair - no ponytail. be a few minutes early. good luck!

                                    • if i were you i would wear abercombie shirt and jeans :)

                                    • A polo and a pair of khakis

                                    • a suit

                                    Job Interview Questions: Do you think it would be appropriate to wear a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt to a job interview?

                                    those are the only kind of shirts I have, unfortunately. I can't afford any new ones at all right now. about the only couple of bands cleaner than that I have shirts of are Megadeth and Metallica. my first job interview is tonight, its for a management position at a high end restaurant.

                                    Can you give any tips.

                                    English for Your Job Interview - How to Succeed

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    the only job interview I can think of where you could wear that is a tattoo/piercing parlor or biker bar.

                                    hello from a fellow Mineapolitan-is that what we call it

                                    3 Job Interview Skills You Must Have to Win Your Dream Job

                                    • only if its this one:

                                    • Go buy an appropriate interview attire if you want the job.
                                      No money? wear Tshirt backwards and borrow a sports coat from dad.
                                      If you want to be taken seriously, you've got to present yourself that way.

                                    • no

                                    • go into a store put a dress shirt on and walk out

                                    Job Interview Questions: Will they ask about criminal convictions during my job interview?

                                    So I have a job interview next week for my first "real" job outside of college. However, I'm worried about my DUI from when I was 18. During an interview, do they ask if you have any criminal convictions? Since I'm a nice looking, well dressed girl....will they just never assume I have a criminal past? I mean, it's not like I have tattoos or nose piercings that would scream "criminal"

                                    What do you think?

                                    10 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    You don't really need to as you say "look like a criminal" It is usually common for a job to ask about criminal history on your application and will probably ask you again in the interview as well. I would just disclose it. Because when they do your background check and find out that you didn't disclose it, the reason you don't get the job is because you lied.

                                    Ten Tips For a Successful Job Interview

                                    • They don't care what you look like.

                                      If they ask people about criminal convictions for that job, they will ask everybody. You will probably be okay if the job does not involve driving; most jobs are only concerned about felony convictions anyway.

                                      If they ask you, be honest about what happened; they may also do a background check on you.

                                    • Of course they are going to ask. It is better to have a full tattooed bodysuit than a criminal record when applying for any job.

                                    • They might. They might just run a background check without even asking you directly.

                                    • Idiot

                                    Job Interview Questions: I'm 18. I'm going for my first job interview. How should I answer this question from the interviewer?

                                    I'm 18,with 1yr of college finished. I'm going to my first job interview with a company that cleans office buildings, and it pays 14.05 per hour. How should I answer these questions? 1.) Why should we hire you as an Office Cleaner? 2.)What skills do you have to offer? I was told that most interviewers asks those 2 main questions but worded different.

                                    Seven Job Interview Preparation Secrets

                                    Recommended Answer:
                                    Say they should hire you because you are a hard and efficient worker and then you say your skills such as a)works well under pressure, b)works well with others c)determined and on-time etc..

                                    Good luck!

                                    Job Interviews -- How to Follow Up Effectively

                                      Job Interview Questions: Muslims, what was your first job interview like?

                                      My first ever job interview is tomorrow...I'm really nervous kindly share ur first job interview experience and give me some tips....

                                      Job Interview Cheat Sheet - Top 6 Questions & Mental Strategies

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      If you were really interested in your job interview, you wold have asked the question in general, and not to Muslims only.

                                      4 Tips For Having the Most Success With Your Job Interview

                                      • My first and only interview went really well, because i got the job and got really positive feedback about my personality too. being a Muslim shouldn't affect the interview. unless your workplace is racist! so just be confident in yourself. it also helps to have a sense of humor. don't be too serious about it all. laughing can help calm nerves. so chill out and remember they need you more than you need them! its about what you can bring to the company! good luck!

                                      • Never had an interview , finished at university then started my job. the fact that it's the family firm helped though LOL.

                                        Good Luck.[==== ====]
                                        ....Oops !
                                        [==== ====]

                                        ADDED [TIPS]

                                        1 Be 10 minutes early
                                        2 Be smart especially shoes and FINGERNAILS
                                        3 Turn your mobile phone off.
                                        4. Make sure you have an handkerchief or tissue handy.

                                        Think before you speak and if you do not understand the question ask them for clarification.

                                        Be polite ans to the point in your answers.


                                      • Couldn't be worst! Of course I didn't get the job. I gave all the wrong answers. I thought I was being smart and diplomatic. But I learned a lot since. I'm very comfortable now. I treat it like a one-to-one meeting rather than an interrogation. I know exactly what they look for.

                                        Best of luck. Remember, they want you as much as you want them.

                                      • alot of alalalalallallalal and durka durka

                                      Friday, November 25, 2011

                                      Job Interview Questions: What questions should i ask at my job interview tomorrow?

                                      right so tomorrow i have a job interview at the shop: Next. i know that many employers can see you are committed by me asking questions. like at the end of the interview they will ask me if i have any questions but i been trying to think for about 2 weeks what to ask and still stuck any ideas would be so greatly appreciated. thank you

                                      Job Interviews - How to Ace a Telephone Job Interview

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      Provided this job is a "career" job and not just a job you'll hold until something better comes along, ask the following:

                                      What is the average longevity of the employees there? Is there much turn-over?
                                      How much, if any, overtime is required/expected? (Let them know that you don't mind OT)
                                      What, if any, retirement and benefits plans are offered?
                                      What is the starting salary range? Negotiate the final pay after the initial offer is made, but don't get greedy. Know what you what to earn. If they offer that (or even more), take it. Don't assume that they are low-balling you if they're offering a fair compensation package. Don't be afraid to ask for them to consider paying you more if they offer you less than you feel you deserve.
                                      What are the opportunities for advancement? (Let's them know you're interested in growing with the company and intend to stay)

                                      To the guy who said not to ask how much you'll earn, that is just INSANE not to ask!! No one should ever take a job without knowing how much they'll earn. Employers expect you to ask if they don't offer the information up front.

                                      The Two 'Toughest' Job Interview Questions

                                      • What are there principles, philosophies/rules. the history of the company, bt keep it short and simple, Good luck thou, i hope you get that job.

                                      • ask what you can do to make the working environment better than it already is, ask what your responsibilities are, DO NOT ASK HOW MUCH YOU ARE GOING TO BE GETTING PAID UNTIL YOU HAVE WORKED THERE FOR AWHILE.

                                      • Change the logo of your company to impress 'em.

                                      Job Interview Questions: I live in Tennesseee and I have a job interview with RGIS tomorrow morning.?

                                      The lady who's interviewing me told me over the phone that the job interview will last about 1 hour. What will I expect when I arrive to the job interview?

                                      Job Interview Answers - 5 Of The Most Common Questions Demystified

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      I went on youtube & typed in 'job interview' & found a few thousand videos. That's prob the best way, since you will be live in front of the person.

                                      I wish you luck & hope you get it!

                                      Job Interview Skills - Simple Techniques to Improve Your Chances

                                      • it's an ok job for a homemaker. not steady work. very busy quarterly and at the end of the year.
                                        my team was part of an office 90'' away. the office 60'' away did most of the jobs in my city, while I was expected to travel over 2 hrs past the my office. this made for 4-5 hrs driving each way plus doing an all day department store inventory(12-14 hrs). good luck
                                        p.s. my team was all women and my fiance/wife ended up working with/for me, as she thought I was having too good of a time on the job. lol

                                      • For interviewing tip that will not cost you anything, visit the web site below for questions to ask, what questions to expect, how to prepare, importance of being prepared, cover letters, etc.
                                        It is a good site for information.

                                      Job Interview Questions: What do I wear to a fashion job interview?

                                      i have a job interview at GUESS? tomorrow. The lady who took my application told me to "dress stylish." I'm mostly a jeans and t shirt guy, albeit nice t shirts. what should i wear?

                                      Job Interview

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      i say dress nice but not too too nice

                                      a great pair of black slack with a button down with no tie
                                      or a really great pair of dark denim jeans with a button
                                      would really look nice

                                      Re-Entering The Job Market - What To Expect In The Job Interview

                                      • Go to one of their site and get an idea of what they advertise as being in style. Use that to put together an outfit that looks stylish but still appropriate for an interview.

                                      • If you want a career in fashion, you should be able to answer this yourself. No offense!

                                      Job Interview Questions: Skinny tie unprofessional for job interview?

                                      I was wondering if a skinny tie is considered unprofessional at a job interview. The tie is around 2 inches and I'm interviewing at a store that sells dress clothing and shoes.

                                      The Job Interview Process - What to Expect

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      Yes especially for a store that sells dress clothing. Prove that you know how to dress professionally and that is not what you'd wear to work and wear a real tie.

                                      Job Interview 101

                                      • i don't think it's inprofessional, but because it's for a clothing store i think a fater tie would be better

                                      • Best chance of getting the job is probably wearing the type of thing they would sell there, to show that you 'get' / agree with their sense of style...don't you think?

                                      • Screw the interview.
                                        Put all of your skinny ties in a box. And throw them out. They're a disgrace to fashion.

                                      • I don't think it is unprofessional for a job in retail.

                                      • I must say....yes.

                                      Job Interview Questions: How do you answer this job interview question?

                                      WHY DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD HIRE YOU ?. I really need help im not good at job interviews.

                                      Job Interview Mistakes!

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      The purpose of that question is to get you to talk about how you could benefit the company and/or department that you would be working in. Before your interview, make sure that you know a thing or two about the company. Then, think about how your skills, education, and experience could benefit the company.

                                      For example, if you are interviewing for an IT position, talk about your education, certifications (A+, MCSE, CCNA, etc.), and your specialties. If it is a customer service job, talk about any previous customer service experience you have, accomplishments, recognitions, etc.

                                      What is Absolutely the Best Day to go on a Job Interview?

                                      • Relate your sills and work experience as per the job requirement

                                      Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview at 6pm and I don't know how to wear my hair?

                                      I recently got it cut into a mohawk but I don't know if I should have the front curled or flat iron straight down. The job interview is with vector marketing(customer service).

                                      Secrets to Answering Job Interview Questions About Your Weaknesses

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      I think a mohawk is the type of hair you should not wear to an interview for a job. They seriously might not hire you just because your hair. Dumb reason, totally... but reality is the truth.

                                      Advice on Having a Successful Job Interview

                                      • try some of these different hairstyles for something new!

                                        Hope I helped!

                                      • conservative.

                                      • DON'T DO IT!!!!!! Vector Marketing is a scam. Just look it up on google.

                                      Job Interview Questions: I couldnt make it to a job interview, but now I can , So what do i say when I call Back?

                                      I couldn't make it to a job interview,so i called and told them i couldn't make it And if they could reschedulee.
                                      They said that they could not.
                                      but I have canceled all my plans and I will be able to go , So what do i say when I call Back?
                                      I dont want to seem unreliable.

                                      The 11 Cardinal Mistakes of Job Interviews

                                      Recommended Answer:
                                      phone them and say you would like to come to the interview and have changed your plans for another time so you can attend the interview. they will be pleased you could make it.

                                      Preparing For a Job Interview Increases Your Effectiveness and Decreases Anxiety

                                        Job Interview Questions: If a job interview is short, does that mean I didn't get the job?

                                        I had a job interview for my first job with Macy's a few weeks ago. It was only about 20 minutes. Does that mean I didn't get it? (Also they said they're not hiring until October, so I don't even know why they called me in.)

                                        Know How Important the Job Interview Questions Are

                                        Recommended Answer:
                                        it would be rare for a retail job that the interview be more than 30 minutes so no.

                                        Also October is not that far away.

                                        call them in a week.

                                        edit when i had my interview at JCPEnney in 2003 it was 5 minutes, and i was hired

                                        How to Succeed in a Job Interview

                                        • Twenty Minutes is average for a retail interview, I would not worry about it. They are pre qualifying because their hiring season is a month away. I would hand write a thank you note and follow up periodically.

                                          Good Luck to you

                                        • not necessarily. Remember Oct is right around the corner..don't get discouraged. Just keep looking and if they call, they call..if not.. move on! Good luck!

                                        • NO yaar not at operations round wid my latest job was only for 5 mins...whereas ops round is normalyy is never less tha 10 mins

                                        • no it doesn't mean that at all

                                        Job Interview Questions: What to wear to teen job interview?

                                        Im a 16 year old guy and I have a job interview at Chuck E. Cheese's tomorrow. So what should I wear.
                                        Should I wear formal even though the place is chuck e. cheese or just like khaki pants with a button down shirt and sneakers?

                                        The Essential Job Interview Checklist

                                        Recommended Answer:
                                        Wear nice clothes. Helps make a nice impression. I wore a dress **** and nice pants for a factory interview. You should look good, even if you're going to get dirty (assuming you'd change after anyway).

                                        Get to Know the Common Answers to Job Interview Questions

                                        • Dude...get a clue.
                                          Shirt and tie. ALWAYS. EVERY INTERVIEW.

                                        • Your dad's clothing.

                                        • nice matter what.

                                        Job Interview Questions: Tomorrow I'm going to solarium administrator job interview. Should my clothes be official or daily but nice?

                                        Tomorrow I'm going to solarium job interview. I should work here a solarium administrator, selling solarium services. How should I look? I mean I was working as administrator in the offices and dressed officially black suit and mini skirt with high-heels. But here's a leisure field. So should I look more conservative or free? How should I look?

                                        Useful Tips in Handling Job Interviews

                                        Recommended Answer:
                                        I say you should look conservative a nice pair of slacks and a button up or a blouse or you can wear a skirt that hits just below the knees and if you wear a skirt i suggest you wear high heels and not boots. No matter how there dressing in the office whether its very casual you should never show up to the interview that way. I wore slacks and a button up to a Kmart interview.

                                        Nifty Tips For Winning a Job Interview - A Must Look

                                        • i always find it easier to answer those kind of questions if you look or try to remember what the people were wearing there at the place you'd be working, then wear something similar to that... it usually works, then ur not too dressed up or under dressed.

                                        • Look At What Other People Are Wearing.
                                          But Make It Look A Bit Smart, Add A Blazer, If You Arent Going To Wear A Suit.
                                          And Wear Heels, They Always Look Smart, Within Reason.. =]

                                        • First off, you should NEVER wear a mini skirt to any place of business unless it's on a stage with a pole!!! You are representing a company and the company if reviewed by the appearance of the employees. If you represent yourself in that manner, than what are people saying about the business?! I would go to and look up the clothing and wear professional clothing. That makes you stand out and you never know, some other company might see you and want to hire you with better pay. Good Luck

                                        Thursday, November 24, 2011

                                        Job Interview Questions: What happens at a Bojangles job interview?

                                        I have a job Interview at Bojangles tomorrow what kind of questions will be asked and stuff??

                                        How to Shine in Audit Jobs Interviews

                                        Recommended Answer:
                                        In a job interview, the employer meets you for the first time and asks you questions which you have to answer as best as you can verbally. For example perhaps you should focus and prepare for the toughest interview questions like these for example. There will be at least one of these questions that will be asked in an interview.

                                        1) Why do you want to work for us and how did you hear about us?
                                        2) Do you have any previous experience?
                                        3) If there is a problem, how would you handle it?
                                        4) Describe yourself?
                                        5) What makes you stand out and why should we pick you?

                                        Four Job Interview Tips - Prepare to Excel

                                          Job Interview Questions: What kind of illegal questions that might be asked during a job interview?

                                          what kind of illegal questions that might be asked during a job interview

                                          Special Job Interview Considerations

                                          Recommended Answer:
                                          How old are you?
                                          What congregation do you belong to?
                                          What politcal party do you belong to?
                                          Are you pregnant?
                                          Are you married?
                                          What race are you?

                                          Quality organizations will not ask these because their legal departments should have trained their interviewers in appropriateness.

                                          A Free List of Some of the Hardest Job Interview Questions You Will Ever Hear

                                          • Most companies wont ask anything illegal. They would only verify that you are legally in the country. thats not illegal to ask.

                                          • age, race, religion, and heritage.

                                          • if your not hispanic no need to worry

                                          • Do you have any kids?
                                            What race r u
                                            What religion do you practice

                                          Job Interview Questions: What to wear for this kind of job interview?

                                          I'm being interviewed tomorrow for a coaching position for little kids soccer. Usually I would think to wear black pants & a nice top with flats or heels, but my boyfriend went in with khaki shorts & a red hollister shirt with gym shoes. So i don't know weather I should maybe go casual & wear jeans & a nice top with heels or do what I thought people were expected to wear.

                                          PS this is my fist job interview ever

                                          What To Wear On A Job Interview

                                          Recommended Answer:
                                          I'd stick to business casual. That is, no jeans, no T-shirts with logos (preferably no T-Shirts at all), no shorts, and fairly nice shoes. Even though it's a fairly casual job, you should dress just one degree better for an interview and you can't go wrong. Nice slacks (non-denim) and a nice top with decent shoes and sensible jewelry (don't go heavy on this), and you'll do great.

                                          Good luck on the interview.

                                          A List of Tough Job Interview Questions For Tough Times

                                          • Your boyfriend is interviewing for the same job?

                                            Regardless of what your boyfriend wears for this or any other interview, you should dress professionally. You should wear slacks and a nice top with flats. I would avoid heels, as they will make you look less down-to-earth and ready to work with kids.

                                          • Wear what you would normally wear to a job interview, traditional business wear. Even though the position you are applying for is laid back, you still want to come off as a professional young woman.

                                          • NEVER wear jeans or clothing with logos for an interview. ALWAYS. dress wearing khakis, a dress shirt and black closed-toe shoes. (for standard non-law jobs) Only dress down when you get the job and ask them on the phone.

                                          • Halter top, daisy dukes and a pair of gladiator sandals.

                                          • Wear nice pants or shorts and wear one of those zip-up under armor tops.

                                          • normal

                                          Job Interview Questions: Will this effect my job interview?

                                          I was caught shop lifting a while back but the police gave me a warning.

                                          I know, i was stupid. I've been clean ever since.

                                          I have a job interview tomorrow at Aeropostale and they do a background check on criminal records and everything. Will the theft be on my records?

                                          I'm a bit scared now. Should i stil go to the interview?

                                          Techniques To Avoid Job Interview Stress

                                          Recommended Answer:
                                          You should still go.

                                          If the police only issued you a warning, it probably won't show up. Can you contact the police department and ask them?

                                          There's always someone there. You could call right now. MAKE SURE you use the NON-EMERGENCY number!!!

                                          Should it come up in the interview, you could say that you made a terrible mistake, you're very sorry and embarrassed about it. You have learned a lot about yourself because or since then (if that's true of course. Be prepared to mention WHAT you've learned.)

                                          And ask to be put on the greeting/folding duties for a probationary period until you've had your first employee review.

                                          Don't bring it up voluntarily though. It probably won't even be mentioned.

                                          How to Perfectly Answer Job Interview Questions Without Breaking a Sweat

                                          • If you were given a warning then it wont show up on your record. Especially if you are a minor you have nothing to worry about, I'm guessing that if you are applying there then you are. Good luck.

                                          • If your honest you won't get hired, if you lie and they find out, you won't get hired. If it's not on your record then your safe. Tough call, you need to look into it to see what your record says. After you find out you can apply for a job with a peace of mind. Good luck!

                                          • A warning will not show up on your record, only a conviction. Also you were a minor, so your record would be sealed anyway.
                                            Don't let this incident hold you back from a good job. To be safe you can call county where warning was given.

                                          Job Interview Questions: Pregnant and have a job interview?

                                          I have a job interview tomorrow and i was wondering if i should tell them that i am pregnant or should i wait to tell them if i get the job? If i wait how long should i wait to tell them?

                                          Job Interviewing Techniques - 8 Steps for Successful Interviews

                                          Recommended Answer:
                                          If you aren't showing, don't say anything. They will most likely not hire you. It is illegal for them to do so but you can't prove that is why you didn't get the job. If you are showing, good luck. It may be rough. I would wait a couple months at least to say anything if you did get the job, unless you start showing and it is obvious.

                                          How To Dress For A Job Interview-6 Simple Tips For Success

                                            Job Interview Questions: If flying out of state for a job interview, is it ok if I ask the recruiter what the pay scale is before?

                                            I was offered a job interview in NYC, I am paying for my flight and hotel out there, is it proper or frowned upon if I ask what the pay range is before I buy a plane ticket just so I know that I'm not flying out there for a poorly paying job? I don't want to ruin my chances if it is a good job and they think bad of me asking.

                                            Job Interview Tips - Best Interview Questions

                                            Recommended Answer:
                                            On it sites are good top links for decisions of your problem

                                            Ways to Hugely Boost Your Job Interview Success Rate

                                            • This can be tricky--if you are asking the recruiter it's to be expected, Ok to ask what the Salary Range is up front. If the hiring manager, they'll think all you care about is $$$ and can be a turn off. Use this salary calculator to help you determine what the range should be. The recruiter may ask what your salary requirements are so you'll want to be prepared.


                                              It seems unusual that you are paying the travel expenses, but I don't know all the facts.

                                              Good luck!

                                            • If you're paying the travel expenses it's a fair question before you commit to the interview.

                                            Job Interview Questions: Do I need to wear a watch to a job interview?

                                            I've been told that in job interviews the interviewer will check to see if you wear a watch... but now that we're in an era where a lot of people use cell phones as a time piece, do interviewers still check for a watch?

                                            5 Simple Rules for A Great Job Interview

                                            Recommended Answer:
                                            It is all matter of having the proper appearance and accessories. You do not pull out your cell phone and play with it to see what time it is! You wear an appropriate watch. Women wear appropriate earrings, perhaps a necklace. Men wear an appropriate tie.

                                            They are checking not only what you wear but how you wear it, your knowledge of proper business attire and etiquette, and how you value yourself. If you wear a cheap cruddy watch, you do not value yourself or your time. If you wear a big flashy watch, you are an "all flash & no cash" type -- in other words, you have no substance backing you up. Wearing a good watch symbolizes care and attention to appearance, valuing your self and your time, and a certain subtlety and elegance. An astute person can check their watch (i.e. manage their time) without being obtrusive about it.

                                            Pay attention to what you wear. And wear a watch! The basics which others listed above are NOT enough. The devil is in the details. They look at the fine points, not just the gross appearance. They are paying far more attention than most people guess.

                                            Question To Ask At A Job Interview-5 Of The Best Questions!

                                            • I wouldnt go out and buy one. Although I never heard of that myself, I guess I would wear one if I had one on hand.

                                              I think what is much more important than wearing a watch is to exude confidence and interest in the company you are being interviewed by. If you dont have a watch I would instead spend that time you would buying one researching company information instead. They will be much more impressed that you know details about the company vs wearing a watch.

                                            • I have never heard that before, and I would wager a guess that that is not true. Normally interviews are graded on the following:

                                              -Overall appearance (posture, hair, and dress nicely, but a watch is not required)
                                              -Overall demeanor (sit up relatively straight, speak clearly ,etc)
                                              -Past experience and reputations (based on your resume)

                                            • This is probably outdated advise, but it couldn't hurt. I would wear a watch, even thought I don't normally wear one and always just check my cell phone. In a case where there is no downside to doing it and it might actually help; I would do it.