Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Job Interview Questions: Help! job interview tomorrow, cant print out resume?

okay so i have a job interview tomorrow at KFC in australia and i was looking online and it said to bring your resume
but i just moved here and i am in a hotel, which means no printer..
i have one already, its just saved to my computer, i also dont have any memory sticks with me
would hand writing it be too unprofessional?
should i explain the situation to my interviewer and ask if i could email it?

What to Do When Your Job Interviewer is Distracted - And You Want This Job

Recommended Answer:
send an email to your email to yourself with your resume attached and go to the hotel lobby and ask if you can barrow their computer so you can print out your resume they will let you do it

Job Interview Techniques - 3 Super Tips When Preparing For A Job Interview

  • Is there internet available at your hotel? E-mail it to yourself, then look up any internet cafe's that might be in town. If you are in a fairly urban area, you should easily find one. (I visited Sydney last year, and there was an internet cafe even in the grocery store Woolworth's!). At the most it should cost you a couple dollars to log-on and do a print job, depending on if it's in color or black/white.

  • Basically what your asking is "Is it OK to arrive for an interview unprepared"? What do you think that will say about your expected job performance? In the US there are many internet cafes and office supply stores such as Kinkos that charge a nominal amount to print pages. They even have memory sticks for sale on the premises. I'd suggest you find one if you want the job.

  • are u male or female.

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