Saturday, October 29, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Resume help. First job interview Monday and i have no volunteer work or job experience what should i do?

Ok i have a job interview on monday for UNOS resturant as a host. this is my first job interview ever and i have no experience and i really never done volunteer work, does any one have any suggestions on how i should complete my resume

Five Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
I find it hard to believe that you have ZERO job or volunteer experience.

Have you ever baby sat? Mowed a lawn? Done something helpful at church? Tutored someone in a class at school?

If you've got those sorts of things, you've got experience. Even if you've never been paid for them.

Just list out the sorts of things you've done .. .

For example . . .

Various employers
2009 - 2010

- Cared for other people's children in their absence.
- [list an accomplishment or two associated with the job, never late, never lost a child, constantly complimented by parents for my ability to make their children happy]

Do this with anything you've done.

You've done SOMETHING in your life, so take credit for it.

How to Ace a Nursing Job Interview

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