Friday, October 28, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Im 33weeks pregnant n I have been called for a Job Interview.Is it right 4me to go?Wil it affect my chances?

Will being pregnant affect my chances of passing a Job Interview? I am 33 weeks pregnant and I have been called for a job interview, so
I dont know if I should go or not because I think they wont take me because I am pregnant. Will being pregnant make the Interviewer not be interested in employing me?

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Recommended Answer:
Would you employ someone who is 33weeks preggy and yet have to pay her during maternity now when there are people out there dying for a job?

From a practical employer standpoint, your chance of new employment will be slimmer. However, if you have a decent working experience with good industry reputation, the new employer might just take you.

Job Interview Tips

  • I would think so, since you will not be working soon in about 3-4 weeks you will be on maternity leave. They advertise to find someone they need to employ quite soon and that they are going to be working longer than 3-4 weeks before they have enforced time off.
    I think they will pick the candidate who can devote their time to their new post at least for a longer period of time. Some people are given say a 6 month trial basis and if you are not there most of those 6 months then it would be pointless.

    If I was an employer I would probably decline you and ask you to re-apply for a future post when you have yourself available for work. I think that may be the answer you will expect.

  • I learnt in business studies that some employers do not employ people who have children because it may affect the working times of the employees, Which is against the law i think, but its not right.

    Go for it, and if you explain your situation and how you and the father will be looking after teh baby, they may be comforatable with you working at the job

    Good luck

  • well there would not be much point in hiring somene who is going to be unavailable in 7 weeks time.

    IF they dont hire you for that reason, then it is discrimination, but its up to you to say how soon you think you will be back at work. And beleive me they WILL ASK.

  • Possibly - meaning it could go against you. But then again it may not. There's only one way to find out. Go to the interview, you've got nothing to lose.

  • You should go. I myself most likely would not hire you because you will soon be out of maternity leave, but not everyone is me.

  • Oh Please ... I would throw you out for wasting my time ....

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