Saturday, October 29, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Did a job interview Monday but they pulled the position today haven't heard back?

My husband did a job interview on Monday but they pulled the position down off the website today
but still haven't heard anything

he did 2 phone interviews and a face to face one this past monday
does that mean he didn't get the job since they didn't call back ?

Lethal Job Interview Mistakes

Recommended Answer:
Note there was 1 job that I was hired for that took another week or two after the final interview to be called back. I thought the worse of course since I didnt hear back immediately but they called me back a couple weeks afterwards. They just have to get everything ready on their end to be ready for him to go work there. Dont give up hope! I hope he is hired.Well if they pulled it off the site that doesn't mean they didnt hire him, it just means they have had the interviews and no longer want applications for the position. They probably have narrowed it down and are making a final interview for the few they want to hire. Have your husband follow up and give them a call saying he's still interested in the position and wants to know if they are still considering him for the position or if the position is closed. Most (nice) places will send out a letter to applicants stating they appreciate your time but they have chosen someone else. Just give a call, tell them what I said and wish for the best! I got called back for a few jobs from just giving a call back. Good luck

Help, I Have to Prepare For My Job Interview!

  • In today's economy, with so many people looking for work, the norm now is that if you don't hear anything, you probably didn't get the job. The days when a prospective employer had the common courtesy to notify you one way or the other are long gone, I'm afraid.

  • Well, that doesn't sound good, they would only pull it down for two reasons: either they are simply done interviewing, or they have filled the position. The removal itself doesn't absolutely mean they found someone though, but, my guess would be like yours, that they may have. It won't hurt to do a follow-up contact but don't make any assumptions, they may just not want any more applicants and removed that to stop them.

  • Not sure if he missed out on the job, but here are some key things to do after an interview!

    #1 thing after an interview is to send via email a thank you to the person or persons who interviewed you! With the ending statement "I look forward to working with you"

    #2 Mail a Thank You card

    #3 Never wait to get a call, follow up every day! It may seem annoying but persistance is what has to happen in this economy, and not allowing them time to forget you :-)

    These are things I preped my candidates before an interview, when I was a recruiter!

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