Saturday, September 24, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Obviously pregnant with job interview tomorrow, should I bring it up?

I am in education and I have a job interview tomorrow. I am 8 1/2 months pregnant, so its obvious. However, if I get this job I wont be taking maternity leave bc we are in education and the baby is being born at the beginning of the summer break. However, should I mention that fact and the fact that I do want to work and get this job, even though I will have a newborn. I am thinking honesty is the best policy, what do you think?

Job Interview Essentials

Recommended Answer:
there's no need to bring it up to them but this also depends on the job as some jobs such being a vet can be harmful to your unborn baby due to some of the chemicals they use also hairdressers like to be informed because there are some chemicals which can be harmful to your baby

Prepare for a Great Job Interview With These Questions and Answers

  • Yes be honest! Since everyone has summer break off in education that would give you guys time to take care of the baby, then you can find a baby sitter for your child. I would explain it to them and show that you will not be missing work just because you have a baby along the way. That everything is already sorted out and that everything is under control and everything else that they would want to hear!

    GL on getting the job, and congrats on your new baby!

    Like the second answer, really only bring it up if they bring it up!

  • I say to try and bring up the fact that you want to start work ASAP and that will tell them 1) you will be having the baby(Congrats!!!) over the summer and 2) that you will be ready for the school year in August!
    Good luck and I hope you get it:)

  • i was 7 months pregnant and went to an interview. i didnt say anything about being pregnant... i thought it was obvious. but after i started to work is when she found out i was pregnant!! but you should tell them that way they know you cant do certain things.

  • yes, agree to let them know. It is important aspect to mention because it may affect your availability for them. Just let them know what you will do to ensure you will be available to work their schedule.
    Good luck:)

  • by the sounds of it, you dont need to "bring it up". they will. just tell them your plans for when bubs comes and hope for the best. good luck x

  • Yes, I agree with you. Its best to let them know

  • Do not bring it up, if they are smart they will not mention it either. Just curious who is going to raise your child after 3 months old?

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