- RETAIL job interview?
- RESTAURANT job interview?
- CAMP job interview?
Should you dress the way the people who already work there present themselves? I went to a walk-in interview for a retail store and majority of the people were wearing apparel just like the ones on the shelves and wracks! I have always been taught to wear dress pants and a nice shirt but sometimes I feel overdressed. How do you dress for certain interviews?!?!
Master Job Interview Skills
Recommended Answer:
For interviews, there isn't really any such thing as being overdressed. The interviewer will only notice if you're UNDERdressed. The dressiest attire would be for the retail job. You ought to wear a black or gray pantsuit or skirt suit. If you don't own that and don't want to invest in a suit (which really would be a good investment for the future), you should wear a conservative dress and possibly layer a blazer over it if the top seems too bare. This is not an occasion for showing much skin. For the restaurant, I'd step it down a bit. Wear some nice, dark dress pants with a nice blouse and possibly a light- colored blazer. Finally, for the camp job, simply wearing dress pants with any nice shirt should suffice.
Mistakes to Avoid When Answering Tricky Job Interview Questions
- retail/restaurant: black pants with a nice non-flattering shirt, but not too boring, maybe a nice necklace or some pearl earrings.
a camp could be like long shorts or jeans with a collared shirt, and a nice brown belt to go with it. something that could show off how sportsy you are. - I would wear like a suit like the ones for women or I would wear like kind of suuit pants with a women ruffle shirt (idk what they're called!) Here's a picture of some clothes
https://www.bridgeport.edu/Images/career… - It doesn't matter where I apply to, I always wear business casual because that's what is appropriate for a job interview. That means black dress pants with a nice blouse and dress shoes. I wore that even for a fast food place. It's just what's appropriate because regardless of its status or pay, it's still a business. You should still present yourself in a professional manner.
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