Useful Tips in Handling Job Interviews
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Here are some very general do's and dont's:
- Be polite to everyone even the receptionist (doesn't matter it they are rude, doesn't condone you being rude, and you never know it could be a test to see how you react)
- Dress appropriately
- Be prepared - almost all interviews will ask you to tell them what you know of the company/job - do your research. Employers are not impressed by people who have no clue about the company and/or the job they are applying for.
- Ask questions at the end - interviewers like it when people ask questions - it shows interest. However, if you really don't have any questions (for instance, you felt everything was covered) don't ask a question for the sake of it. Just say, I was going to ask ...... however that was covered earlier.
- Be yourself - don't try to be someone you think they are looking for. When seeking employees, companies are looking for someone that can not only do the job but someone who will fit into the culture of the company. And besides it is easy to tell when people are pretending to be something they are not.
- In the interview, don't critice previous employers/work colleagues. Doesn't matter if they were in the wrong, if you bi*ch about them it doesn't look good on you.
- Don't ask about pay in the interview, this should be saved until you are offered the job. If however they ask you about pay (e.g. how much do you think we should pay you) feel free to respond. Provide a good valid reason though for how much you feel you deserve (e.g. prior experience certainly warrants pay higher up the scale)
- Don't be late - if you are running late ring the company and tell them how late you are going to be and why you are running late.
Get Hired Fast & Earn More - Top 5 Job Interview Tips
- DO:
Dress nicely,
Be confident (employers can tell if you aren't confident, and they won't like it),
Ask questions (show the employer that you understand the company well enough to be able to ask questions about it),
Make and keep eye contact
Show up late,
Ask how much you will make,
Act shy (it comes across as a lack of confidence)
Good luck. - eye contact not looking every were but the person who is interviewing yu, dressed professional not with tenna shoes jeans and what ever kind of shirt, polite manner not going in acting foolish, keep to the topic not talking about everything eles but wat yu should be talking about, and tone down your languidge yu should not curse during an interview.
i guess these are the most important do's and dont's
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