Saturday, December 24, 2011

I recently got an interview this next week at a record store and well I have no clue as to what to wear? I usually wear a band shirt and jeans, but what I am wondering is if I should dress a bit more formal for the interview or not? On one hand they know that I love music but I don't look as professional, what should I do?

Job Interviews Are Fearful Experiences - Follow a Proven Outline to Ace Your Next Interview

Recommended Answer:
Just dress professional and if they comment about it, laugh maybe, remember they're your superiors and no matter how down to earth record store owners may be, that it's a business and say that you were concerned with what was appropriate.

Don't wear a band shirt and jeans.

Job Interview Skills

  • Is it an independent record store? Wear jeans and a t-shirt from either a still-obscure-in-the-US band NME or Q has been hyping the ever-living crap out of lately or a retro rock/punk fave (think Talking Heads, Replacements, Blondie, or the ever-popular Bowie or Ramones). Wash it a few times so it doesn't look new but don't wash your hair. Arrive looking rumpled, and add 2 or 3 pieces of flair, at least 1 of which should express a sentiment you abhor and you should be prepared to express ironic adoration for it. Wear a kitschy Little Kitty headband or some other unusual accessory to show you're too cool and unique to be a part of the corporate machine!

  • you are lying i think, i only know of 1 record store, this is 2011

  • Just wear the best clothes you have ...

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