Sunday, January 22, 2012

Job Interview Questions: What can i expect at a job interview?

i applied for a job at a store in the mall and followed up with a phone call. they said to come in for an interview and that was it. i think the job is to be a cashier, but i don't know for sure. i don't even know if they want me full time, part time or just for the holidays. and i don't know what to wear or what to say. what are they going to ask me? i'm not good at answering questions on the fly, i want to be prepared. any help?

Job Interview Skills

Recommended Answer:
Don't worry about what the job is; you should portray confidence that you will be able to handle it with some training. It also doesn't matter whether it is part-time, full-time, or only for holidays; take whatever is available (that is if you need a job). In answering their questions, be honest and enthusiastic; after all you applied for the job without their advertising it.

As for what to wear, go to the store and see what the employees are wearing. It is usually better to wear something formal and conservative. Have a clean-cut appearance (no facial rings), and reach a few minutes before the appointed time.

The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Job Interviews - And How You Can Avoid Them!

  • Many people get stuck when they are aiming to decide what to wear at an interview. Personally I'm from the old school, I am of the opinion that formal wear is never inappropriate; you can get some instruction from the website in the box below, they also have a lot of help on job hunting.

  • These links may help you: (i liked it very much)

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