Thursday, January 26, 2012

Job Interview Questions: What should I do now that I've had a job interview?

I was interviewed for a telemarketing job 6 days ago, and he said that they hire according to current projects. He told me that he would review other applicants and hire whoever was most competitive when a position was ready. This is my first job, and I'm really not sure about what to do at this point. Should I start looking for other jobs?

Useful Tips in Handling Job Interviews

Recommended Answer:
Anytime you're job hunting, you should never focus on only one application.

Turn in an as many applications for as many different types of jobs as you can. You should *constantly* be looking for new applications to fill out.

Keep a detailed calendar with contact information of all companies you communicate with and on which days you sent them something to remind yourself where you've applied so you can remember to follow up with those places. Also on the calendar you will keep track of interviews as you are asked for them, and you will be able to follow up on the interviews from that as well.

If you fill out one application and then wait for weeks to hear a "no," and then continue to follow the same procedure, it could take you literally months and months and months and months to find a simple service job and you would also be limiting your options. Apply to dozens of places and you may actually end up being offered more than one job and then you will get to pick which one is best for you.

Job Interviewing Skills - How to Mess Up Your Next Job Interview

  • Your name is on a list, they go through names fast and they go through projects fast. Keep looking for something that will be a little more consistent than telemarketing but if/when they call you show up if you haven't found anything else.

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