Monday, October 3, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What to expect for a job interview?

I am having my very first job interview tomorrow (working at a grocery store) and I want to sound prepared! What are some questions should I expect? How should I answer? Apparently they are interviewing a few people at the same time, and then interviewing us one at a time. I am nervous! What should I prepare? How should I dress?

Job Interview - 4 Ways to See Yourself as Job Interviewers Do

Recommended Answer:
I found this list of the 20 most common interview questions that I think helped me get the job I have now and will continue to use as a reference for any future jobs.

Some of the questions are as follows:

•So, tell me about yourself?
•Why do you want this job?
•What do you consider your biggest strengths/weaknesses?
•Why did you get into this field?
•Where do you see yourself in five years?
•Why did you leave your last job and why?
•Tell me about the best and worst bosses you've ever had.
•What did you like most and least about your last job?
•Describe a situation when you had to make an important decision and how you handled it.
•Here's an example of a situation you might encounter in this job. How would you handle it?Here is the link: would try and just prepare in a way that won't make you sound too rehearsed and google potential answers or just think of answers that will match with the type of job and that reflects you honestly but positively too.

Good luck!

10 Biggest Job Interviewing Mistakes

  • i got a job at a grocery store coming to an interview while still tweakin a bit lol, also i didnt dress up fancy or nothing. just make it obvious you think youd do great at job... the rest is just politics and really wont help much

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