Sunday, October 2, 2011

Job Interview Questions: With no work experience, is it okay to go to a Job Interview at Target without a resume?

I have a job interview at a target, and I have no work experience. So I really don't think a resume would help much

10 Easy Ways to Be Much More Confident in Job Interviews

Recommended Answer:
If you've already filled out an application that reflects this fact, you should be fine.

Good luck with your interview- remember to be on time (or early), make eye contact, and follow up with a thank you note!

Career Change Job Search: Job Interview Tips!

  • resume is not required for a job at Target, but you better have all the info written down you will need to fill out a job app

  • Yes. A resume is for work history. If you have no experience, there's not much point in having one.

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