What Do You Do at a Job Interview?
Recommended Answer:
Good for you for wanting to prepare. The best thing to do is to make sure you aren't caught off guard, so by asking here, it shows that you are already thinking. First of all, do a bit of research about Walmart - Go to their website and do a bit of research - have you seen a job description of the job you are applying to?
This is a quote from Walmart's website "At Walmart Canada, we recognize the value of teamwork, strong leadership and open communication. We strive to create a work environment in which associates are involved and enjoy what they do. " They are looking for people who fit with their missions and goals.
Remember, people like people who SMILE - be friendly, approachable and smile - stand up and shake the interviewer's hand.
Dress - one step up from how you may dress at work - Dress pants, clean button up shirt (blouse for girls), your better shoes (not your grubby runners).
Questions will relate to the skills they are looking for in the job - each question, try to decide what skill they are trying to find out.
"Tell me about yourself" - to answer this, try to decide the most important things you would want them to know about you - you are 16 years old, member of .... team, so you know about teamwork and how important every member to the team is. A real people person.... like being around people.... (can you give example of where you used some of these skills?)
They may ask you about strengths (choose something that is really useful in the job you are applying for), weaknesses (tell them about something that will not detract from them, but at the same time tell them what you have learned and how you are working on improving the strength.)
Depending on the job, they may ask questions about the types of skills you have and how you learn.
They may ask you to tell them about a time when.... you were a member of a team .... had too many things to do.... had a conflict with someone..... what would you do if you had to deal with an unhappy customer....
What keys are they looking for: Teamwork, cooperation, every member is important...
Too many things to do? Organizational skills, prioritizing, asking for help so you don't get behind, letting the supervisor know, making yourself available when others are too busy
Conflict? How do you deal with stress, can you negotiate, cooperate, handle pressure?
Unhappy customer? Policies, try to help, do everything you can to make sure the customer is happy, find a supervisor or someone who has authority....
Each of these questions is trying to find different skills - to answer these,prepare yourself by thinking about stories - describe a situation, what was your role, what you did, and how the situation turned out (try to keep everything positive - use only positive language)
Is there somewhere at school where you can go for a mock interview or interview preparation?
Good luck with your interview!!!
Karen Girard, CCDP, CEIP
The Values That You Should Have in a Job Interview
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