How to Ace Your Job Interview
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No, they do not have to tell you if you got the job or not. If they want you they will contact you. It doesnt hurt to call the company back in say 2 weeks if you havent heard anything. They may say sorry its been filled or maybe, they havent made any decisions yet.
The person doing the interviewing can wear anything they want, you on the other hand should dress for success.
Tips to Ace Your Insurance Job Interview
- 1st off i think they don't HAVE to let you know but it is polite to do so. also the dress code depends on the office i'm sure being casual friday or not if they had to go to court or meet a client that day they would be a little better dressed but around the office its up to office management if that's TOO casual or not.
- Some companies let you know by phone, letter or email. Many don't.
Ripped jeans and a t-shirt sound overly casual for casual Friday, especially for someone who will be interviewing someone or having other contact with someone from outside the firm. - proper or not he has a job and you do not. Most companies will give you a courtesy call letting you know they hired someone else
- try this site (i've used it):
- My experience has been this: During the interview, towards the end, they will normally say we will make a decision in (X) days. If they don't mention that, I try to ask, so that I can know when to expect a call. It also lets me know that if I didn't get a call by around that time, that I didn't get to job which keep me from having to make the embarrassing phone call in which they tell me I was not chosen. I also try to ask them to let me know either way, and make it seem as though I am expecting other offers form other companies. If you seem like a hot commodity, they will wonder why you are so hot, and potentially become more eager to hire you so that they can find out. I also make sure to mail a thank you letter as soon as I am home. I mail it out that day and reitterate my interest in the position, I make it very pointed towards what we talked about in the interview, and highlight not me specifically but how my skills can apply to specific things mentioned in the interview(i.e. My powerpoint skills will allow me to create new and professional sales presentations to help your sales team close more sales).
Being that the interview is already over with, and you can't ask them in person, I would say make the call. When you call, make sure to speak directly with the person who did the interview. I would not leave a VM, becasue you might not get a callback and you will still be wondering. Plus if you do leave a VM, then its business etiquette to wait a day or more before trying again. So that means more waiting for you. If you try to reach him for three days in a row and can not catch him, then leave a VM, but also shoot him an email(if you can) telling him you left a VM and that would like to know if a hiring decsion has been made. That way, if he doesn't want to be the bearer of bad news on the phone, he can at least respond via email if you are not the candidate that was selected.
In this economy, I am sure they get these calls often, becasue so many people are looking for a job.
As far as his outfit is concerned, if that is acceptable by the company, then it is what it is. I agree that it was not appropriate, especcially since he was interviewing someone and making an impression of the company, however, if his company says its ok, then there is nmothing that can be said about it.
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