Sunday, February 26, 2012

Job Interview Questions: What Kind of Questions do they Ask at a Job Interview?

Like what do they say, what questions do they ask you, like how old you are, birthday, and other stuff like that. So what questions, like above do they ask you?

Job Interview Tips - 5 Essentials to Do the Day Before the Interview

Recommended Answer:
You'll be asked to give examples of when you've worked effectively as part of a team / as an individual. You'll be asked how you have improved on an existing process to make it better. You'll be asked to give an example of where you've dealt with a difficult colleague or customer.

There are lots of questions they may ask you, and I'm guessing if this is your first job you'll be working in retail or a customer service role right? If the answer is yes, expect them to ask all of the above.

The key to passing the interview is to be calm, be confident and be very friendly and likable.. If they like the positive vibes you give off, the job will be yours.

Google a website called Business Balls if you want specific examples of questions and good answers to them, and ask a senior family member or teacher to help you prepare. It's ok that you havent had a job before cos everyone has to start somewhere.

Smile and be confident, and you'll own the interview.
Good luck!

A Guide To Common Job Interview Questions And Answers

  • .

    The most important focus of an interviewer is about what you can contribute to the company based on your work ethics, attitude, experience and education. They may ask you what qualifies you for the job. How can you contribute to this organization? What is your previous experience that suits you for this job? How well do you work with others and how will you relate to clients/customers? They may ask you what your strengths and weaknesses are. They may ask you where yous see yourself in two to five years.

  • Chances are they won't give much thought to your birthday. The questions will be geared more toward the job you are interviewing for. Case in point, what in your experience makes you believe that you are qualified for this position? You state on your resume that you've done "this" before, do you think that it qualified you to do "that"? If you were hired for this position and a situation like "such and such" came up, how would you handle that? You stated that when you worked for so-and-so doing such-and-such, how do you believe that will help you if your job duties include x-y-z? These type of job specifics are more like what they will ask you. If you've made it to the interview stage, they'll be asking a lot more than what your birthday is.

  • they will ask questions that will qualify you for the position if you answer them in a suiting way

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