Thursday, February 23, 2012

Job Interview Questions: What are some do's and don'ts for a job interview?

I am nervous and the wrong answers come out of my mouth, am not polished and used to them and don't know the "right" and "wrong" things to say. Any tips?

Job Interviews - Six Blunders to Avoid

Recommended Answer:
DO: Do dress apropriatley, business casual. DO bring a resume, at least two copies. Be yourself, R.E.L.A.X!!!! i cant stress how important it is to RELAX.Remember,you are NOT there for an interrogation, there is really no right or wrong thing to say. Just dont use swear words. And dont degrade yourself infront of them like "Omg yeah I always put things off to last minute" thats a big no no
DONT: Dont fidget. Dont arrive late. Dont chew gum. Dont frown, but SMILE. Dont look nervous. Job interviews are nerve racking. its even more nerve racking when your sitting down worrying about it. Remember, breath, relax, and let the interviewer see the real you!


Some of the Toughest Job Interview Questions and Their Model Answers

  • DO: be polite, friendly, outgoing, dress nicely, seem interested, and don't get offended if the person says something you don't completely agree with.

    DON'T: stick out your boobs and butt, make jokes, laugh out loud, burp or make icky noises, dress like a slob, have bad breath, look messy, talk with improper grammer, come un prepared, and common sense should tell you the rest.

    ~Hope that helps~

  • 1. 10 seconds to sell or say so long - Unless your resume catches the interviewer's eye in 10 seconds it's over, you're done.

    2. Be on time - There is no excuse for it, none!

    3. Cell phone off - Obvious but easily forgotten

    4. Know the company, and why you want to work there - Google the company you're interviewing for.

    5. Bring resumes - It shows you're prepared and serious about getting the job.

    6. Bring a notepad - It's a very subtle thing that makes you stand out.

    7. Dress in a clean conservative manner - go into a job interview having showered and wearing clean clothes.

    8. Profiles to private - If you don't think interviewers Google you or look you up on Facebook or MySpace, you're crazy.

    9. Don't make jokes - A job interview isn't the place to test your material. Be friendly and outgoing, save the jokes.

    10. Don't babble - When answering a question, answer the question.

    11. Don't badmouth a boss - Bad mouthing a previous boss in a job interview is a huge negative.

    12. Don't flirt with the interviewer - Common sense but needs to be stated.

    13. Don't play with your face/hair - makes you look like you're lying or lacking confidence, both not good.

    14. Less is more Sometimes certain details of your life are better left unsaid.

    15. Have good eye contact - Staring at the floor, ceiling, or wall when speaking or listening makes you appear disinterested.

    16. Have goals - If you don't and you're asked, you appear un-ambitious, which leads an interviewer to think you'd be a lazy employee.

    17. Have accomplishments - Be prepared to talk about something that you're proud of accomplishing, whether professionally or personally (or a failure and what you learned from it).

    18. Have passion - Be able to express why you want to work in that field/industry.

    19. Ask Questions -Again, it reinforces your strong interest in the job.

    20. Send a thank you note - A hand written thank you note. It reinforces your interest in the job.

    Here is a list of what not to do:…

    A list of question you may be ask and how to answer them:…

  • Before you arrive, you should know your resume inside out and practice answering the questions that recruiters usually ask. You must also relax, make eye contact, give brief but adequate responses and let the interviewer do most of the talking. I have written articles on business and getting a job. Here they are:

  • DO: Smile, annunciate, have fresh breath, keep good posture, have all necessary forms prepared and available.

    DON'T: fuss w/any electronics/phones/ipods, chew gum, groom yourself, smoke, ramble, touch your face.

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