Great Tips for a Successful Job Interview
Recommended Answer:
Hi Jackie, here's some questions they'll probably ask -
Give me an example of when you have delivered excellent customer service and gone above and beyond your normal duties to help a customer? Maybe use an example of where you've worked doing gardening in the summer vacation for 6 or 7 different houses on your street to earn extra money; explain that you always turned up on time, worked 10 hour days, and always had a good attitude to helping your elderly neighbours and as a result they always ring you if they need odd jobs doing.
Give an example of when you have worked as part of a team?
Do you prefer to work as an individual or as a team? *Hint, for this question, you should use an example of both. Say you like working in a team but also as an individual when the job calls for it. This way they know you work well with others but you also have a brain and can cope on your own.
Give an example of where you've had to help a colleague in a difficult situation?
I'd also suggest when they interview you, that you smile a lot, be very friendly and ask a lot of questions. Ask them do they see a lot more customers coming into the store because of the Summer holidays, and also let them know you are very flexible as far as doing extra shifts. If you have a good flexible attitude and are a nice person they will want you as they always want to maintain their image as a friendly store for families.
Google their website, find out how many stores they have, ask them what areas they will train you in if you get the job.
If you have friends there, dont name-drop them, but maybe say something like "My friend worked here for a while, and she was telling me how she really loved being able to answer customer's questions and help them out with their enquiries." This way it shows you have a good attitude towards the job and have also taken the time to find out how the store works behind the scenes.
Remember, it's all about good attitude and being motivated. You'll be fine
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Top 9 Job Interview Questions - Home Run Answers
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