This is also my first interview ever and I have no job experience.
What To Do And Not To Do In A Job Interview
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well i do have job experience in being a salesman at radioshack, a telemarketer sales agent over the phone selling health coverage, and being a waiter whitche i have learned strong communication skills so my strongest advice to you is this and if you use these tips you should be a shoe in
you must appear presentable
smile and be happy show them you have enthusiasm apeear with lighte attitude but also seriouse and about buissnes responsibilty and ready to work
if you are young and this is youre first job and they ask why do you need this money and this job tell them aboutr youre goals and youre plans and responsibnilys for youre not to distant future but be also realistic and dont show them you are planning to ahead but also show them that you do have youre eyes straigthe forward and ready to work and that you are responsible but do not tell them too mutche about youre personell life just what mainly has too do with the job and try too really get along and be vibrant and also life licke
and also you can tell them that you are familiar to the store or the name brand of the store if you are
then that would be the truthe then they would know that you are not exactgley new tro the company and alreadey kn ow kinda what to expect from the company well from the custmers point of view and they willl figyure you can learn the workers point of view as well being that you are alreadey used to the company being that you are and were a frequent visitore
so you can not really tell them to mutche with no experienc but if you show them you are
ready to work
a person readey to communicate with customers if needed and listen to the manager
and show them you are kind,, smart friendly, and vibrant, show them you listen to the communication you should be a shoe in also as well
if they ask you why do you need this job plus this money tell them then about you plans and goals like and how i explained earlier a little something like that
if they ask why jc penney a good reason, like you agree with the companey standards you shop theyre frenquentley and felt it would be a good place to work cause of youre frequent visits and or also
because it is near youre home whitche means you will always be on time and early and alway tell them you will be able to macke it on time and wil alsways show for work and will call in if you think you may be late and tell them that you have reliable transportation i guess i should of explained this earlier and also to them reliable transportatin is a must so if you know you can macke it on time evereyday and show up for work then you have reliable transportation to work even if it is the city bus
but to them i thionk reliable transportation means will you be able to macke it on time evereyday
but it doesnt mean you have to have a car you can walcke tacke the bus of course you shouldnt walcke if it is too far but still if you know you casn macke it on time evereday and show up fopr work then you have pretty mutche reliable transpiortation so if they ask you do you have reliable transportation say yes and yopu should do well for answering to them yes and if they ask you can you macke it on time and show up say yes and tell them also you know if you know that you migthe not be able to macke it you will call in atleast a day before but you will be sure to call in also
you will call and let them know you may be late if you feel you may be lat and this will be good for you to say at youre interview and just know if they ask you do you have reliable transportation even thougthe they may say this means you have a car or this means you got a ride but really im not sure how they tacke that question and what that question really means i know reliable transportatin means a reliable way to get to work so i guess even if you walcke ride a bicke tacke the bus really if you know youll mack it on time and show up youll be allrigthe if you tacke this advice and use it im sure i wanna say youll get the job or atleast a verey good chance well good luck and also show you are
and try to win them over with people skills and some good old fashioned charm just be youreself and do youre best and show thenm you are responsible hardworking intelligent and vibrant but if you ask
i think to ace the interview has alot to do with a persistent attitude an show them you ready to work and have and also i think when i use my charm or use some charm you know be youreself and feal good and stand tall be happy well good luck
Mastering the Job Interview - 5 Tips to Make Yourself Irresistible to the Interviewer
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