Monday, January 2, 2012

Job Interview Questions: Job Interview Wants Me To Bring ID and SS Card, Will Any Of The Following Be Accepted Instead?

I don't have my ID but I have my SS card. I also have a passport, a birth cirtificate, a school ID and a drivers permit. Will any of those be okay or should I cancel the interview? It's like 3 days away so going to the DMV to get one won't do much for this situation as they typically take a week or so to mail it.

Job Interview Success - How to Go After Your Dream Job

Recommended Answer:
The first answer is right. All employers are required to complete a form I-9 to validate you're legally able to work in the US. Below is a link to the form and it shows the identifications required - passport works just fine. If a driver license is required for some other purpose (driving for the company) you can probably use the DMV receipt until the actual license arrives.

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  • Passport is a more acceptable than any other ID. Passport should be fine unless the job requirements involve you driving company vehicles or being on the road.

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