Thursday, August 25, 2011

Job Interview Questions: You have the job interview of a lifetime early in the morning and you have a long commute. How do you guarante?

You have the job interview of a lifetime early in the morning and you have a long commute. How do you guarantee that you do not oversleep?

Get That Job: Mastering Job Interviews

Recommended Answer:
If it is a job of a life time then invest in another alarm clock AND have at least one other friend call your house or come over and wake you up. If you don't have a phone, get a neighbor to wake you up. If it's really early in the morning, tell your friend or neighor that it's just too bad because that's what friends do for each other.

Also, very important, plan on it taking you twice as long to get there as normal. Always use this rule of thumb. A doctor told me that one time and I have never forgotten that cuz I always use to be late to his appointments. You never know if there will be an accident or a traffic jam or construction, etc.

Good luck! Don't oversleep!

Job Interviews: Question to Not Ask

  • well they've got these things called alarm clocks. yeah I know it sounds crazy.

  • a good alarm clock

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