Sunday, November 6, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Bringing your resume to a job interview?

hi, I know that there's a rule saying you should bring enough copies of your resume for each person interviewing you. My concern is that, it seems like such a waste of paper, I mean, for instance I would bring 3 resumes that are tailored for a specific position, and after the job interview is done, I'd have to throw them away because they wouldn't be tailored for any other positions I apply for in the future. Does anyone have any input? thanks so much

Special Job Interview Considerations

Recommended Answer:
you should bring enough copies for each person interviewing you. They want to be able to have something to look at on hand in order to reference your qualifications. They will most likely keep these after the interview not give them back to you to deal with.

It's just one of those things. Yes it is wasteful, but it shows that you are prepared and in the long run if you have to be a little wasteful in order to get a job it's what you have to do.

A List of Tough Job Interview Questions For Tough Times

  • Use the copies you don't need for scarp paper at home. a rim of paper is less then 10.00 a job is worth alot more then a piece of paper.

    always bring a resume one time I did not for I forgot it on the kitchen table the guy literally rolled his eyes at me , needless to say I did not get the job and with his reaction did not want to work for him anyway. always bring the copies in other words. good luck in your job search

  • save the trees. don't print resumes. don't bother bringing your resume to your interview.

    in fact, don't even go to the interview. you'll harm the environment when you drive your car to the office.

    don't waste anyone's time

  • Your attitude is a problem IMO. What is 3 sheets of paper to get a job. Even if you print a ream of paper, what is the costs vs what is your gain?

  • So you would risk the possibility of work because you dont want to waste paper?

    Dont worry about the paper, and just take enough copies!

    Good Luck x

  • Sheesh! How much does a couple pieces of paper really cost?

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