Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Job Interview Questions: How long should I wait after a job interview before I call them and ask about the job?

It has been a week since the interview and I know I did not get the job. A few people have told me that it is MY responsibility to call them but I think it is indecent to string people along like this-I am sure they informed the person who got hired so why not do the right thing and call the others? Anyway, how long should I wait before I pathetically call and ask about the job?

Will What You Wear for a Job Interview Help You Pass the 2 Minute Test?

Recommended Answer:
you should be able to call on a 'follow up' to see if a decision has been made for the

job you applied for...........within 5/7 business days....should be able to do this twice

without its being a problem....after that I wouldnt do it/they can contact you/they have your


and you're right, but seldom is that done anymore/you are not given that courtesy; they have found

that certain people cant handle the info given in the call and will under stress, go crackers......and

they dont want to be the cause of it,directly.

Guide to a Successful Job Interview

  • maybe you should get some self respect and stop saying things like " how long should I wait before I pathetically call and ask about the job"

  • Wait a few more days, then call and ask if they have come to a desision yet. Don't demand anything though

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