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5 Tips For a Successful Job Interview
Recommended Answer:
Don't worry about your clothes - just try to stay business casual and wear what makes you feel good.
Other advice:
1) Practice your answers. If you blank out, practice, practice, practice. Know that job description and how you would be a perfect fit. Get at least 3 examples of your skill set - using figures is highly recommended (i.e. "I saved my current company $25K by implementing a new attendance policy").
2) Prepare at least 3 questions to ask. They can be general, but also keep your ears open to adjust the questions for the interviewer.
3) Bring copies of your cover letter, resume and a notepad/pen. Take notes - at the very least you'll be able to follow-up with the company.
4) Tell yourself why you are perfect for this job - and be clear. If you can tell yourself, you can tell an interviewer.
5) When you start to get nervous, focus on your skills. Pretend you aren't there for a job. Pretend you're there to just sell your skills. Sometimes that can take some pressure off if you don't have that added boulder hanging over your head.
6) Most important - don't over-analyze everything. You're going to go home after the interview and regret saying this or not saying that. Do yourself a favor and don't over think it. If you forgot to say something or need to clarify an answer, do so in a thank-you letter.
7) Remember that you can have the best interview and still not get the job. It all depends on who is applying and what the company is needing in an employee. I was unemployed last year and went on 24 interviews before landing my job. I gave 24 stellar interviews, and 23 of them just weren't looking for me.
Job Interview Techniques - How to Crack the Interview Code
- just be very professional...never use "love" always use like...don't be over-enthusiastic
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