Monday, November 21, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Should you forcefully hide your religion and sexual orientation on a job interview or at job?

There are many taboo topics during job interviews but is it actually illegal for a potential employer or a current employer to ask your religion or sexual orientation? I'm not sure how or why they would want to know but if they do ask, what is a polite way of saying you don't want to release that information?

This question is mostly for homosexuals, bisexuals and non-christians since those are the minorities.

The Ten Secrets For a Great Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
Im heterosexual, but I actually did have someone ask me in an interview once what my sexual orientation was. I responded "I do not intend to be disrespectful, but could you tell me how that is relevant to the position I've applied for?" All she said was "It isn't." I smiled, and she moved on with the interview. I'm pretty sure I could have made some noise about that, but I just dismissed it as her personal ignorance.

I'm not sure if that's illegal or not, but it should be. A person could easily tell you they are gay and then scream discrimination when they don't get the job.

How To Prepare For Your Job Interview

  • I haven't seen any application, asking if you are Muslim, Homosexual or bisexual. Sorry, that might have that kind of stuff your country but not in America. Besides, your interviewer can not ask you those personal question.

  • It's just none of their business really. They won't ask because they probably don't care and it would be illegal to refuse you a job because you're gay or because of your religion.

  • It is illegal. Your personal beliefs and lifestyle choices shouldn't matter. What should matter is if you can get the job done efficiently.

  • Those issues should be irrelevent in the workplace

  • You shouldn't hide it, but they can't ask that because that's illegal.

  • How is it force when know one is putting a gun to your head?
    threatening you??

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