Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Is it okay to mention that you're gay during a job interview?

I'm about to graduate college and I will be going on a lot of job interviews. I was wondering if you think it's okay for me to mention that I'm gay. Not to like blurt out that I'm gay for no reason, but if it's relevant to the conversation. Like if I'm talking about my triumphs over adversity or something.

Yay or Nay?

How to Prepare For a Job Interview - Preparing For a Good Job

Recommended Answer:
Is the company known for being progressive and forward thinking on gay rights? You can find out by researching and seeing if it offers domestic partner benefits or has an employee gay and lesbian group.

If a company is more conservative then I would not mention that if you expect to get the job.

What field of work do you seek? Some fields of work have plenty of openly gay people. Others do not. Even if a company is progressive on gay rights, it may be in a field where being openly gay is not something people do.

You have to play this company by company. That is one option.

Now if you choose to make it known you are gay, then boom, it is out in the open and the company knows who you are. That makes coming out at the office much easier. That is not a bad option per se because you don't have to deal with coming out.

So it all boils down to how much you want be out in the workplace and which companies are more likely to treat that as a non issue.

3 Steps to a Great Job Interview

  • The generic answer is know your company (capitalize that).

    If the company has a reputation as pro-gay, yay.

    If the company has an anti-gay reputation, politely decline the interview (or don't pursue).

    If the company has no public reputation or you are unable to determine one before the interview, nay to begin with. Concentrate on other aspects of your vibe for the company and their pro-vibe for you. If things progress, look for an occasional opportunity to bring such things up generically -- if you get an "all clear" vibe, then go for it.

  • There's no reason for either you or the interviewer to bring it up. If you do, you stand a good chance of not getting the job. Not necessarily because the interviewer doesn't want to hire gays (although that's quite possible), but because he felt it was a faux pas on your part to mention it.

  • I would say no. Unless the company is pro gay.
    I understand you want to be proud and list it as an accomplishment but I wouldnt because they just might turn that into something against you. they may use it negatively to say your gayness would affect your ability to do your job (which we know is not true).

  • there is no need to bring it up in most interview scenarios.

    If the person interviewing you for some reason volunteers the information, then maybe, but otherwise you open yourself up to being judged.

    Your sexual orientation is your own business and is not subject everyone.

  • if you are straight you don't think about this question, it is irrelevant. its your personal space being intruded! you should be hired by your skills at work not in bed!

  • Who or what you have sex with is not as important as gays think.Keep it to yourself until someone asks you.

  • No. Dont volunteer any extra intel.

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