Sunday, November 27, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Do Express stores only do group interviews? Job interview advice?

I have a job interview at Express tomorrow and I'm very nervous. While talking to one of the employees at the store she mentioned her interview was a group interview. Do all Express stores do them by default?
Also any advice on group interviews/ regular interviews would be appreciated!

How To Give Good Job Interview Answers

Recommended Answer:
Do all Express stores do them by default?
You have to ask the interviewer or manager if all Express stores do them by default.

For group interviews, be polite and enthusiastic. No need to boast or put others down. Nonetheless, be aggressive in answering questions that will arise and input courteous comments here and there.
Be prepared by practicing in the mirror and in front of your friends/families. Make sure you know what to say by answering sample questions. Be attentive and ask clever questions to the interviewer.
Be tactful and stay positive. These advices also pertain to regular interviews. Make sure to make a good impression by being professional :)

GL! ~

Job Interview Tips to Help You Wow Your Interviewers and Land the Job

  • I hate group interviews. They do this to save money and time, which I find revolting.
    If the company has enough money to run a multimillion dollar outfit, they certainly have time to spend with each applicant, seperately.

    Not all stores will do this, unless it is company policy. A lot of stores will do this usually this time of year, when starting to hire for the holiday season....only because they need a lot of people at one time.

    The last group interview I had was at Bath and Body Works. The manager read questions from a form and asked us all the same question.
    Im pretty used to what kind of answers they want, so I give the "standard" answers.

    All you can do is smile during the whole thing and give answers you think a big corporation would want to hear.

    Basically, just keep in mind, they want to know you will be there everyday, all day, work any hours, and be available on holidays.

    Hope that helps.

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