Monday, November 21, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Job interview Thursday - what should I do with my long hair?

I've got a job interview on Thursday and can't decide what to do with my hair - 4 inches past shoulders:

1. Go to a salon have it trimmed and wear loose?
2. As 1. but have it put up / ponytail
3. Have it cut in to a Bob for a more professional look
4. As 3. but go for a Pixie

Must admit that the idea of cutting my hair is pretty appealing!

What do you think?

Tips For Job Interviews - Information You Need to Know

Recommended Answer:
I spend a lot of my time interviewing and i would reiterate what somebody has already said ' all of the above are acceptable as long as you don't spend the whole interview either playing with your hair or pushing it out of your eyes'.

In that respect you may find certain Bob styles mean hair goes in your eyes when leaning forward as much as a long style.

One thing to consider: A few months ago I interviewed a girl with long hair which was styled so that it didn't go in her face. When she came back for a second interview her hair had been cut in to a really pretty, short pixie - I remembered her after this transformation and she ended up getting the job. In the current job market it's worth trying anything to make sure you are remembered!

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  • I really like number 3 and 4, but I'd go with either a ponytail or a ballerina bun. Since it would be a job interview, you shouldn't really look so fashioned, unless it's going to be modeling or designing or something. Just simple yet elegant and pretty good-looking hairstyle.

  • What you do the night before is put a large smear of vaseline in your hair and back comb it. Leave it in overnight and your hair should be shiny and curly the next morning ;)

  • i think have a little trim, and get them to put it up in a pretty simple bun slightly to the side... very professional looking and elegant, don't cut your hair you will only regret it .. :)

  • either tie it up in a high pony tail r a bun .if u want to cut it, cut it but make sure to keep hair out of ur face cs that looks unprofessionall

  • If you don't want to get it cut you could always put it up into a smart looking bun.

  • Go fuh the ponytail make sure your hair is not in your face and smile ;)

  • dont bother cutting it, just put it up in a really nice ballerina bun

  • A job interview shouldn't stop one from making a DRASTIC change in their hairstyle, but if you have long hair teach yourself to style it up, to look more professional. Mine is down to my knees, and I can easily style it 7 different ways a week. Takes 2-10 mins. I've posted 27 in 11 months. There are so many inspirations out there: American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, PROM & fashion magazines. Just turn on the TV and find more inspirations, and try to see if you can incorporate their styles to yours. I use claw clips often, add fabric flowers. I make tons of those to help non-profit org.

    I've had mine cut Princess Di's hair style once, it looked good on her, but because of my hair texture, HATED it on me.

    The only advice I can give you? It's only hair. If you don't like the pixie cut or bob style, you can always grow your hair again. You'll never know how it looked on you, without trying it.

    I am for long hair now. I had more problems and troubles with short hair, and I looked like a boy. I have sons, and I don't want to look like one of their sisters when I'm with them. I want to look more like their mom. My short hair is over, I had that all my grade school life and won't look like grade school or like all the Seniors @ the center - where I do volunteer work.

    If you do decide to cut your hair shorter, make sure they're wrapped up saved in paper. I guarantee you, they will never be that long, healthy and color again.

    Example of one who cut her hair too short:
    ok,so my god mom is a beautician and just did my hair and cut it SO short it is exactly how i did not want it and school is tomorrow.

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