Sunday, November 20, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Job interview--how to bargain for higher pay?

I'm going for a job interview. My current job earning is way below my title deserves. I want my new job to pay me 25% more. When they ask my current salary, what should I say? Should I lie? Will they find out?

What else I can do to bargain for higher pay?

Thanks for professional tips.

Careers After 50: Tips For Winning Job Interviews!

Recommended Answer:
Don't lie. it will put your confidence down. To bargain for better salary you can say that you have been working in salary which is below the market trend and now you feel that you have good experience for having a good salary.
But you should not make a figure to them first. if they will force give a range to them or ask them what the range they are having.then you can decide which way to go for.

Preparing For A Job Interview: Techniques You May Not Have Thought Of

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