Sunday, November 6, 2011

Job Interview Questions: OMG help me! I have job interview at McDonald's tomorrow and I don't know what to expect!?

I got a job interview at McDonald's in CA for tomorrow and this is my first time ever getting this interview! I am 17 years old and I don't know what to do, expect or say. I am pretty smart and been wanting a job since the past 4 other ones I applied to. Please help me, what should I wear, do, say, and dont's and etc?

How to Shine in Audit Jobs Interviews

Recommended Answer:
First off, i think you should reconsider it a little bit maybe take it for now if you really need to make money. but i suggest you try to apply at restaurants .. where you can make more money and maybe somewhere a little more reputable. Youre pretty young though so i guess if you dont mind working for minimum and standing around in a greasy environment all the time with rude people..... But nevertheless, you should expect to be questioned about why you want to work there and i think the best thing to say is that you think its a great place for you to work and you would like to start saving money to prepare yourself for the future. You should maintain eye contact at all times during the interview, have a nice, positive attitude, be open and honest, smile and seem interested and willing to work. Also, dress professionally, that means no open -toed shoes, black slacks etc.

Nifty Tips For Winning a Job Interview - A Must Look

  • Um why are you applying for Mickey D's try a job where you wont be embarrassed when your friends come through like a retail store at the mall...they are hiring for seasonal employees hint hint. Please dress professionally bc it will help you in the long run (ie, slacks, blouse, dress shoes, and a pen)

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