From the Eyes of a Job Interviewer
Recommended Answer:
I would say take it out if it's against their dress code - I frown on applicants that come to interview for me with piercings or not wearing professional clothing. On the other hand, if the applicant is really qualified and assures me they will remove it when working their shift, I wouldn't let it stop me from hiring them. Good luck at your interview!
I Landed a Job Interview: Should I Stop My Job Search?
- Remove the piercings until after your interview. Ask the boss, or the person doing the hiring at that time, if certain piercings are allowed. A lot of businesses, including major retail stores, don't allow some types of obvious body piercings (or large, uncovered tattoos) doesn't show a "professional" appearance and some customers find it offensive, especially older customers. So ask first before you wear them.
- Perhaps you can cover it up with a bandage? But rather than that, I'm not sure if having a facial piercing is a good idea for a job interview because first impressions are everything in the business world.
- Most often it is not. I know where I work, people like that are the topic of "Are you kidding me?" in the break room all day after their interview.
- At Chick-Fil-A, ABSOLUTELY NOT. They are a very conservative company and your chances of getting the job would be significantly hindered if you show up with a piercing.
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