Saturday, November 5, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Going to my first job interview today, help?!?

I have been applying everywhere, and I finally got called yesterday to come in today at 2:30 for a job interview at Ross! I am 18 years old, just in case that matters at all.
Does anybody work here?
Are there any tips you could give me about what to say, and the questions that will be asked?

I want to be prepared!! :)
Thank you!

5 Simple Rules for A Great Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
You can go online and find lists of typical interview questions. The biggest thing about an interview is being chill and honest. Basically you're just having a two way conversation with someone who is trying to get to know you. Make sure you ask questions about the company and management so you know it's a place you want to work at.
Mostly you want to be relaxed and confident. Don't worry if you get the job or not, because worrying will only make it worse.

Couple of interview questions that have thrown me off in past were:

What are my goals for the future?
Name three adjectives to describe myself.

Question To Ask At A Job Interview-5 Of The Best Questions!

  • wow that is a good start! the key to avoid rejection is that you must impose strong self confidence! HR staffs know that being potential employee one must reflect the appeal of a good employee... Appeal does not only refer to physical attributes instead pleasing personality refers to the over all impact of a person based on how he/she talks, express, thinks of perspectives and etc. Go on girl! you can do it!

  • ive worked there i also am 18 but this job is very stressful i mean lots of dutys and lots of work but its about the money right lol'anyways justkeep ur head up and make sure you make eye contact :) then im very sure youll have that job ..also node like you actually know what their saying lol even if u dont know ..good luck !

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