Saturday, November 5, 2011

Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview tomorrow, any tips?

I am 17 and i am going to my first job interview ever, are there any tips and common questions you could inform me of that would be helpful for my interview tommorow PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

5 Tips For a Successful Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
Research the company - nothing really detailed just simple things, especially if its a chain like target, jc penney, etc basically where there is more than one

how many it started with, how many there are to this day, good things they've done for customers, etc and if you have the chance to bring it up during an interview do so!

& practice questions. I did this monday night and it helped me SO much this tuesday (yesterday)
What type of job is it by the way? depending on that will help to determine questions that will be asked

If for retail
"How would your friends describe you?, what would you do if a friend or co-worker stole from the store?, what are your strengths and weaknesses?, how would you treat a customer who does not know about a product (or something sold there)?, what is good customer service?, why do you want to work here?"

Things like that.
If you have a resume, DEFINITELY bring that. At least 5 + a copy for yourself. Relate any experience you have previously to the job you are applying for - esp. if you've worked with customers a lot

Make your objective known - what are your qualifications for the job you want?
Make sure you have questions you'd like to ask them!

Be polite and friendly - know what you want.
Firm handshake, good eye contact - smile smile smile
No downers in an interview, its like..forbidden and it can hinder the time you get

Job Interview Techniques - How to Crack the Interview Code

  • Not knowing your background and the nature of the job you're applying, I can ony give you the following suggestions:

    Find out something about the company, their latest business plan, product, services, and what you will be doing if they hire you. You can get a lot of the information on the net.

    Review your resume and remember those experience relevant to the new job by heart.

    Review your resume and give some thought about what you can contribute to the company if they hire you. In other words, ask yourself why the company should hire you.

    Have a nice dinner and plenty of rest tonight

    On the day of the interview, make sure you bring along several copies of your resume with you. Dress appropriately for the job you're applying. Be at the company at least 10 to 15 minutes before the interview.

  • Give straight answers, and look your interviewer in the eye. Plus if you do not get the job don't get discouraged.

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