Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Job Interview Questions: Would this question be inappropriate at a job interview?

I am interviewing for a support level position with a small investment management company. On their website, they have bios of all the higher-up people, but they do not have anything on their support staff. Some of their competitors include all the principals and their support staff. This shows me that their support staff means a lot to the company as well. I would like to ask this company why they decided not to include their support staff on their website. Should this question be avoided?
27 seconds ago - 4 days left to answer.

Critical Mistakes To Avoid at Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
I would not ask it. If you're subsequently hired and demonstrate your value as an employee, that would then be the time to "suggest" it.

Techniques To Avoid Job Interview Stress

  • If this is very important to you, then yes ask it but in a nice way. Something along the lines of " I noticed you don't have all your staff on your website, is it still under construction"

    If it isn't that big of a deal "I don't think it is" And you really need a job, then forget about it. Ask it when you are hired.

  • No.

    It's not your place to ask. There might be a reason why they've not included it on their website.

    If it's something eating at you, the best way to ask is: "How does your company view the role of their support staff?"

    If you nag about what's on their website or not, they might just write you off as a troublemaker.

    Good luck.

  • perhaps they don't want their employees raided by competitors........

    if you want the job and all the other signals are right.....wait until you are on board.......

    this question could knock you out of the running for the position as they may perceive you as a militant trouble maker, not a team player.........

    actually I like the question and won't be threatened by it....however keep in mind the person hiring you is judged by the type of people they hire.

  • If you really want the job then yes it is inappropriate. If they think little enough of their support staff to include them, they'll not want to employ someone onto that staff who is clearly outspoken. It's very sad and wrong but that's the way it is at some places sadly.

  • I would suggest not asking that kinda question unless you are sure you have the job. If you have to ask the question I suggest posing it as un-hostile as possible. Like:

    "Hey I noticed you website and was wondering if there was any reason you don't have your support staff on there?"

  • It is a fair enough question, but dependent on the characteristics on the interviewer would be dependent on what the response would be, positive or negative. For that reason, I wouldn't ask it until after you have got the job!

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