Friday, February 3, 2012

Job Interview Questions: Job interview-Previous employer with bad work environment.?

I am looking for another job because the working conditions with my current employer are horrible! The way they operate and their processes are not very customer friendly at all! Should I mention any of that when I interview for other jobs?

Job Interview Tip Number 1 is Preparation

Recommended Answer:
Tread lightly when you do mention it. If you dwell too much on how bad it was then you can easily sound like a complainer or someone who's never happy. But if they ask why you left, there's no need to lie - just be careful how you word it. Instead of complaining about how horrible the place was to you personally (makes you appear self-centred), focus on how the previous place wasn't good to their customers (poor service, example) and that you don't really want to be a part of that type of place. By focusing on how they were bad to customers and not you, it sounds a lot more objective and that you care more about the customers than yourself

How to Answer Job Interview Questions Correctly and Get Hired

  • NEVER NEVER NEVER speak ill of your previous or currently employer. Interviewers hate that and will throw your application in the trash.
    If you have a problem with your employer and need to leave do it as delicate as possible.
    try to leave on as good of terms as possible.
    tell you interviewer something like you are exploring new possibilities or anything positive don't let on that you job sucks.

  • You probably don't want to come off like you just couldn't stand your boss there. You'll raise a red they'll wonder if you're the know-it-all employee that doesn't get along with co-workers...

    You will also burn any bridge with the current boss if you need to cite the job on your resume (ie. JOB EXPERIENCE) in the future...

    Just explain that you didn't feel like you were utilizing your professional skills or reaching your maximum potential at your current job...

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