Monday, February 13, 2012

Job Interview Questions: Is it bad to mention that you have children at a job interview?

Like when they ask if you if you are employed or what you do? Or what you spend your days doing. Is it better to just not even bring it up, or would it be ok?

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Recommended Answer:
I don't think it is bad to mention that you have kids, as it may actually help. Most parents have long term goals, since they have children to support. It helps show that you understand responsibility.

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  • it is not bad to mention that u have children if you are asked about them, as the interviewer possibly have children too.

    tell the truth if your chidlren are not employed, and give a good explanation why., e.g., they are studying or under training. You dont need to volunteer the bad parts, if any, about them.

    you dont mention about your kids unless asked about them.

  • it's not bad to mention kids,but don't include you have to be off by 3:00pm to pick them up,or watch them at nite.If they ask,and I have had them ask if working til 6 is a problem with kids and I always say no my mother watches them. DON'T say you have a nanny or a sitter.
    It really is none of their business and shouldn't effect your job.

  • First, a good interviewer should never ask about whether or not you have children, as is can open the door to discrimination claims against them. If there is a good reason to mention them, like saying that the big gap in you employment history was due to raising your kids, that is generally fine. Otherwise, you're better off just focusing on what you can do and how you're qualified for the job, and generally speaking your kids aren't part of that.

    Good Luck.

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