Sunday, February 12, 2012

Job Interview Questions: When on a job interview, what's the best way to answer?

Let's say you have a job and you are looking for a new one. You may not like your work environment or you are looking for a job with better pay. So you land an interview. The person looks at your resume and says " What is your reason for leaving the XYZ Company" What would be the best way to answer that question besides something like "Well I need more money"..even though that may be true but it doesn't sound very professional.

Job Interview Cheat Sheet - Top 6 Questions & Mental Strategies

Recommended Answer:
"I'll be completely honest with you. The reason why I left the XYZ Company is because I felt that it was a place where my potential was not able to show and did not give me a chance to grow. But I feel as though this job provides both of those aspects that ultimately offer me a constructive workplace."

Job Interviews Should Be As Easy As Trying on a Pair of Shoes

  • Well, you could try the honest route and admit that, while you like your job (the work itself, not necessarily the environment, but you don't have to say that) you really can no longer afford to accept the low wage and are looking to take your experience from XYZ into an environment that more suits your skills.
    Or that you've always seen XYZ as a stepping stone to more ambitious projects like ABC (the interviewing company). Or that you felt that XYZ didn't offer the opportunities for advancement that ABC does and you felt it was time to move on? Or that you've always aspired to the position offered here at ABC and when you saw the job opening, couldn't help but jump at the chance despite already being employed with XYZ... follow your dream, right?

    Be as honest as you can... if you never dreamed of working for ABC, then don't claim that you've always dreamed of it... but you can use rephrasing to make otherwise "unprofessional" sounding motives sound positive. Avoid complaining about your current employer under any circumstances! Try to use your reason to point to something positive about yourself, such as ambition, pluck, self-awareness, loyalty, experience or a need for greater challenge etc.

  • Be truthful first. And positive. Say: I feel I've gone as far as I can with XYZ (and give one or two examples of your outstanding achievements). Or I feel my talents/ qualities (and name some, like persistence, taking the initiative, being able to work well unsupervised or as part of a team or as leader of a project...that sort of thing) would be a real asset for XYZ, or XYZ more closely fits my abilities and aspirations (again naming some concrete skills and ambitions).
    By staying positive and not dissing your current employer, you demonstrate that you can be loyal and are not a whiner or complainer.
    If they point blank ask you why you're leaving XYZ, say in addition to the above, the benefits at your company are also -- also, but not only -- an incentive.
    Whatever you do, don't lie!

  • "I feel I have accomplished as much as I could at XYZ and your company could help me achieve more" would be a good answer. Whatever you do don't badmouth your old job or co-workers. It makes you look like a conflictive person.

  • "I am looking for something better"
    "I need something more challenging"

  • I need a job where i can grow and expand my potential, some thing that will turn into a career and i can advance my career

  • Say something like "There were limited opportunities to advance my career with that company."

  • oh yes, lie during your interview. that'll land you a job.

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