Thursday, March 1, 2012

Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview today, do you think it would be inappropriate to try and hide my baby bump?

I really need the job, it's not anywhere fancy; just retail.
But would it be wrong to hide (or try to hide) my baby bump.
I just want to get the job without them taking one look at my belly and telling me no.

A Guide To Common Job Interview Questions And Answers

Recommended Answer:
I don't think so....

They could never prove that you hid it from them...

Job Interview Rehearsal - The Benefits of Mock Interviews

  • As long as you aren't concerned with coming back to work after the baby is born, go ahead and hide it. There will come a day when they will notice and probably be pissed about you hiding it to begin with, but they cannot fire you for being pregnant once you are an employee.

  • i dont know how you're going to hide a baby bump at 7 mos. but i dont know anyone who would hire a pregnat women cuz if they hire you, you're only working 2 months then out for 6-8 weeks then they gotta deal with child care issues. but if you could hide it then good luck. oh yeah and be careful cuz lets see if you do get hired, then they find out you lied/hid your pregnancy then they can terminate you. a lot of times in the contract and interviewing process, there is a clause that says if you are knowingly hiding something than that can be grounds for termination which would be perfectly legal. then you would have to prove you didnt know you were 7 mos preggers, which would probably be pretty hard to do.

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