Friday, March 2, 2012

Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview today! HELP Q&As?

I have a job interview for a Temporary Light Vehicle Technician, its at a college in a workshop full of students level 1 and 2 students!

preparing for my interview what questions are they likely to ask and how should i answer them!


Get Hired Fast & Earn More - Top 5 Job Interview Tips

Recommended Answer:
First of all I write the questions I think they'll say and I write an answer on paper. If you write it down you can use big words and its easier to memorize. Second the most difficult question that they always tend to ask is when they say "So so and so, tell me about yourself" that's when you sell yourself. In one paragraph how can you make yourself awesome. I think about my personality and how I like my job and I'll say some thing like"Well I enjoy working in a fast paced environment, I am organized both at home and at work and I love to challenge myself." So it kinda paints a picture of my personality and strong points. Another tough question is the "what are your strengths and weaknesses" I find it easier to have your weakness compliment your strength. I.E. my strength is I like to set goals and push myself. My weakness is I beat myself up when I don't achieve them. So it doesn't seem too bad. They're gonna ask you questions like "what was a time when you needed to solve a problem" and "what did you like best and least about these jobs" "what is something you did really well" and "what is something you did not so well" brainstorm and think of anything from work, scchool,bor volunteer work. And above all DON'T LIE! Dress nice, smilebcheerfully, and keep your hands in your lap. And make eye contact... if that intimidates you like it does me look between their eyes when nerves. That's all my wisdom... hope it helps. ]ood luck!

Keys to Successful Employment - Professional Job Interview Tips

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