Friday, August 26, 2011

Job Interview Questions: How should I prepare for a job interview?

I'm going in for an interview at a movie rental store, and I'm wondering what I should do to prepare for it.

Is it necessary to dress formally for such a small-scale job interview?

Also, what etiquette should I follow?

Interview Questions - Discover the Secrets of Answering Any Job Interview Question Easily

Recommended Answer:
Many interviewers use a technique called behavioral interviewing. This means that they will be looking for you to provide specific examples that speak to the situation, the action you took and the result.

The best way to prep for this is to think of some different examples of times when you:

- Gave outstanding customer service.
- Turned around an upset customer.
- Were asked to implement a company policy.
- Went above and beyond your current role.

Those should help get you started.

The prior answer is correct about dress. Business casual (slacks/skirt, collared shirt, polishable shoes) is always a safe bet.

Good luck in the interview!

4 Tips For Having the Most Success With Your Job Interview

  • Hi...

    The rule of thumb is that you dress one or two levels higher than the job that you're going for.…

  • First hygiene is very important. Second wear a nice pair of pants no blue jeans and a nice shirt no t shirt. In a job class the teacher said to dress above the job when going for an interview. If it's a video rental store they most likely won't ask any gottcha questions. What I mean is what are your weaknesses? Get to the store about 10 min before your scheduled interview. Go into the store say Hello I'm ( your name )and tell them you have an interview with (the person's name) at the time set up. Do what they tell you to do from there

  • It is always safe to be overdressed than under dressed for an interview. You want to give the impression that you are serious and want the job. Dressing casually gives the impression that you don't care. Be sure to shake hands with the interviewer and make eye contact. Also prepare for common interview questions such as: What are your strengths and weaknesses? Tell me about yourself? etc.. But, the best thing that you can do is have confidence. Practice your questions ahead of time so you feel confident and are not full of anxiety. Good luck on your interview.

  • You should be Physically and mentally prepared.. and Ask god to guide you and help you.. That's the best preparation..

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