Saturday, August 27, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What happens if you miss a job interview?

If someone misses a part time job interview then does that mean they can never apply for the same job at the same place? Can they apply for the same job but at a different branch?

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Recommended Answer:
You could probably go an apply for the same job at a different branch because each location likely has their own hiring manager. However, you might want to wait a month or so just to be on the safe side. Also if something about you missing this job interview ever comes up in a job interview, be honest, own up to your mistake, and mention it won't happen again.

Good luck!

Nervous About an Upcoming Job Interview? Just Focus on the Three Interview Objectives

  • it just mean that you either not interested in the job, or that you are simply irresponsible in calling them back for not showing up.

    therefore dont bother to apply there again, and whether u can apply elsewhere depends on whether they share the same personnel office.

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