Monday, August 22, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Who can legally conduct a job interview? Is there any training required to do an interview?

Can an everyday regular employee conduct a job interview?
Is there some training they need to take before legally conducting an interview?
Is some type of HR training needed for this?

If there are any laws, please let me know of Pennsylvania specific laws.


Answer Any Job Interview Question and Get Hired

Recommended Answer:
the janitor can interview if they want, the govt can not tell an employer how to run his business, there are not laws for everything,

Job Interview Tips - What To Do Before And During The Interview

  • Yes.........there are laws on what you can and cannot need to be trained to interview.........and have some common could put the company in serious legal trouble by asking incorporate questions..............

  • There are no necessary training required to a person for it to conduct an interview...anyone higher in a company can conduct a formal interview questions like manager.

  • There are no laws limiting who can conduct the interview process, however there are questions that you can not legally ask so training is recommended.

  • No, there are no laws.

    Any employee an employer wants to conduct an interview can conduct the interview

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