Thursday, August 25, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Is it ok to do hand gestures during a job interview?

I think hand gestures during a job interview cam improve the tone of your pitch during job interview but and it makes you look like you're confident during your job interview but some career websites advice not to do hand gestures during job interview. I am confused. . .

Getting Job Interview Help For Aviation Jobs

Recommended Answer:
doing small gestures is ok, but dont do big and distracting gestures.

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  • yes use hand gestures, appearing confident is good. bully bosses see the lack of hand gestures as a lack of confidence and that can work against you so if you like to use hand gestures, please by all means use them.

  • I've heard you're not to be fidgety or gesture too much in an interview...I'm not too sure either..but I would keep it to a minimum. Just make eye contact and maintain good posture and composure while you speak.

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