Thursday, November 24, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Do I need to wear a watch to a job interview?

I've been told that in job interviews the interviewer will check to see if you wear a watch... but now that we're in an era where a lot of people use cell phones as a time piece, do interviewers still check for a watch?

5 Simple Rules for A Great Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
It is all matter of having the proper appearance and accessories. You do not pull out your cell phone and play with it to see what time it is! You wear an appropriate watch. Women wear appropriate earrings, perhaps a necklace. Men wear an appropriate tie.

They are checking not only what you wear but how you wear it, your knowledge of proper business attire and etiquette, and how you value yourself. If you wear a cheap cruddy watch, you do not value yourself or your time. If you wear a big flashy watch, you are an "all flash & no cash" type -- in other words, you have no substance backing you up. Wearing a good watch symbolizes care and attention to appearance, valuing your self and your time, and a certain subtlety and elegance. An astute person can check their watch (i.e. manage their time) without being obtrusive about it.

Pay attention to what you wear. And wear a watch! The basics which others listed above are NOT enough. The devil is in the details. They look at the fine points, not just the gross appearance. They are paying far more attention than most people guess.

Question To Ask At A Job Interview-5 Of The Best Questions!

  • I wouldnt go out and buy one. Although I never heard of that myself, I guess I would wear one if I had one on hand.

    I think what is much more important than wearing a watch is to exude confidence and interest in the company you are being interviewed by. If you dont have a watch I would instead spend that time you would buying one researching company information instead. They will be much more impressed that you know details about the company vs wearing a watch.

  • I have never heard that before, and I would wager a guess that that is not true. Normally interviews are graded on the following:

    -Overall appearance (posture, hair, and dress nicely, but a watch is not required)
    -Overall demeanor (sit up relatively straight, speak clearly ,etc)
    -Past experience and reputations (based on your resume)

  • This is probably outdated advise, but it couldn't hurt. I would wear a watch, even thought I don't normally wear one and always just check my cell phone. In a case where there is no downside to doing it and it might actually help; I would do it.

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