Friday, November 25, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Tomorrow I'm going to solarium administrator job interview. Should my clothes be official or daily but nice?

Tomorrow I'm going to solarium job interview. I should work here a solarium administrator, selling solarium services. How should I look? I mean I was working as administrator in the offices and dressed officially black suit and mini skirt with high-heels. But here's a leisure field. So should I look more conservative or free? How should I look?

Useful Tips in Handling Job Interviews

Recommended Answer:
I say you should look conservative a nice pair of slacks and a button up or a blouse or you can wear a skirt that hits just below the knees and if you wear a skirt i suggest you wear high heels and not boots. No matter how there dressing in the office whether its very casual you should never show up to the interview that way. I wore slacks and a button up to a Kmart interview.

Nifty Tips For Winning a Job Interview - A Must Look

  • i always find it easier to answer those kind of questions if you look or try to remember what the people were wearing there at the place you'd be working, then wear something similar to that... it usually works, then ur not too dressed up or under dressed.

  • Look At What Other People Are Wearing.
    But Make It Look A Bit Smart, Add A Blazer, If You Arent Going To Wear A Suit.
    And Wear Heels, They Always Look Smart, Within Reason.. =]

  • First off, you should NEVER wear a mini skirt to any place of business unless it's on a stage with a pole!!! You are representing a company and the company if reviewed by the appearance of the employees. If you represent yourself in that manner, than what are people saying about the business?! I would go to and look up the clothing and wear professional clothing. That makes you stand out and you never know, some other company might see you and want to hire you with better pay. Good Luck

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