Monday, October 31, 2011

Job Interview Questions: Should i wear a wearing a tie to a job interview?

Would it be inappropriate for me to wear business casual to a job interview for a position that is blue collar, or should I still dress up with slacks/dress shirt/tie? this is at a hospital for a food service gig for HS/college students looking for a job.

Top 10 Tips for Excelling in a Panel Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
Yes you should wear a wearing tie

Are You Making These Common Job Interview Mistakes?

  • You should dress a little formally even if the interview is for a blue collar job.

  • wear a tie as it will feel great after the interview when you can loosen it and your shirt collar

  • yes

  • yes, you'll look more smart

Job Interview Questions: What should i wear to my Pizza Hut job interview? ?

i am 16 years old and on thursday i have a job interview with the manager at pizza hut.. Ive never had a job or had to do an interview so i dont really know what would be appropriate to wear.

Job Interviews - 10 Cardinal Sins

Recommended Answer:
I got a job at Pizza Hut when I was 17. I can't recall what I wore to the interview - but I went to the interview after school. I can assure you that I did NOT wear jeans or clothing with holes in them or that had vulgar things on them. Do not go to the interview looking like you're homeless. It is important to look put together - think about what you might wear if you were meeting the parents of your current "crush" for the first time. I am female and I would wear either a skirt and nice sweater or blouse and some nice jewelry. If you're a male, then wear khaki pants and a button down shirt and make sure your clothing isn't wrinkled. Oh - and make sure your fingernails aren't dirty - that's a turn off and looks like you don't take care of your personal hygiene. Good luck to you.

10 Job Interview Tips That Will Help You Make a Good Impression

  • Don't over dress. Dress like how they dress on the job. If the employees are wearing a polo shirt and jeans, then thats what you wear.

    Don't make yourself look over or under qualified. If you show up in your sunday best for a pizza hut interview, I guarantee they will laugh at you after you leave.

  • Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I was raised to always wear at least a necktie to an interview, even driving for Pizza Hut. My son did for a supermarket job, and yes he got it. If you don't have a tie, don't sweat it, but wear the best you got.

  • Your gender would help but, always dress for success. Male, slacks and a button down shirt. Female, skirt and nice blouse. No sandals, avoid sneakers if you can.

Job Interview Questions: Can I wear a nice sweater to my job interview?

I have a interview for a nursing internship and I don't really want to go out and buy more clothes. Do you think it would be alright if I wore gray slacks and a nice red sweater for my job interview, or do I have to go shopping? lol

Discrimination Against Women at Job Interviews and How You Can Prevent It

Recommended Answer:
I would wear the gray slacks with a white or blue button front shirt and a black jacket. This would be a business look and show the interviewer that you are treating the interview with seriousness and respect. Good luck!! ; )

Why Should I Hire You? Job Interview Question and Answers

  • your outfit is ok so i think you should go shopping for a job interview outfit

Job Interview Questions: Can i wear a tie for a job interview?

Im a girl, and im wearing some dressy looking pants and a white collar shirt with a tie for a job it ok if i wear my tie though?

What To Do And Not To Do In A Job Interview

Recommended Answer:
As long as it isn't an over the top girly tie, then I would say of course ties are very smart on boys or girls.

Job Interview Preparation - Ease the Stress of Interviewing

  • You should put a picture of you with the tie and without.

Job Interview Questions: I just had a job interview, what to do next?

I had a job interview on Friday. Later that day I sent a thank you email. Now my mom wants me to call on Tuesday and ask about it. Is this appropriate?

From the Eyes of a Job Interviewer

Recommended Answer:
leave it a week , you look to desperate otherwise . If they do decide your the person for the job should before they contact you anyway :)

Knowing Some Job Interview Tips and Questions

  • its a good idea to call back, it lets whoever you may end up working for know that you're responsible and that you want the job

  • Desperation is never desirable, wait about a week. If you still haven't heard back then call and ask about your application and their hiring process.

  • Yes call them on Tuesday just to show them that you are interested and serious about getting the job.

  • If they didn't give you a time frame for letting you know what comes next, then yes, it's entirely appropriate.

  • Yes, you definitely should.

    Wait until a full week after though.

  • Give it a week before you check up. You shouldn't have sent an thank you email though.

Job Interview Questions: Do you need to bring references to a job interview?

i have an interview at quiznos today. ive never been to a job interview so im not sure if i should bring references with me or not. also what else are you supposed to bring with you to a job interview?

A Guide To Common Job Interview Questions And Answers

Recommended Answer:
It wouldn't hurt to have them tucked away just in case, but usually an employer will tell you in advance(while scheduling interview) if they need them. You probably won't need nothing other than an upbeat attitude and a winning smile....don't be nervous just be honest and you will do fine. Best of luck-hope you get the job!

Get a Job: 5 Tips for Doing a Mock Job Interview With a Friend

  • To be honest with you most fast food places do not even check reference they pay cheep and your lucky if you get insurance .

    This is a great start for a job and when your ready for the next job then you can use this job as a stepping stone so make sure you work hard and don't be late for work .

    Good luck !
    Make sure you dress nice and not a slob and say thank you and smile

Job Interview Questions: First job interview tomorrowwhat to expect please help?

what kinds of questions do managers usually ask on a job interview? I am a shy guy and get nervous with things like this so i want to be well prepared.

Job Interview Preparation - The Tips & Tricks You Need to Know

Recommended Answer:
General questions include:

- Why are you applying for this position?
- Name a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer.
- Name a time when you showed leadership?
- If you witnessed a fellow co-worker breaking the rules (stealing etc) what would you do?
- What was your favorite job and why?
- What was your least favorite job and why?
- Have you ever had to deal with a disagreement with your boss? How did you handle the situation?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (always a good idea to say in a higher position within the company & emphasize your drive to succeed) The tricky one you should think about before going in is:
-What are some of your weaknesses? Set this one up as a positive set up as a negative. People usually use the "I'm too much of a perfectionist" answer, try to be more creative though. I can't help you out with an example since I don't know what position you're applying for.Just a few examples from my experience. The most important thing is to always make eye contact, sit up straight and smile even though you're nervous. It will make you appear more confident. It also always helps to know a little bit about the place you're applying too. Look at their website, most places have an "about the company" page. It will impress the employer that you cared to do some research.

If you're nervous just take a deep breath and just say "sorry I'm a bit nervous". The employer is on your side and will completely understand that interviews can be nerve wrecking sometimes. Take your time answering the questions and try to give as many examples as possible.

Job Interview Dress Code - Dressing for Success

  • has free tutorials on how to prepare for interviews:… It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice what you've learned/actually apply what you've learned. It discusses what you should wear to an interview and what questions you can anticipate being asked.

    If you need additional help for things like writing a cover letter or job searching, there are tutorials for that as well:

    Hope it helps and Good Luck!

  • And good interviewer will start out with a few "getting to know you" questions to help you relax.

    When they get into the interview, be ready for questions like "why do you want to work here" or "why should I hire you".

    Good luck.

  • Well prepared would have been if you got a book a month ago on how to ace an interview. For tonight google:
    Job interview questions examples
    and practice saying the answers aloud

Job Interview Questions: Should you send a thank you note for an interview for an experienced job interview?

should you send a thank you note for an interview for an experienced job interview?

Job Interview Success

Recommended Answer:
Yes, it's always best to send the thank you note. It makes you stand out. It gives a positive reason for the interviewer to think of you.

Questions For Job Interview Situations - Overcoming the Fear

    Job Interview Questions: Any advice for someone with a job interview?

    I have my first job interview tomorrow and Im nervous! Its just for a clothing store at the mall called Wet Seal. Its girl clothing and I'd probably just be a sales associate but I can't help but feel nervous.
    Do you have any advice? its a group interview and I don't know whats going to happen!!. Also, maybe you can help me with a few questions like:

    What should I wear?

    What questions do they ask?

    What are some things I can do to stand out?

    Any other random information I should know?

    6 Tips For a Successful Medical Device Sales Job Interview

    Recommended Answer:
    With what you wear, if you can, get something from their shop, to show you're interested in their products (if possible though).
    Group interviews see how well you do working in a team environment, so always get involved with what's going on. They generally do group scenario type stuff.

    How to Ace Your Job Interview

      Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview this Monday and am nervous....Way to calm nerves?

      I don't urgently need to work but I have a job interview coming up and I am so nervous about it (I have social anxiety disorder). It helps that I don't absolutely have to work immediately but still the thought of it gives butterflies.

      Any ideas on how I can be less anxious?

      Master the Interview With These Job Interview Tips

      Recommended Answer:
      First of all, there are a lot of others who are going to this interview and they need the job just as badly or more than you. If you want to land this job, do so on your merits, abilities and personality.

      Check out what interviewers are looking for: the kind of personality, by asking employment counsellors.

      Do not chat about yourself, your personal life, or your likes and dislikes even if they ask you. Just remain calm, and be businesslike. Answer with, 'I am glad you asked that, but I know that once you have seen my work you will be impressed with my abilities.'

      Don't smile too much, (some construe this as a come-on) and never say, 'this would be my dream job'. (they think you are too anxious). Just remain in control of what you can control: your emotions, your thoughts and your responses.

      Dress for the job (and very neat, with shoes polished, nails polished, and blouse and trousers pressed, or a neat-as-a-pin skirt that's not too short or from last century) with few accessories but a watch. Be on time. Make sure your cell-phone is turned off. Don't chew gum and yet, have an air of mint about you. (you will be a breath of fresh air to their hard job of finding the right person!)

      Your resume should be complete, but not verbose, (no more than 2 pages) and best of all, your references MUST check out. Contact all your references FIRST and ask them nicely if they would mind giving you the best, honest opinion of you as a worker. Let them know that you appreciate them by sending a thank you to your references.

      Relax: you've got it covered and remember, where God closes a door, He opens a window. He will provide for you regardless of the job situation if you put your trust in Him. Psalm 91

      Job Interview Essentials

      • Just relax-You have nothing to lose like you say you don't need to work right away. Before the interview, visualize yourself being confident, clear spoken etc. The more you do, the better you will get. If you don't get the job' ask for feedback from the interview-you have nothing to lose, but lots to gain! Good Luck :)

      • Suck on a peppermint before you go. Drink a little tea (not so much you need to use the lavatory). When you feel nervous, remember this person has to do this as well (or did before they received their current position). They are not gods, monsters, or your parents, just another human being like you.

        Now go out there and rock it.

      • You should calm down and treat the interview as talking to your friend. At the interview, try and not to fidget as this will show your nerve to the interviewer! I overheard that eating a banana may help your nerve!

        Good luck!

      • Have a cup of tea ahead of time or chew some gum. When you get there spit the gum out. (Before the interview) good luck!!!

      • fill a balloon with flour and squeeze it when you feel nervous put it so it is unnoticeable in your pocket

      • Picture the women/man naked.

      Sunday, October 30, 2011

      Job Interview Questions: How to do well in a job interview?

      I was wondering how to be charasmatic during a job interview? And have a better chance of getting the job. im 16 applying for part time jobs :)

      Job Interview Preparation

      Recommended Answer:
      Preparation, preparation, preparation!

      Familiarize yourself with the company where you are applying. Mention the company by name and be prepared to tell them why you would feel lucky to be hired by them.

      Arrive for your interview about ten to fifteen minutes early. Without a word, you will be demonstrating your eagerness to begin working, Once you are escorted into the interview room, do NOT automatically take a seat. If a chair is not offered, politely ask if you may sit down. No gum!

      Wear clean, pressed clothes. This proves you are intent on putting forth more effort to make a positive impression than many others who will apply for the position (I guarantee it!). It also lets the interviewer know that you will be mindful of the image you portray around customers. Have a pen and pencil handy, just in case the need arises. Same for your ID; it should be current and all types required available.

      When answering questions, say "Yes" and "No" and NEVER "Yeah" or "Huh-huh." Address the interviewer as "Ma'am" or "Sir" (as the case may be). Smile! It's not easy within so stressful a situation, but it is something that will be remembered.

      When you are being dismissed from the interview, be sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time. Repeating your interviewer's name is as good as a personalized symphony. Human beings are usually enchanted with the sound of their own name. A Tiffany follow-up to your interview consists of a note of gratitude (and a way to promote name recall). The note should reinforce your willingness to be contacted same as if you were an on-call volunteer fireman. If nobody contacts you within a week or ten days post-interview, call and ask whether a hiring decision is made. Not everyone agrees that this is a good move, but it's a little like a romance: you owe it to yourself to know when it's time to move on.

      Good luck!

      Tips For a Successful Job Interview and Land on Your Ideal Job

      • When you say you want to be charismatic, do you mean you want to somehow get your personality across, so that you will be remembered? Charisma is a difficult thing to put your finger on, but it could be best described as a person that you feel you can trust, that has creative and practical ideas, and the potential to make them happen in reality.
        We have all met people, in personal life or through the media, that have an ability to connect with us. Why exactly they had such an impact can be complex to work out.

        When you are going for a new job, the best way to impress is to clearly demonstrate how you can benefit that company, and earn the wages they will be paying you to do that job. The bottom line is- what does this job involve, and how can you prove you can do it well? Having a vague charisma is good, but only if you're able to show that you can master the work that needs to be done. The most successful people are the ones that have the determination to see through their ideas- and this means hard graft and getting your hands 'dirty' with what needs to be done.

        I don't know what job you're going for right now, but whatever it is, make sure you know exactly what the job involves and think through how you would actually do it. Next, in order to 'sell' yourself at interview, think about how you can prove that you have the necessary skills, experience, knowledge and personal strengths to successfully carry out the tasks. For example - if you're handling food, show that you understand basic food hygiene, if selling fashion clothing that you know about the most popular products and how to sell them, if using office IT that you have mastered all the Office applications.

        Please don't depend at interview on a vague idea of 'charisma'- back this up with real ideas of what you can actually do, and remember that you will always have a lot to learn, whatever your age.

      • I've worked with many people to get them prepped & ready for interviews. In fact, I'm participating at a local teen job fair to offer my adice and guidance to teens looking for work.

        Now there are many ways to show enthusiasm during an interview. Smiling is # 1! A smile shows you're very personable. And that's important to interviewing success. And not one of those Hollywood type smiles that actors and actresses use. In other words, the phoney smile just for show. But a genuine smile.

        Another way of showing enthusiasm is to show a real interest in the company and the job you're going for. In other words, a strong desire to learn more info about them and the position. And your sincere belief that you're cut out for it!

        FYI, on my book's website, I have some free career flyers with a bunch of helpful tips you can use. There's one for resumes. Another for interviews. And I have one for job fairs too. Just click on the Free Advice link to view them.

      • There are a lot of potential problems for children in work, many of them legislative, parents need to be vigilant about that. There is a lot of guidance from the website in the box below on this issue, they also have guidance for all people who are hunting for work, or who need to change careers.

      • yes first of all its better to practice a mock interview at home with friend. At interview you should be cool and calm. don't show any nervousness.
        Your body language should be positive and you voice should be steady.


      • It usually takes experience, confidence, and your reflection will show how much you want the position. Eagerness is a plus, but how you apply it in the right manner is what matters to the interviewer.

      • Dress nice and be yourself.

      Job Interview Questions: What do i wear to my job interview?

      Hey! So i have a job interview in a few days for Platpus Shoes. It sells shoes like vans, converse, doc martens etc (trendy shoes) and I was wondering what I should wear and how I should act etc. What kind of questions do you think they'd ask me as well?
      Thanks so much x

      How to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

      Recommended Answer:
      Wear dress pants and a nice shirt. Maybe shoes like the ones they sell also would be a nice touch, but not if you have to go out and buy a pair (might be too obvious). For an interview in retail they will want to know how well you relate to customers. They will most likely ask you questions about customer service, like how you would handle certain situations. You will want to convey that you like working with people and will give them excellent customer service. Be friendly and have a positive attitude. Show them that you are motivated and eager to work. Please see the link below for more help. Good luck!

      Be Prepared For Job Interview Success

        Job Interview Questions: When doing job interview they bring up what you will bring to the company?

        i have a job interview tuesday at macy's when they ask what i will bring to this company what to say

        How to Handle a Courtesy Job Interview

        Recommended Answer:
        Do you have prior retail experience? If so, before you go to the interview, think about what problems the store faced and how you helped solve them. If not, research the job description for the type of job for which Macy's is interviewing to have an idea of what problems you might face and think of solutions for them. You can also show up on time (or even a little early) for the interview and tell them how punctual and reliable you are.

        The Top 10 Things You Must Do During a Job Interview

        • Tell them you have decided to be honest, reliable and punctual, with great focus on work quality and a friendly helping attitude towards the customers. Give them the date you made this decision, and show a reference from the place(s) worked at after decison was made.

          Do you bring knowledge about the possible departments? Can you have a chance to set a sales record? Will you find the shoes the customer wants? If it is automotive, can you explain the battery choices? Can you locate the best item within the customer's budget?

          Do you know how to offer choices and say which do you prefer (after giving the sizzles)?

          Stuff like that.

        • For the best free tips & advice on job interviews, visit the source below.

        Job Interview Questions: I am having my first job interview in a few days, any tips?

        I am having my first job interview at Qdoba Mexican grill, are there any things I should be sure to say or not to say? Any thing at all else that could help me would be greatly apperciated :)

        Countdown to Job Interview? Know What to Expect and Launch Your New Career

        Recommended Answer:
        Never do this:
        criticize any former employer
        If they ask if you have any questions dont say want to ask questions!!!
        Dont use slang words
        dont ask how much the job pays
        dont ask any questions that you should already know about the place/job (research)

        Do this:
        No perfume
        Well dress-nothing inapropriate more conservative
        ask questions
        sound perfessional
        posture eye contact smile

        10 Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

          Job Interview Questions: What to wear to a job interview?

          I have a job interview tomorrow at a recreational center. I've volunteered there before so I know the guy looking to hire me. Normally the work consists of helping the rock climb wall, work scoreboards, and supervise the gym floor. Easy job for $8.50 an hour.
          What i'd usually wear would be khaki shorts and a rec center shirt.

          What should I wear to the interview??? I'm so lost and don't know where to begin. I don't know what would be TOO formal or too casual. Any help?

          Job Interview Preparation: The Key To Getting The Job Offer!

          Recommended Answer:
          I think tropical shorts and a flannel t-shirt, aswell as sunglasses to make you look cool.

          Seven Job Interview Preparation Secrets

          • Even though your dress code while you would be working is more on the casual side, as with any interview you want to "dress to impress." I would suggest wearing at LEAST button up shirt, a tie, and dress pants/khakis. I think in this instance, a full suit would be overkill.

          • Clean pressed slacks, button shirt (also clean and pressed), real shoes (not sneakers or sandals)

          • nice dark-wash jeans and a button down cotton shirt. it looks professional and clean but not too dressy

          • Good smart jeans with a shirt and not trainers! decent smart shoes

          Job Interview Questions: In a job interview, do you ask about the salary? or Never brings it up until the potential employer does?

          I have been to many job interviews and the salary never comes up in the first interview and I am always unsure whether to ask about it or just let them give an offer first?

          Job Interviews: Effective Question And Answer Strategies

          Recommended Answer:
          Don't ask until offered the job. Then you can ask before you accept the position.

          Job Interview Cheat Sheet - Top 6 Questions & Mental Strategies

          • Don't bring it up at a job interview for two reasons: (1) for most jobs the pay range is already set and is exactly fixed by your education and experience and, (2) doing so raises the question about why you are applying, much less interviewing, when you have not informed yourself about the pay. That does not look good. For nearly any job notice, there is either a pay range stated or you can get it by asking before you apply. If the job notice does not have the pay range stated, and they will not tell you when asked, you need to be cautious or, at least, get an explanation that makes sense.

          • It depends, but if they are calling you for more interviews, it's better to ask. What if it's a salary you'd never take, it's too low? You're just wasting their time and your time by not asking and continuing to go to call back interviews. If they know your current salary, and you're not looking for a lot more, and you don't seem desperate for a job (like you'll take anything), then you usually don't have to ask, since they will assume you're looking for at least the same salary. However, if you get an uncomfortable feeling, ask to make sure the salary is appropriate.

            Good luck!

          • Preparation:

            * Learn about the organization.
            * Have a specific job or jobs in mind.
            * Review your qualifications for the job.
            * Be ready to briefly describe your experience, showing how it relates it the job.
            * Be ready to answer broad questions, such as "Why should I hire you?" "Why do you want this job?" "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
            * Practice an interview with a friend or relative.

            Personal appearance:

            * Be well groomed.
            * Dress appropriately.
            * Do not chew gum or smoke.

            The interview:

            * Be early.
            * Learn the name of your interviewer and greet him or her with a firm handshake.
            * Use good manners with everyone you meet.
            * Relax and answer each question concisely.
            * Use proper English—avoid slang.
            * Be cooperative and enthusiastic.
            * Use body language to show interest—use eye contact and don't slouch.
            * Ask questions about the position and the organization, but avoid questions whose answers can easily be found on the company Web site.
            * Also avoid asking questions about salary and benefits unless a job offer is made.
            * Thank the interviewer when you leave and shake hands.
            * Send a short thank you note following the interview.

            Information to bring to an interview:

            * Social Security card.
            * Government-issued identification (driver's license).
            * Resume or application. Although not all employers require a resume, you should be able to furnish the interviewer information about your education, training, and previous employment.
            * References. Employers typically require three references. Get permission before using anyone as a reference. Make sure that they will give you a good reference. Try to avoid using relatives as references.
            * Transcripts. Employers may require an official copy of transcripts to verify grades, coursework, dates of attendance, and highest grade completed or degree awarded.

          • It's best not to ask things like how much money you'll make or about vacation time. Wait until they want to hire you, then ask casually "by the way, how much is the pay?". If you don't like the sound of the pay and your the type of person who is able to have many offers, then just let them know your previous employer payed you more and that you are no longer interested. Then they'll either offer more or you can get another job. That is only if you really can get a job with better pay, otherwise in this recession... a job is a job,

          • Whatever you do, ask them what they are willing to pay you first, so you can negotiate and maybe go up from there. Too many people have accepted less than they are worth by going too low! Hope I helped.

          Job Interview Questions: What should I wear to job interview?

          I have my first job interview tomorrow at Chick-Fil-A and I have a few questions. What would be appropriate attire? I was thinking a black pencil skirt with white tunic tucked in, silver heels and a cardigan. Would that work? Also, what are some tips when it comes to the interview...what would impress YOU if you were interviewing me?

          The Importance of the Job Interview in Canada

          Recommended Answer:
          Red. It attracts attention. Not always sexually, but in interest. Always, Always, Always wear a smile.

          Try to look professional. Like how you mentioned.

          When the interview has finished. Write a thank you note to send to the interviewer. Thank them for their time. It will make them consider you more than the others if you say, "Hey, look at me! I really care!" Ha ha. Good luuuuuuck!

          Discover Job Interview Preparation Tips That Will Make Your Upcoming Interview a Breeze!

            Job Interview Questions: I 'm meeting at a coffee shop w/ account manager for a short job interview. Do I offer to pay?

            I 'm meeting w/ an account manager of a staffing agency for a short job interview .To see if he can place me. Should I offer to pay for his coffee? Also how should I dress?

            Job Interview - Best Prep Questions

            Recommended Answer:
            you dress professionally or nice or casual, depending on nature of job, but no jeans. You offer to pay your own coffee, not his, unless he offers to pay your coffee, as he may have a company expense account.

            Job Interviews - How to Ace a Telephone Job Interview

              Job Interview Questions: Questions about job interview at walmart?

              I have a job interview at wal mart on wednesday the 11th. This will be my third job interview ive ever been on and Ive heard the wal mart interviewing process is a little difficult. I was wondering if anyone has interviewed there and what kind of questions they asked. Please help haha and any tips would be appreciated.

              Preparing For Job Interviews

              Recommended Answer:
              I had a interview there today to and i didn't get out of the store good before she called me back for my second interview and tomorrow Morning im being sent for a drug test and back ground check and tell me what the job involes to be sure i can do it

              Job Interview Answers - 5 Of The Most Common Questions Demystified

              • I went on my first interview at Walmart today. I applied on Sunday and they alled me on Monday to schedule my interview for today. It lasted about 30 minuted and I interviewed with the department manager. He asked me a couple of behavior questions. For example: Name a time when you had a disagreement with a supervisor how did you get them to agree with what you thought was the right thing, or name a time when you had to speed up to meet a deadline, but did not make it. After the interview he had me sign some paperwork and then we walked over to the department I applied for and he discussed the position a little further. Then he said that I had the best interview all week and he wanted me to meet with his manager for a second interview and he would give me a call. I thanked him for his time and flashed a huge smile. About the time I got out the store and to my car he was calling me. I have my second interview tomorrow morning. He told me to bring two forms of id so I hope he makes an offer. Good luck to you and I hope this helped. Also I was very nervous and I didn't think I did well but I acted very confident and smiled a lot.update us!!!

              • I had to take a test when I had an interview at wal mart, but that was about 8 years ago.. it might still be the same,, there really was no interview, just the test and it was 'graded' most a multi choice test..

              Job Interview Questions: I don't speak Spanish, how do I handle that in a job interview?

              I have a job interview this week at a retail store. I live in a city with a high population of Spanish speakers with many who only speak Spanish. I have worked retail here before and it was definitely a hindrance. That employer never asked if i spoke Spanish however, assuming I did since I'm Hispanic.

              I'm concerned this employer will ask however. If they do ask, how can I respond in a way that makes it seem like less of a handicap?

              Job Interview Skills: What Does The Employer Want To Hear?

              Recommended Answer:
              What you could do is make an effort to learn some helpful conversational phrases. You might consider going out and getting a beginner's book and trying to teach yourself a little bit. Not only would it come in handy on the job, but if it is brought up during your interview, you can honestly say that you've just begun the process of trying to learn. Not only does that show that you care about serving customers effectively, but it would show that you take initiative and go above and beyond.

              Job Interview

              • That's too bad. It's sad that so many foreigners are in our country that the native population is put at a disadvantage. If he asks, tell him that you shouldn't have to know spanish because this is America, not Mexico and we speak english here.
                If they turn you down for not knowing spanish, it could be grounds for a discrimination law suite.

              • If you absolutely do not understand or speak spanish & they ask you, you will have to be honest. Becase if you are not, you will quickly find yourself in a situation you will be unable to handle--and that will look more deceitful.

              Saturday, October 29, 2011

              Job Interview Questions: What do I need to know for an AMC job interview?

              I have a job interview at AMC on Thursday, and I'm wondering everything I have to know before the interview. What should I wear? Should I know an of the AMC history before I go in? Any help is appreciated :)

              Discriminatory Job Interview Questions to Avoid

              Recommended Answer:
              It is always best to prepare properly before your interview. Jobs are hard to find and you need to stand out as the right candidate. There are a number of preparation tips including preparing for common job interview questions, listing some questions of your own to ask the interviewer, understanding the job requirements and how you meet them. Go through the interview checklist below to help you with this.

              Job Interview Mistakes!

              • I'm sure you don't have to know much a complete loner I knew got a job there and im pretty sure he didn't have to do much to get it. Anyways wear something casual but not like your going to the mall. Nothing trashy and nothing dorkie. Just be yourself thats all you can do and hope for the best. Pray to get the job if you really really need it.

              Job Interview Questions: What do I wear to a job interview in the north?

              I'm from Florida, but I have a job interview in the north. I know it'll be cold and possibly snowing, but since I was born and raised here, I have no clue what to wear!

              Are heels ok?
              Will i freeze in a skirt?

              Job Interview Tip Number 1 is Preparation

              Recommended Answer:
              That's fine, but you might want to wear a coat :P

              Secrets to Answering Job Interview Questions About Your Weaknesses

              • Try a nice blouse and either a skirt or dress pants. Go light on the makeup and perfume. Be conservative on the jewelry and wear a watch if you have one. Finish your look with skin tone or tan pantyhose. The hose will give you a professional look and keep you warmer. For shoes, try a low heeled pump. If it is raining or snowing, use galoshes to protect your good shoes.

                Good luck in your interview.

              • I don't think it's a good idea to wear heels in the snow unless you want to slip and fall. Stick with some slacks/dress pants and wear thermals underneath. Wear thermals under your shirt too and layer it. You can wear a sweater and maybe a wool coat until you get there and take it off.

              • dress slacks heels if it is snowing i would put snow boots/tennis shoes on then when you get to the interveiw then i would put the heels on if you want to if you want to good for the interveiw and deffently dont FOR GET THE COAT,GLOVES,HAT

              • A nice pair of business slacks with a nice sophisticated wool/cotton coat and a scarf with a collar shirt or a business suit.

              • a condom..

              Job Interview Questions: Job Interview: "What would you consider to be your greatest weakness?"?

              What would you say in a job interview when the potential employer asks, "What would you consider to be your greatest weakness?"

              Mistakes to Avoid When Answering Tricky Job Interview Questions

              Recommended Answer:
              ok... so the question is basically loaded. you should never say "I don't have any" it's like saying "I have no humility". I would say "do you mean what am I trying to improve?" "well I noticed I am sometimes too hard on myself" or "I am trying to improve my listening skills. I want to be a better listener" whatever... "greatest weakness" is a question to test your ability to self analyze.

              The 11 Cardinal Mistakes of Job Interviews

              • I agree with laurie

                I would add, it is helpful for any answer to this question be your lack of control of your desire to work hard, uncontrollable desire for the company to succeed which means you succeed, and etc.. in your words about your character..

              • i would say fear of letting the company or whatever job i'm applying for down.. which i won't btw.....
                or will I??? *wink*
                lol xD

              • "That I don't ever want to work somewhere where they still ask this pointless question during an interview."

              • Say youre a perfectionist :D :D :D
                amazing isnt it

              Job Interview Questions: Resume help. First job interview Monday and i have no volunteer work or job experience what should i do?

              Ok i have a job interview on monday for UNOS resturant as a host. this is my first job interview ever and i have no experience and i really never done volunteer work, does any one have any suggestions on how i should complete my resume

              Five Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

              Recommended Answer:
              I find it hard to believe that you have ZERO job or volunteer experience.

              Have you ever baby sat? Mowed a lawn? Done something helpful at church? Tutored someone in a class at school?

              If you've got those sorts of things, you've got experience. Even if you've never been paid for them.

              Just list out the sorts of things you've done .. .

              For example . . .

              Various employers
              2009 - 2010

              - Cared for other people's children in their absence.
              - [list an accomplishment or two associated with the job, never late, never lost a child, constantly complimented by parents for my ability to make their children happy]

              Do this with anything you've done.

              You've done SOMETHING in your life, so take credit for it.

              How to Ace a Nursing Job Interview

                Job Interview Questions: Did a job interview Monday but they pulled the position today haven't heard back?

                My husband did a job interview on Monday but they pulled the position down off the website today
                but still haven't heard anything

                he did 2 phone interviews and a face to face one this past monday
                does that mean he didn't get the job since they didn't call back ?

                Lethal Job Interview Mistakes

                Recommended Answer:
                Note there was 1 job that I was hired for that took another week or two after the final interview to be called back. I thought the worse of course since I didnt hear back immediately but they called me back a couple weeks afterwards. They just have to get everything ready on their end to be ready for him to go work there. Dont give up hope! I hope he is hired.Well if they pulled it off the site that doesn't mean they didnt hire him, it just means they have had the interviews and no longer want applications for the position. They probably have narrowed it down and are making a final interview for the few they want to hire. Have your husband follow up and give them a call saying he's still interested in the position and wants to know if they are still considering him for the position or if the position is closed. Most (nice) places will send out a letter to applicants stating they appreciate your time but they have chosen someone else. Just give a call, tell them what I said and wish for the best! I got called back for a few jobs from just giving a call back. Good luck

                Help, I Have to Prepare For My Job Interview!

                • In today's economy, with so many people looking for work, the norm now is that if you don't hear anything, you probably didn't get the job. The days when a prospective employer had the common courtesy to notify you one way or the other are long gone, I'm afraid.

                • Well, that doesn't sound good, they would only pull it down for two reasons: either they are simply done interviewing, or they have filled the position. The removal itself doesn't absolutely mean they found someone though, but, my guess would be like yours, that they may have. It won't hurt to do a follow-up contact but don't make any assumptions, they may just not want any more applicants and removed that to stop them.

                • Not sure if he missed out on the job, but here are some key things to do after an interview!

                  #1 thing after an interview is to send via email a thank you to the person or persons who interviewed you! With the ending statement "I look forward to working with you"

                  #2 Mail a Thank You card

                  #3 Never wait to get a call, follow up every day! It may seem annoying but persistance is what has to happen in this economy, and not allowing them time to forget you :-)

                  These are things I preped my candidates before an interview, when I was a recruiter!

                Job Interview Questions: What to say/ask at a job interview?

                I am 16 and have a job interview at Sonic in a few days. This is my first job interview and i was wondering what kind of questions the manager will ask me, and what kind of questions i should ask him. Also, because it is a fast food restaurant, is a polo shirt and nice khaki shorts okay to wear to the interview? Please help. Thanks! :)

                A Job Interview Guide for Starters

                Recommended Answer:
                Considering the job you're applying for, I know it would be tempting to wear shorts to the interview, but don't. Wear khakis and a polo shirt instead. Try to be relaxed. He's not going to ask you any questions that would be difficult to answer. He just wants to get to know you, and see what kind of employee you'd be. Can you get along with co-workers and jump in if they need help? How would you treat a rude, unhappy customer? What days and hours can you work? Do you intend to quit when school starts? And since it's Sonic, can you skate? lol If you are hired, make sure you find out before you leave the interview when you'll start work, when the schedule for the week goes up, when you'll get paid, what your salary is, what you'll be expected to do in the event you can't work one day
                (other than calling in should you find your own replacement) and anything else you're unsure of.
                Good luck, Brad

                The Essential Job Interview Checklist

                • Don't wear shorts to an interview ever! Even for retail or fast food. They do look at appearance, what you're wearing, how well groomed you are. Wear slacks, or nice pants with the polo shirt. (I got a job at a store once and the human resource person who interviewed us told those of us who got the job that she looked at how well we were dressed. She said it matters even though we wear a uniform)

                  He may ask why you want to work at Sonic (so do some research on the company just to have some background info on the company) He may ask you what other types of jobs you have had. The manager may give a scenario in which you have to answer what you would do. (Like how to deal with a cranky customer or a complaint about food not being how they wanted it)

                  You could ask the manager what the busiest times of the day are. How does the crew work together during those times. You can ask if you will learn different areas of the restaurant.

                • Shorts are NEVER ok for an interview, even at a fast food place. Polo shirt and khakis are totally ok for this though. Most managers ask the same basic questions like when was a time you went out of your way to give good customer service, or helped a fellow classmate? They will ask the hours you can work, what you do in school.

                  Most places just interview you to make sure you aren't a total idiot. You'll be fine, remember to not be's just fast food man. Good luck

                • If the manager has any tattoos or odd piercings, you may ask about their childhood-mainly the relationship with the father. Also, you might ask their height, weight, salary before taxes, as well as their political status and their view of the middle east. These are all useful tools that will show your manager that you are seriously interested in working for them. HOPE THIS HELPS!

                • I would go for black slacks, not khaki shorts.

                  And remember to be yourself. It is important to smile and show consideration and have a professional attitude.

                  Good luck!

                • where a mormal shirt and troushers. he will ask you questions about previous emplyers, why u left. just answer the questions.

                Job Interview Questions: What are some common questions asked in a job interview?

                im going to my first real job interview, and would feel a little more assured if i knew a few questions to expect while in the interview. anything helps, thanks

                Eye Opening Job Interview Techniques - Discover How A Touch of Emotions Can Lead to Better Interview

                Recommended Answer:
                There are some really common questions you should expect in about every retail interview. Here's some of them:

                - Tell me about yourself (Your professional and customer service career, as opposed to, "I was born in blah blah blah.)
                - Why do you want to work here? (Research the company's website and mention something impressive about the company, not something like, "I want money.")
                - What are your strengths? (Come up with a list first and then choose your most appealing traits or the ones most relevant to the job you're seeking.)
                - Why should we hire you? (Sort of similar to the strengths question. Explain some of your strengths relevant to the position.)
                - What does customer service mean to you? (This one is kind of tricky for me, but it probably won't hurt to explain a time you provided great customer service.)

                Useful Tips in Handling Job Interviews

                • tell me about urself?
                  y shud we hire u?
                  wat salary are u looking for?
                  describe ur previous job? duties?
                  deending on the job they may ask u situations and then ask if u were in that situation wat u wud do
                  if u r studing they wud ask questions on wat where and for how long again and wat times

                Job Interview Questions: How Do I Introduce A Nickname During A Job Interview?

                I have a job interview at red lobster today (so its not like a formal interview) but I was just wondering how I'm supposed to introduce it? I really hate my legal name and I don't want to take the chance of waiting until (or if) I get hired to tell them because by then they probably would have already made me a name tag.....

                How to Bounce Back From Job Interview Rejection

                Recommended Answer:
                Just say "my friends call me ____, it's the name that I'm used to".

                Take a Look at Some Useful Job Interview Tips

                • As they greet you and shake hands you say, "John Smith, but I go by Jimmy."

                  Or, "Joh smith, but I prefer to be called Jimmy."

                  Or whatever your names are in this case.

                • When introducing yourself say: Hi my name is __________________but I go by ____________________.

                • When you first meet the interviewer, shake their hand and say "Hi, I'm (nickname)".

                • I agree with all of these answers. Just don't be forceful about having to use a nickname, or even have a friend stop by and call you by the name, it could catch on a little bit.

                • Hi I'm Beverly but I go by Bev.... I've said that a million times!

                Job Interview Questions: Anxiety, lack of confidence and job interview?

                I have been a trainer for 4 years, but I stopped around 2008 and I'm currently working as a clerk now. I'm planning to apply for a trainer position again but I'm having doubts if I still have the confidence to do so. Just thinking of the job interview already is giving me too much stress and anxiety. Is there a way to get a hold of myself?

                What to Do Before, During and After a Job Interview

                Recommended Answer:
                I get interview anxiety, too. I think the best solution is to reflect on your past training experience. What did you do well? What are you most proud of in that position? How did you overcome a difficult situation?

                I find it easier to practice my answers to common interview questions. Don't wait to cram the night before, start thinking about it now.

                If you were a trainer for years before, you can do it again!

                Special Job Interview Considerations

                • take a cold shower. then when you dry off, tell yourself you are awesome. do it when looking in mirror. if you do not believe yourself, take another cold shower. if it doesnt work, after a few cold showers you will believe yourself by being able to withstand all of that

                  shrinkage is horrible. if you are a woman, well....i like hard nipples.either way, try doing something you are good at to build confidence. fake it to you make it yo

                Job Interview Questions: What to wear to job interview tomorrow?

                I have a job interview tomorrow at a high end hair school, the position is a receptionist! I am not sure what to wear~ HELP!!

                Tips During a Job Interview - Tremendous Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd!

                Recommended Answer:
                .... a




                What To Wear On A Job Interview

                • I would wear a nice top and a nice pair of dress pants. Wear some dressy flats or shorter heels.

                • Pencil skirt with a nice blouse and some classic heels!

                • Definately show that your professional, neat & tidy. So something modest to cover any tattoos you might have. Maybe a white collared shirt and a pencil skirt. If its cold, throw a knit sweater over your shirt and even a trech coat. If you choose to wear heels, make sure closed in heels because most offices prefer closed in shoes. And be sure to pull you hair back into a neat bun or pony tail. This just shows more professionalism, and SMILEEEEEEE ! :) lol
                  Good luck (Y)

                • ohmigosh. Fleur read my mind. so a nice pencil skirt with a blouse. nothing too crazy with youre make up and hair. if your top and bottom are like more bland colors like gray black or brown wear a brightly colored bag or shoes! good luck with the interveiw. just be yourself!

                • Hello CH,
                  You could watch this video… which gives advice on how to prepare for an interview and also make a good impression (They also have a lot of other job interview related contents).Regards

                Friday, October 28, 2011

                Job Interview Questions: Can you bring LinkedIn Recommendations to a job interview?

                In a job interview is it OK to provide a copy of LinkedIn Recommendations from profile. Along with any other references, ie phone, name, email. From what I been told only provide if they ask about your previous boss, team member on my performance.

                In past I have provided letter of recommendations never linkedin recommendations

                How to Ace a Nursing Job Interview

                Recommended Answer:
                In a word - don't. These social network sites are viewed with a pretty jaundiced eye because 'recommendations' are often just pleasantries to please a friend/enhance their standing.

                Techniques To Avoid Job Interview Stress

                  Job Interview Questions: What to wear for job interview?

                  I have a job interview tomorrow at jcpenney as a sales associate. I'm a 16 yr old girl and I was wondering what to wear. I have this blue dress that is slightly above the knee and a little blue bolero. Would it be terrible to wear a dress slightly above the knee? Because otherwise I will have to wear jeans cause I don't have anything else. And if you have any tips involving the interview please help because it's my first one! I don't want to mess it up.

                  Job Interview Mistakes To Avoid

                  Recommended Answer:
                  Make sure you show up at least 15 minutes before your interview. Make good eye contact and only tell them what they ask for( don't talk too much). Be prepared to answer a question like "Why would you be good for this company?" or something like that. Be honest and don't ask how much you will be getting paid until after you get the job. When you sit down do not cross your legs or arms employers take that as if you are not being open with them body language is a big part of it. If you are prepared you will do fine and you will not be nervous if you are confident in your abilities. When they ask if you have any question for them a good one to ask is" what dose the training inlet" or "How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?"any other question you maybe wondering, again do not ask about pay until after.
                  The dress will be fine if it doesn't show your shoulders or too low on your chest remember you will be sitting down so test it out and make sure it doesn't go up to high when you sit down.

                  Job Interview Tips - Best Interview Questions

                  • You have some very good advice here. I assume you have already filled out an application. If you haven't given any references, be prepared to give them. The dress is probably better. I can only add to the look them in the eye when you speak that you need to sit and stand straight, don't slouch. Be sure your shoes are cleaned or polished and your nails clean and filed. Not too heavy on any makeup and cover any tatoos and pull out anything that isn't appropriate. I disagree on asking questions about salary, hours or whatever. They are all part of the job description and I would want to know just exactly what the job entails and what is expected of you. And be sure to know about the store and what you will be selling. Don't forget to smile and be polite, friendly yet professional. good luck.. .

                  • I think your dress will be fine. Be polite, use good voculabary, maintain eye contact, don't talk too much. They won't expect much from 16 year old but you should be able to *smile* and speak intelligently. Don't worry, relax. Have a few questions to ask them at the end but not about discounts, hours or salary.

                  • where the dress. make sure to wear pantyhoes or at least stocking and most importantly, act like you've done this before and that you are familiar with their store.

                  Job Interview Questions: Do the hospitals in India accommodate online job interview?

                  One of the Hospital in Chennai India where I applied online has called me and ask me to come there with a tourist visa for the job interview as a staff nurse. And if I will pass the interview, and will be qualified for the job, they will give me the necessary documents for the processing of my work visa and permit here in the Philippines. So, I have to go back to the Philippines to process my work permit and visa here in the Philippines

                  Which of These Job Interview Problems Would You Like to End?

                  Recommended Answer:
                  The answer is no they do not.

                  Its not just India that do not do online job interviews, no one I know off in the world does them. Potential employers want to meet you face to face.

                  So if you really want the job, I am afraid you will have to travel to India.

                  5 Simple Rules for A Great Job Interview

                    Job Interview Questions: What questions will they ask at a job interview?

                    I have a job interview as a sales advisor for H&M, im 17 and ITS MY FIRST JOB INTERVIEW!!!
                    What will they ask?? Helpp!!

                    Job Interview - 4 Ways to See Yourself as Job Interviewers Do

                    Recommended Answer:
                    Why you want to work there. That is the same question asked at every job interview.

                    Preparing For the Perfect Job Interview

                      Job Interview Questions: Im 33weeks pregnant n I have been called for a Job Interview.Is it right 4me to go?Wil it affect my chances?

                      Will being pregnant affect my chances of passing a Job Interview? I am 33 weeks pregnant and I have been called for a job interview, so
                      I dont know if I should go or not because I think they wont take me because I am pregnant. Will being pregnant make the Interviewer not be interested in employing me?

                      Tips to Ace Your Insurance Job Interview

                      Recommended Answer:
                      Would you employ someone who is 33weeks preggy and yet have to pay her during maternity now when there are people out there dying for a job?

                      From a practical employer standpoint, your chance of new employment will be slimmer. However, if you have a decent working experience with good industry reputation, the new employer might just take you.

                      Job Interview Tips

                      • I would think so, since you will not be working soon in about 3-4 weeks you will be on maternity leave. They advertise to find someone they need to employ quite soon and that they are going to be working longer than 3-4 weeks before they have enforced time off.
                        I think they will pick the candidate who can devote their time to their new post at least for a longer period of time. Some people are given say a 6 month trial basis and if you are not there most of those 6 months then it would be pointless.

                        If I was an employer I would probably decline you and ask you to re-apply for a future post when you have yourself available for work. I think that may be the answer you will expect.

                      • I learnt in business studies that some employers do not employ people who have children because it may affect the working times of the employees, Which is against the law i think, but its not right.

                        Go for it, and if you explain your situation and how you and the father will be looking after teh baby, they may be comforatable with you working at the job

                        Good luck

                      • well there would not be much point in hiring somene who is going to be unavailable in 7 weeks time.

                        IF they dont hire you for that reason, then it is discrimination, but its up to you to say how soon you think you will be back at work. And beleive me they WILL ASK.

                      • Possibly - meaning it could go against you. But then again it may not. There's only one way to find out. Go to the interview, you've got nothing to lose.

                      • You should go. I myself most likely would not hire you because you will soon be out of maternity leave, but not everyone is me.

                      • Oh Please ... I would throw you out for wasting my time ....

                      Job Interview Questions: What do I wear to a job interview?

                      Hey Guys,

                      I'm eighteen years old, and I have a job interview tomorrow for a cleaning position at an accounting firm. I'm thinking slacks, and a polo.

                      Job Interview: Are You Sending Red Flags And Eliminating Yourself?

                      Recommended Answer:
                      whatever you wearwear the color REDbecause red is confidence


                      Job Interviews Should Be As Easy As Trying on a Pair of Shoes

                      • with clothing like that, you'll be ignored and refused in minutes. Smart suit and tie, black socks and shiny black shoes and of course, neat clean hair and looking your best. Slacks and a polo, aw man ... you'll not be successful getting this job wearing those. Dress smart, smell good for the bosses and you'll go far. Wear slacks and the wrong clothing and you'll be kissing this job interview goodbye.

                      • Always overdress for interviews (something nicer than you would actually wear to work every day). Wear a nice collared shirt, if you have one; if not, a polo shirt would be fine. Make sure everything is clean, ironed, etc. Good luck!

                      • I have heard that you dress like what you expect to wear on the job. But I have always worn at least a tie and most of the time a suit coat, so I wear fancier than the job calls for.

                      • First impression goes a long way. It never hurts to over dress.

                        Guy- Button up shirt with slacks, black shoes(non-tennis shoe)
                        Girl-Button up shirt with a nice slacks, shoes that are non tennis also

                      • dress for the position you are applying for. Pull hair up in pony tail allow the interviewers to see your face.

                      Job Interview Questions: Very confused after job interview please help?

                      Went on job interview and was told I scored very high and did very well but came in #2. If I did so well and scored so high why didn't I get the job? At the end of the conversation I was asked if I was testing or interviewing anywhere else and then was told again I did very well and scored high. What's up?

                      How to Answer Common Job Interview Questions

                      Recommended Answer:
                      I can tell you for sure what is going on since I interviewed many people. When I had one position to fill and did have two condidates that suits to it. I did the same. I choose one person to fill the position and go on for testing period. However this condidate may not well pass this testing period and that's why I better make sure that the second one will be available. So I cannot guarantee it... I can say that he is very good (and he really is) and ask whether he is taking some interviews somewhere else... That's that situation as it looks like... :))))))))))))

                      Keys to a Successful Job Interview

                      • someone scored higher than you, so obviously they would pursue that person before you. however they asked if you were applying anywhere else because if that person doesnt work out then you would be a good choice for the job. being second in this case doesnt mean you lose, it just means someone else got the job but you are just as qualified and would be just as much of an asset. good job for scoring so well!

                      Job Interview Questions: Anyone had a job interview at 27weeks pregnant?

                      I have two job interviews next week for Target and Lowes. Im kind of nervous because I really need a job and I know legally they cant not hire you because of being pregnant. I dont know if i should just tell them flat out because I am showing its very obvious im pregnant. Or if i should just not say anything and do the interview because they will know regardless if i say it or not. And what should i wear? since i cant really fit into anything.

                      10 Easy Ways to Be Much More Confident in Job Interviews

                      Recommended Answer:
                      i had a 2 job interviews when i was preg with my second child. the 1st interview when i was about 3 mths along (i got the job but quit during training because i hated it) and about 5 or 6mths along for the 2nd interview. . i wore dark clothes and they didn't fit tight, but i still assumed i looked pregnant. I didn't mention it during the interview. i got hired and by that time i was 6mths and i asked my manager if she knew i was pregnant and she said she had no idea but she was really cool and it didn't matter either way...i don't recommend you it's really a personal and you aren't obligated to disclose it...

                      How to Answer Interview Questions - The Number One Job Interview Tip

                      • I never had a job interview when I was pregnant. Both of those places need good help and realize that the position is usually not long-term. Try to look neat and professional. I'd wear something that fit a little loose, so your condition is not as obvious. Try borrowing something from a friend. Sometimes a boy's shirt will fit pretty good. You don't need to say anything about your pregnancy at the interview. Good luck.

                      Job Interview Questions: I need something that I can wear to a funeral AND a job interview?

                      I'm short on cash and I have a job interview and a funeral I need outfits for. Is it possible to get one outfit that I can wear to both? & I literally have no dressy clothing at all (sold everything at Plato's Closet). Please help quick! Thanks! =]

                      Keys to Successful Employment - Professional Job Interview Tips

                      Recommended Answer:
                      I'd recommend a charcoal gray or dark navy blue skirt suit. Stay away from loud patterns like bold pinstripes or plaids. I'd also say a white, gray, or powder blue blouse would be good; they're basic pieces and will work for many ocassions. Also, the reason I said a skirt suit is because it is professional, but a pants suit may say "business" a little too strongly for a funeral.

                      As for where to get them, check out any department store (Macys, Penneys, Kohls, etc) or specialty store (Express, The Limited, etc.).

                      Job Interview Process 101 for First Time Job Seekers

                        Job Interview Questions: Should i wear tights to a job interview?

                        Im going to a job interview in a few days. i have not been to interviews since i left my previous employer a couple of days ago so i have no idea what to wear. is it okay to wear tights to a job interview with boots?

                        Know Your Job Interview Skills

                        Recommended Answer:
                        Depends on presentation of the entire look, and also the kind of industry you are interviewing for. It's hard to say without taking a look at the entire outfit and knowing more. But, on the whole, I would say to skip it and go with a jacket and skirt/trouser look. Skirt (I would say no more than an inch or two above knee) would be more formal than the trouser. You could for blues or grays. Black would be the most formal. You can also go for other styles and colors. If you are going to a store, you can ask the salesperson and they will definitely help you out.

                        Ways to Hugely Boost Your Job Interview Success Rate

                        • What I've always been told is to dress two steps above your potential occupation.

                          If the job is quite casual, then casual is okay, but dress two steps above casual. This could mean if the typical work environment wears jeans and a T-Shirt, this means you could wear Jeans and a very nice button up shirt, and maybe a tie. (if you're a man of Avril Lavine, or Dianne Keaton),

                          For women, remember, light makeup, hair neat, remember to keep the jewelry to a minimum. A watch is considered a piece of jewelry, ear-rings, eye glasses, necklace. Anything that can be used as an embellishment is almost always considered a piece of jewlery. Do not use heavy perfume. You want something clean cut, yet professional.

                          I would not wear tights. I don't care if you are Cindy Crawford, they are not very flattering.

                        • Probably not, unless you're in the fashion, dance, ballet, etc. industry. But if it's for a retail, sales, office, or a business sort of job then your best bet is slacks, skirt, button shirt, fancy blouse, and dress shoes. Boots are okay if the pants cover them up with the slacks or pants.

                        • lol. who wears tights with boots anymore? it's not the 80's. no, i would stick with nylons and i would not wear boots to an interview unless it's at a place like mcdonalds or something non professional.

                        • No it's not. Don't give them an opportunity to dismiss you out of hand. Dress conservatively, don't show too much skin, and keep the body art to a minimum. A skirt and blouse is always acceptable.

                        • I would definitely dress conservatively such as dress slacks and a nice top that does not show too much cleavage. It is better to be a little overdressed than not professional enough.

                        • I can't see why you shouldn't or couldn't wear this, but then again I'm a bloke what colour are the tights? Maybe try heels or flats?

                        • you will look more professional wearing them

                        Thursday, October 27, 2011

                        Job Interview Questions: Elbow length black cardigan to job interview? What else to wear?

                        Hi everyone. I'm wondering what would look good for a job interview. I am interviewing for a few different internships this week and am wondering what is appropriate to wear. I have black dress shoes, a black cardigan, black pants, and a boxy-patterned blue/white/black blouse underneath. Does this sound good? Is elbow length appropriate? Will I look like I'm going to a funeral or something (I looked in the mirror and seem awfully black, but maybe it's just me being paranoid). Thanks for the help.

                        Five Powerful Body Language Tips to Ace Your Next Job Interview

                        Recommended Answer:
                        It sounds good to me, as long as it's appropriate for the industry for which you seek an internship. (If you were wanting an internship in, say, law or banking or another "suit" industry, you would probably want to try to upgrade to an actual suit if you're a college student.)

                        If you wanted to mix things up because of the overwhelming amount of black, you could probably switch the pants to a gray. (I guess it depends on what the blouse looks like, though) or pick a top underneath that doesn't have black (like blue, cream or plain white) But, honestly, you sound good to go.

                        Just make sure that the sweater and the pants are close to the same color black--if one is obviously more faded, it'll look weird.

                        Interview Questions And Answers - Worst And Good Job Interview Answers

                        • Black in my opinion is very professional looking. I love wearing black slacks to work. It just looks so tailored. I think it sounds like a good outfit to wear to an interview.

                        Job Interview Questions: What to wear to a job interview for Tony Bianco (shoe shop)?

                        So ive scored a job interview at Tony Bianco, its only a casual position. But im unsure on what to wear for the interview. Im thinking a black blazer with a white top, blue jeans and short heels? Or would jeans be a bad idea?
                        Any help would be greatly appreciated.
                        Btw its around autumn at the moment.

                        How to Prepare for a Job Interview

                        Recommended Answer:
                        Definitely do not wear jeans for any job interview even if every member of staff wears them. A casual position could lead to something much bigger and better later. A simple black skirt with your blazer and top would be very smart - and not too short either.

                        What to Do When Your Job Interviewer is Distracted - And You Want This Job

                          Job Interview Questions: What to wear for summer Job interview?

                          Should I wear a suit or blazzer to job interview in the summer time? (as in this month)
                          Should I wear a shirt and tie only with no blazzer?

                          It's for sales/marketing for sports arena. (little detail)
                          Any suggestion would be great. Thank you

                          Job Interview Tips That Deliver

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Suit. Employers know what is considered the general rule of thumb for a job interview. (most of them at least) You want to wear a black 3 button business suit, with a white or blue shirt and a solid plain tie of a neutral color. They will always look at your appearance and if you follow the general dress code for an interview, they will consider you as someone who knows what you are doing.

                          Tips For Facing a Job Interview

                          • shirt and tie with no blazer.....its only a summer job.

                            Edit: it doesnt matter, you should wear the blazzer, but you dont want to look very sweaty during the interview.

                          Job Interview Questions: Whats the best way to ace a job interview?

                          I have a job interview tomorrow and I do not want to screw it up whats the best tactics to snag this job? Its at Auto Zone to apply for a cashier

                          Job Interview Skills - How to Deal With Unusual, Irrelevant Or Stupid Questions at Interviews

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Lie about everything.

                          In all seriousness, project confidence. Practice answering some interview questions like the infamous "Tell us about yourself" question. Don't lie. Talk about your strengths and when asked about your weaknesses turn them into strengths. Don't talk about pointless things like where you were born and your dog's name. Show your interviewer your best and try to make your relationship more than just something between an interviewer and an interviewee.

                          Try to establish some kind of friendship with them because if you do get hired then they'll be your associate. When the interview is over send them a little email the next day thanking them for the interview. It'll get them thinking about you more and it's really thoughtful.

                          How to Blow a Job Interview in Less Than Five Minutes

                          • They'll probably ask you things like "what are your strengths/weakness" "why do you want to work here" "how would you handle a situation with an upset customer", so just be ready for those types of questions and have a general idea of what your answer would be. The best thing to do is take your time answering each question and while they are asking it start formulating what you are going to say in your head. This way you won't get froze up or say something stupid. Think about what you would want someone to say if you were interviewing them for a job at your company.

                          • Autozone should be easy.
                            they just want someone responsible, courteous, friendly, and will work. no loafers.
                            show an interest in cars, too.
                            walk through the store so you know what things are, too. Do you know where the serpantene belts are?

                          Job Interview Questions: What is it that I need for a job interview?

                          I applied online for a job at a coffee shop, and they called me in for an interview. I've only been to an interview twice. My first interview was for a Tex-Mex restaurant which I dressed like I usually would yet I did get the job, and my second interview for a summer day camp I was required to dress up. I don't know how to go for an actual interview, and what is it that I need for a job interview.

                          Please, what is it that I need for a job interview? and how should I dress?

                          Thank you.

                          Job Interview Rehearsal - The Benefits of Mock Interviews

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Professional clothes. Some places you can wear NICE jeans (dark, no holes/rips, no stains), NO t-shirts. Think about clothes you might wear on a date, or to a wedding? A nice button down shirt, usually dark pants, dress shoes. NO tennis shoes/sneakers!! Take any piercings out. Make sure your hair is neat...umm...always shake their hand(s), say thanks for their time and it was nice to meet far as questions go, this is one I've always heard, "And why do you want to work at _______?" and "Name a situation where you had to _____." things like that. Just be yourself, be polite, speak with confidence, and make sure to seem enthusiastic about the job!! good luck! i hope you get it! (:

                          Some of the Toughest Job Interview Questions and Their Model Answers

                          • do not dress up. read few info about the shop on line tonight

                          Job Interview Questions: Is black nail polish appropriate for a job interview?

                          im going to a job interview for a cafe in a few days, so im going to get my nails done today. but if i wear black nail polish is that inappropriate for the interview?

                          Questions To Ask In A Job Interview - 5 Simple Questions To Make Yourself Shine

                          Recommended Answer:
                          What you wear to an interview all depends on the place. A cafe is likely nicer then say Dunkin Donuts for example, so I would say no to the black nail polish.

                          Good luck, hope you get the job!

                          Know the Common Job Interview Questions

                          • It wouldnt be the best impression.Try getting a neutral soft color,nothing that could be a distraction :)
                            Hope you get the job ;)

                          • I don't think so. You want to wear sheer, natural shades for interviews like nudes, peaches, pinks, beiges, cremes :)

                          • I don't think it matters what color they are atleast yur getting the done! (:

                          • i dont recomendd it

                          • Yes if it is shiny.

                          Job Interview Questions: Can I take my kid to a job interview?

                          I have a 3 year old daughter that I would need to take with me to a job interview. I simply cant afford to pay daycare for going to job interviews and have nobody that could watch her during the day. If I get a job, then I could afford daycare and it would not be a problem. Not sure how a interviewer would react if I took her with me to meet them.

                          Prepare For Your Job Interview

                          Recommended Answer:
                          I know you're in a tight spot but think about it: you're hiring someone to do (whatever) and they bring their child, what would you assume about that person? Probably think "if they can't find someone to take their child for a hour interview, how are they going to find a babysitter while working here?"

                          I know you're saying that if you had a job you could pay for daycare, but that's like telling your boss you can't make it to the interview because you don't have a car but if they hire you could afford a car. It's a catch 22, all jobs are to some extent. Just getting a job isn't free, you have to have a way to get there, money to afford to show up for weeks until that first check arrives, proper clothing to wear, pay for a place to live while starting that job, pay for proper hygiene, etc.

                          Bringing your child to an interview puts you in the category of someone who doesn't have enough money to have a job.

                          the following is from the source link, and there's lots of other good advice on that page:

                          "Do not bring anyone with you, especially children. I don't know how many times I have interviewed someone that had a child with them - I even had one applicant start breast-feeding in the middle of the interview!!! I have also had applicants tell me that they were in a hurry because they left their child in the car - I refused to interview them until they found someone to watch their child. It is totally inappropriate to bring a child into a business - especially an office or manufacturing plant. Even if you are applying at a daycare facility, leave your child at home for the interview. It is equally inappropriate to have your spouse, family member or friend tag along. Even if that person works at the place that you are applying, you should go to your interview alone. The one exception to that rule - if the employer called both of you in, or if the employer is hiring for multiple positions and you are both applying. In that case, you need to make sure that the employer knows that you both have your own transportation to and from work."

                          Smiling Your Way to Success in a Phone Job Interview

                          • depends ask them

                          • Not the best idea.

                          • Your application will be tossed in the trash as soon as you leave.

                          • There is a dilemna , but could u possibly leave ur daughter with a close relative or friend for just an hour or so? I think that its much better to be one on one with your prospective employer, and bringing your daughter might bring on a negative connotation, despite your best interests and lack of someone to watch over her. In the last resort, you could discuss this with your interviewer, and I am not sure if they will be lenient enough to allow it. Again, they could view your daughter as an unfortunate distraction, that could make them choose someone else. Maybe your daughter could be left with the administrative assistant in a room while you are on the interview.

                            Good luck, may you have a career and not just a job. Wish u the best on ur interviews, God keep u.

                          Job Interview Questions: Mentioning enlisting in the military at a job interview?

                          Mentioning enlisting in the military at a job interview?
                          I hope to move away from California to Utah. I hope to line up some job interviews and do my best on them. Therefore, should I mention to my prospective employer that I plan on enlisting in the United States Marine Corps and be working with them for about a year? Im talking perhaps a fast food place or a supermarket or a store at the mall or something. Nothing deeply professional becauase im only 18.
                          (fyi, thats the wait time to got to boot camp)

                          Job Interview Guide - Some Tips to Ace Your Job Interview

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Not unless you are trying not to get hired?

                          No employer wants to hear that, even in dead end jobs. They want to hear that you will be there as long as they want you to be.

                          Don't mention it. . .just give them two weeks notice before you leave.

                          What to Say During a Job Interview: 3 Steps to Interview Answers That Will Get You Hired

                          • Just dont bother telling them.
                            They dont need to know. And could hurt you in getting a job.
                            They will think your just going to get up and leave when ever.
                            No job really needs to know your joining the military till 2 weeks before you leave

                          • Dont, employers dont want people who arnt dedicated or want to be in the company as a career. Just dont mention it and when the time comes leave.

                            They will likely find a reason not to hire you if you tell them imo

                          Job Interview Questions: Job interview suggestions for a first timer?

                          I have a job interview friday at 11 am. i'm excited and nervous!

                          Job Interviews - Will Practice Help?

                          Recommended Answer:
                          Show up on time. Smile a lot. Don't dress up but dress very neat and clean, and with a big smile. Answer questions directly, looking right in the person's eyes, and smile. Did I mention how important it was to smile? 8^)

                          Think about what they're looking for--someone who is good with people, especially children. Someone who is cheerful and makes you feel good. Someone who doesn't mind working hard, when necessary (and if you think it's really easy work, scooping ice cream for families on hot Summer days, you might be surprised!) And of course someone very honest.

                          Normally when you go for a job interview you want to try to talk about your background, your qualifications, your achievements, etc. But in a job like this you don't have any of that. All you have is yourself, what kind of person you are. By all means be yourself! Don't try to delude them. But try to show up the qualities that you think will make you good in this job--patience, willingness to work, honesty, cheerfulness.

                          And try to relax. Walk in there thinking they like you and you already have the job, they just want to ask you a few questions before you begin.

                          Good luck!

                          Job Interview Skills - 9 Things You Should Never Do in an Interview

                          • Dress properly, be well groomed, leave the cell phone OFF, leave ipod home, bring SS card and work permit plus a picture ID.
                            Listen to the question and do not shrug or shake your head. Speak distinctly and good luck

                          Job Interview Questions: What do I wear to a job interview?

                          I have a job interview tomorrow for a store that is opening up at the mall here. It is a sports apparel store and I have no idea what to wear. Any ideas?

                          Job Interviews - 101 Common Mistakes to Avoid

                          Recommended Answer:
                          sports bra, shorts and trainers. that is if the person who is going to interview you is a guy. if shes a girl, just wear something that covers up your body.

                          A Job Interview Without Cold Sweats

                          • try nice shirt. not graphic design or anything. and some khakis pants or just nice jeans, no torn ones or washed out ones. dark ones will do, and no skinny jeans. either flats or clean sneakers. should cover your toes, no flip flops. you'll do good!

                          • Well you want to wear a nice shirt that smart but not I'm better then all and a nice pair of jeans or pants and ur best pair of shoes

                          Wednesday, October 26, 2011

                          Job Interview Questions: About the drug test for my job interview?

                          So at my job interview before yesterday, they paid for my drug test. The manager told me he wants to hire me. However he said that he's going on vacation next week.

                          He also said there's going to be a second interview. This job is for payless shoe store. This store is not expensive. Why does it take this long?
                          It never took this long for other retail stores I applied in the past, and they were more expensive.

                          Preparing to Answer Job Interview Questions

                          Recommended Answer:
                          The time frame of getting hired depends on the manager that is doing the hiring. It does not matter how expensive the store is but what matters in this case is that the manager is going on vacation. He is probably going to be the one to train you so what sense would it make for you to start without being trained? Be patient and it might work out for you, be impatient and it could backfire.

                          Job Interview Weaknesses - How to Overcome These Common Job Interview Weaknesses

                            Job Interview Questions: Help with a job interview at swarovski Crystal Jewelery how to sell to them as well?

                            hello every 1 i have a job interview on friday at swarovski Crystal Jewelery and really don't know what kind of questions to expect? i know that might ask me to try and sell some of their product any tips on how can i do that i have no idea how to sell it to them i mean what they expect me to say who can i do it and impress them i really want this Job please help thank you

                            Job Interview Tips - How to Showcase Your Talents Confidently

                            Recommended Answer:
                            You have to look them up and find out about the president and owners. They will most likely ask you your retail experience and comfort level. Be very nice and treat them as you would a customer!

                            The Values That You Should Have in a Job Interview

                              Job Interview Questions: I have a job interview at claire's tomorrow?

                              I have a job interview for claire's tomorrow, does anyone have any tips or an idea of what I might be asked?

                              It's for a sales assistant and I'm 17 and really need this job.


                              Your Next Job Interview - Are You Prepared?

                              Recommended Answer:
                              thwy will prbbaly ask you to tell then about yourself, then they will ask you why you want ot work for them, and what good can you bring to there store. .they will go on and on about coustomer service and remember the customer is always right, you put the customer before everything, they will ask you how you feel about shop lifithng and what you will do if you suspect somebody is shop lifthing, don't say you will stop them say you will tell the manager you suspect this person is shop lifithing. . umm o bc it is claries and ther eare probably alot of girls working there, they will ask you about gossip and if you gossip alot. . make sure you looki nice for the interview. .other tan that i cnt think of anything else but the customer service is a biggy!!

                              good luck
                              i applied for a job at claries a few months ago. .but i forgot about it bc i had an interview at wet sel and got all excited about it and didnt get the job. .but i got one now as a cashier at a groccery store

                              Appearance Matters in Job Interviewing

                              • Tell them how you will help their business by being enthusiastic, hard working, willing to learn and apply yourself to the task at hand.

                                If they ask for something negative about yourself, make it a negative plus like, I really get involved in what I'm doing and time go by faster then I realize, or the like.

                                If the ask for experience, tell them about other things you have done that point out that you are reliable. If you use any of their products let them know how much you like them.

                                Good luck

                              • smile and just be your self only tell them the truth and don't say any thing negative unless they persificaly ask

                              Job Interview Questions: Possibly a dumb question about my job interview?

                              so I have a job interview on Monday at a fast-food/restaurant place, am I suppose to just walk into that fast-food/restaurant and then ask around about where my job interview is? I know it sounds stupid, but I guess I just wanna confirm I am doing the right thing.

                              A Guide to Preparing For Your Job Interview

                              Recommended Answer:
                              Arrive early. It will give you extra time to take a deep breath and relax. I agree with the advice to go to the place where you normally order and tell the "order taker" that you have an appointment for a job interview. Whoever you approach will be very understanding as they too went to that same counter at some point and did the very same thing. The employees are used to people coming in for interviews. Good luck. Be enthusiastic and respectful.

                              Job Interview Skills: How to Manage a Bad Interview!

                              • Walk in and go to where you usually make your order and just be like "Hi, I'm here for a 6:00 interview." And they'll show you from there.

                                Don't sweat it!

                                Good luck!

                              • "Hi, I'm here for a job interview"

                                *Points you towards the back.* It's over there.

                              • Yes. Just walk in and say you're here for your interview.

                              Job Interview Questions: What to wear for my job interview?

                              I am really frustrated about what to wear for my job interview, it is for an animal hospital as a receptionist.... I need someone that has been in this position to answer because I know I can't look all business look but not to casual.. I already got the a really nice shirt(kind of professional look) but bottoms and feet =O i'm just stuck I really wanted to wear jeans they are not ripped or anything and they are not to tight but I know usually jeans are not ok.

                              Job Interview Do's and Don'ts

                              Recommended Answer:
                              No, jeans are not OK, not for a receptionist at an animal hospital.

                              You can't go wrong with a suit that fits well, but if you don't own a suit, you're going to want to make sure you wear either dress pants or a skirt in a neutral solid (black, gray, navy blue, preferably). If you wear a skirt, make sure it's not too short (needs to cover the thighs when you sit). Wear closed-toe, conservative heels in a neutral (probably black.) I wouldn't worry about hosiery. Make sure your clothes are pressed and that your shoes are clean/polished.

                              The Inevitable Job Interview Question: "Why Did You Leave (Are Planning To Leave) Your Last Position

                              • Wear something nice, thats shows that you can work hard, and you are a normal person with an ordinary life. If you dont want jeans dont, But if you do, make sure their darkblack, Honestly I've seen many of My family go for job interviews

                                DONT WEAR DISTRESSED JEANS.Good Luck.

                              • Clothes, preferably a shirt, shoes, pants, and if the boss is a guy no underwear at all. Good luck! :D

                              • Wear the most professional clothes you have.

                                No jeans.

                                Good luck with your interview.

                              • not nothing