Saturday, January 21, 2012

Job Interview Questions: First Job Interview Advice- McDonalds Australia?

I have my first ever job interview tomorrow at McDonalds. I am 15 and only have a very limited idea of what to expect.

I already pretty much know what I'm wearing. The main things I want to know is what sort of questions to expect. Any other advice at all would help though. Thanks!

The No 1 Most Popular Job Interview Question - "Tell Me All About Yourself"

Recommended Answer:
okay. well, expect to be asked to give examples of situations where you have worked as a part of a team, solved a problem effectively, or shown particular care for another person or their needs. teamwork is the main focus in any workplace (especially maccas) and customer service is a close second.

smile a lot, but no so much that you look rapist or mentally disturbed, and if they ask why you want the job for the love of god say something GOOD, like 'i want to learn to expand my people skills and develop good team ethics' or 'i think that its a valuble skill, to be able to work in a team.' or even 'i would like to get as much experience as i can working before i go to university.' if you have no intention of going to university, and wish to continue working in mcDs as a career (i wouldnt reccomend it but its your choice) then tell them that you 'think mc donalds is a great well known company, where there is a lot of room for success and career development in the long term.'
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES TELL THEM YOU NEED MONEY!!!! not only is the pay terrible, but the work industry dislikes this sort of brute honesty in its workers (hypocritical, right?) and you will be immediately kicked out of the interview, being told that you are 'unsuitable' for the position. dont make the same mistake i did, and assume they will value your truth telling.
they will not.

after they have asked you questions, they will ask you if you ahve any you want answered.
dont ask dumbass questions, like 'can i have free food?', 'what happens if im late' or 'what happens if i am caught stealing ****?'
these questions will be answered later, when you get the job.
also, they are stingy fullas and no, you dont get free food. just half price on your breaks. miserable, right? you cant even eat the stuff dropped on the ground.
if you really must ask questions, ask questions that sound like you may be interested in the company. a good example is something like 'so, can you tell me a little about furthering your career within the mcdonalds company?' or even
dont ask when to expect a response. they will generally tell you, and if they dont then wait untill you are just about to leave and ask them as a casual afterthought when they may possibly get back to you. this makes it look like you care, but it doesnt seem desperate.

other general questions will be along the lines of what experience you have (its okay if you have none, just say that you are eager to learn) a few 'what would you do if scenarios' and maybe a few simple math equations, to make sure you can handle money.

when they shake your hand, squeeze firmly but no so hard their fingers fall off. dont be nervous, and if you get to anxious just say ' sorry, im a little nervous, could you repeat the question?'

say thank you to your interviewer (common sense) and good luck!

Job Interview Tips for Second Interviews

  • has free tutorials on preparing for an interview… It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice what you've learned/actually apply what you've learned. There is also information about what to wear and what questions can be expected at most job interviews.

    If you need additional help for things like writing a cover letter or resume, job searching or completing an application, there are tutorials for that as well:

    Hope it helps and Good Luck!

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