Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Job Interview Questions: What is the strangest question you have been asked at a job interview?

How did you answer it? Any questions that made you want to curl up in a ball and disappear? Have you ever been asked any of those brain teaser questions such as the ones listed in this article?…

Looking for some people's experiences before I go for my next job interview. Thank you.

Ways to Hugely Boost Your Job Interview Success Rate

Recommended Answer:
The question wasn't strange, it was illegal. They asked my religion! I was ok that's unprofessional. I didn't say that but I wish I had. They only asked me that because they saw that one of my jobs was at a church at a day care. Just because I worked at this church doesn't mean I went there to worship you know? Just goes to show how careless and idiotic some employers are.

8 Worst Job Interview Screw - Ups to Avoid

  • It's hard to guess 1 employers crazy question. Be candid and relax, that will show them what you're about. They DO check credit, AND your Facebook acct (if you have one) to see how your manners are, your sentence structure, AND if you are doing/saying something that is a warning sign to them. Watch your "P's and Q's" today's unemployment means if they don't like you, there's someone they will like.
    I wasn't much help, just wanted to say those few things.

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