Monday, September 26, 2011

Job Interview Questions: When my boss sees I got my hair cut why does he ask about job interview?

I notice my boss will ask if I have a job interview the last 2 times he saw I got a hair cut. I just tell him the truth that it just needed cut and it wasn't for an interview. Is there any reason why my boss will feel I have a job interview just because I got a hair cut?

Job Interviews - Get the Job you Deserve - 10 Mistakes You Should Not Make

Recommended Answer:
If your boss is suggesting that you only get cleaned up when you have a job interview, he's making a not-so-subtle hint that your regular appearance at work is lacking. You didn't take the hint the first time so he did it a second time.

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  • I say don't stress about it, it may your bosses way of saying that you look very professional when you cut your hair. A lot of bosses prefer that men have nice clean cuts and linings that make them look business like and mature, not like u belong to a Rock Band! Lol you'll be fine just say thanks and if it bothers you that much maybe have a little respectful chat with your boss, if you have an easy going and respectful boss.. Hope I helped! :)

  • It would seem that your appearance is not up to snuff most of the time. Dress better for your job and get your hair properly cut, styled, and maintained between cuts. This sort of comment is often an indirect way of criticizing appearance or performance without seeming to be critical. Hint - hint - hint.

  • The same reason a wife wonders why her husband is dressed up spiffy and wearing his fancy cologne on a Thursday evening. If you want to keep your job, maintain a consistent professional appearance at all times.

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