Thursday, September 8, 2011

Job Interview Questions: How do you ace a job interview?

I was just wondering how you really impress the interviewer when your in a job interview? I thought I did my best at a job interview but she didn't call me or anything. I hope next interview I do better.

10 Biggest Job Interviewing Mistakes

Recommended Answer:
There isn't really a particular thing that you can do to ensure you'll get the job. Interviewers can be vastly different in terms of their personalities and level of experience. Different people will find different things impressive. Some people will focus on your attitude or professionalism, others will not pay attention to anything except the content of your answers.

Many times it is not about whether you did your best - sometimes it has to do with your qualifications, versus the other candidates. If another applicant has more experience, more training, certifications, etc, then there isn't too much you can say in the interview to get the job.

I would suggest you just do what you can to prepare - this means researching the company online, and also practicing with common interview questions and thinking about how you would answer them. Then just be yourself. It's not only about getting an offer, it's about finding a company where you will fit in, and they will value the unique mix of skills and knowledge that you bring to the table.

Job Interview - How Your Body Language Can Affect Your Interview

  • im surprised those other 2 answers didnt mention what is, in my opinion, the most important thing..... interview questions!!! now, i dont mean the questions that they ask you.... no need to prepare for those. i mean, you should prepare a list of questions that YOU can ask to the interviewer. if at the end of the interview they say "do you have any questions?" and you have none, good luck getting hired. asking questions is important for a few reasons. first, it shows that you are truly interested. if you ask questions about the company industry, they will know you have done some research about the related industry. ask some questions about the company history, and also the job that youre being interviewed for. ask about specific tasks, and feel free to share your experiences if they relate to the job at hand. come prepared with a notepad with 10-20 questions on it. really, this makes a HUGE difference and im always surprised to see a question with 4 or 5 answers.... and none of them suggest making a list of questions!!!

    good luck!

  • First impression: Be dressed professionally (suit); give a firm handshake, and exchange business cards.

    Be prepared to answer every question by giving specific examples of how it relates to your experience and/or education.

    Never badmouth a former boss, coworker, or company.

    Don't ask about salary, vacation or benefits. let them bring it up.

    Don't reveal personal information.

  • Confidence is the key. Unless you have the one qualification that they must have and no one else can match. The way to get the confidence is to go on lots of interviews. When you have attended 10, you realize that the interviewer is nervous, too. She doesn't want to make a mistake.

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